Happy ****in' Labor Day! by Michael Moore

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Happy ****in' Labor Day! by Michael Moore

    Michael Moore
    Michael Moore is an Academy-Award winning filmmaker and best-selling author
    September 6th, 2010 7:25 PM


    Happy ****in' Labor Day!

    By Michael Moore

    Dear Rahm Emanuel:

    Happy ****in' Labor Day! I read this week that — according to a new book by Steven Rattner, your administration's former "Car Czar" — during White House meetings about how to save the tens of thousands of jobs that would be lost if GM and Chrysler collapsed, your response was, "**** the UAW!"

    Now, I can't believe you actually said that. Maybe Rattner got confused because you drop a lot of F-bombs, or maybe your assistant was trying to order lunch and you said (to Rattner) "**** you" and then to your assistant "A&W, no fries."

    Or maybe you did mean **** the UAW. If so, let me give you a little ****ing lesson (a lesson I happen to know because my ****ing uncle was in the sit-down strike that founded the ****ing UAW).

    Before there were unions, there was no middle class. Working people didn't get to send their kids to college, few were able to own their own ****ing home, nobody could take a ****ing day off for a funeral or a sick day or they might lose their ****ing job.

    Then working people organized themselves into unions. The bosses and the companies ****ing hated that. In fact, they were often overheard to say, "**** the UAW!!!" That's because the UAW had beaten one of the world's biggest industrial corporations when they won their battle on February 11, 1937, 44 days after they'd taken over the GM factories in Flint. Inspired by their victory, workers struck almost every other ****ing industry, and union after union was born. Had World War II not begun and had FDR not died, there would have been an economic revolution that would have given everyone — everyone — a ****ing decent life.

    Nonetheless labor unions did create a middle class for the majority (even companies that didn't have unions were forced to pay at or near union wages in order to attract a workforce) and that middle class built a great country and a good life. You see, Rahm, when people earn a ****ing good wage, they spend it on stuff, which then creates more good paying jobs, and then the middle class grows ****ing big. Did you know that back when I was a kid if you had a parent making a union wage, only one parent had to work?! And they were home by 3 or 4pm, 5:30 at the latest! We had dinner together! Dad had four weeks paid vacation. We all had free health and dental care. And anyone with decent grades went to college and it didn't ****ing bankrupt them. (And if you ever used the F-word, the nuns would straighten you out in ways that even you couldn't bear to hear about).

    Then a Republican fired all the air traffic controllers, a Democrat gave us NAFTA and millions of jobs were moved overseas (hey, didn't you work in that White House, too? "**** the UAW, baby!"). Unions got scared and beaten down, a frat boy became president and, like a drunk out of control, spent all our ****ing money and our children's money, too. ****.

    And now your assistant's grandma has to work at ****ing McDonald's. Ask her for pictures of what the middle class life used to look like. It was effing cool! I'll bet grandma doesn't say "**** the UAW!"

    Hey, don't get me wrong, Rahm. I ****ing like you. You single-handedly got the House returned to the Dems in 2006. But you and your boss better do something ****ing quick to put people back to work. How 'bout making it a crime to take an American job and move it out of the country? In other words, treat it as if It were a ****ing national treasure like you would if someone stole the Declaration of Independence out of the National Archives or some poacher stole eggs out of the nest of an America bald eagle.

    Or how 'bout arresting some of those Wall Street guys who ****ing stole our money, the money that ran the American economy. Now that would take some ****ing guts.

    And maybe, just maybe, that one act of real guts might save your ass come November 2nd.

    Oh, I can just hear you now: "**** Michael Moore!" No problem. But **** the UAW? How 'bout if I just leave off the ‘A’ and the ‘W’?

    Michael Moore

    P.S. I'd like to pass on something that Rep. Alan Grayson wrote today:
    Here is what Robert Kennedy had to say on Labor Day, 42 years ago:
    "Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product ... if we should judge America by that - counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage.
    "It counts special locks for our doors and the jails for those who break them. It counts the destruction of our redwoods and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl. It counts napalm and the cost of a nuclear warhead, and armored cars for police who fight riots in our streets. It counts Whitman's rifle and Speck's knife, and the television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children.
    "Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it tells us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans."
    When Robert Kennedy said these words, the unemployment rate in America was 3.7%. Today, it is almost three times as high. Too many of our working brothers and sisters are out of work, thanks to over a decade of economic mismanagement. 10% of us are unemployed, and the other 90% work like dogs to try to avoid joining them. Which is just what the bosses want.
    But it doesn't have to be that way. I look forward to a Labor Day where every worker has a job, every worker has a pension, every worker has paid vacations, and every worker has the health care to enjoy life. Our Republican opponents call that France. I call it America, an America that is Number One.
    Not #1 in wasted military expenditures.
    Not #1 in number of foreign countries occupied.
    Number One in jobs. Number One in health. Number One in education. Number One in happiness.
    As Robert Kennedy famously said, "I dream of things that never were, and ask 'why not?'" Why not? Let's make it happen.
    And then all of us who are Americans, including the ones today who are jobless, homeless, sick and suffering, we all can then say, "I am proud to be an American."
  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    I love snuson! Where else in the world can you log on a semi conservative and heavily libertarian tobacco forum and post an entire Michael Moore column? I will admit that I am a Michael Moore fanatic and have seen all of his movies but I am not sure if I would put an entire column up in a tobacco forum. Snuson is a testament to the freedom of speech! Within reason of course!



    • Joe234
      • Apr 2010
      • 1948

      Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
      I love snuson! Where else in the world can you log on a semi conservative and heavily libertarian tobacco forum and post an entire Michael Moore column? I will admit that I am a Michael Moore fanatic and have seen all of his movies but I am not sure if I would put an entire column up in a tobacco forum. Snuson is a testament to the freedom of speech! Within reason of course!

      We have left wingers here too. And a few Anarchists. They tend to lay low
      until they are needed.

      Remember our snus comes from the socialist country of Sweden.

      Socialist Party of Sweden


      • WickedKitchen
        • Nov 2009
        • 2528

        **** the UAW.

        C'mon...perhaps the inception of this union business (not singling out the UAW or any other union for that matter) was good and it all works out well on paper, but in practice...especially what it has become, is despicable. My parents were both union members too...and I still say eff the unions. That being said, you'll never see me owning a foreign car in my adult years but the unions have nary a thing to do with it.

        Sure, wall street is well deserving of a smackdown, but how about the sellout to China? How about refinancing the National Debt...I guess under the guise of balancing the budget it's ok...now we do it with our houses and borrow more money from China. American greed is running this country into the ground. I'm not talking politics with this paragraph...just the American mindset.

        The RFK part was cool, and so was Bowling for Columbine.


        • Bigblue1
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2008
          • 3923

          Unions are such a effed up issue. When they did what they were suppose to do they were great. As WK said, My father was a union man as well . They are no longer about the working man or the working class. They are basically extensions of the Democratic Party. They essentially have been broken. And I would guarantee non-union autoworkers around this country, making toyotas, hundais, nissans and kias are more than happy working for well capitalized companies at well paying jobs that there not afraid of losing tomorrow. It's a complex issue, but the fact is the Unions are broken, and receiving preferential government treatment at this point, Because they are such large political donors. They are as big a part of big government as anything else at this point......


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
            I love snuson! Where else in the world can you log on a semi conservative and heavily libertarian tobacco forum and post an entire Michael Moore column? I will admit that I am a Michael Moore fanatic and have seen all of his movies but I am not sure if I would put an entire column up in a tobacco forum. Snuson is a testament to the freedom of speech! Within reason of course!


            I hate michael moore but this speech/letter is on the money. The middle class is what makes a nation, and also most people tend to be in the middle class, so by having a decent one, most americans win.

            Bravo mr moore.

            Heres the problem right here:

            "Income distribution in the United States is more unequal than in Guyana, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and roughly on par with Uruguay, Argentina, and Ecuador."


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
              Unions are such a effed up issue. When they did what they were suppose to do they were great. As WK said, My father was a union man as well . They are no longer about the working man or the working class. They are basically extensions of the Democratic Party. They essentially have been broken. And I would guarantee non-union autoworkers around this country, making toyotas, hundais, nissans and kias are more than happy working for well capitalized companies at well paying jobs that there not afraid of losing tomorrow. It's a complex issue, but the fact is the Unions are broken, and receiving preferential government treatment at this point, Because they are such large political donors. They are as big a part of big government as anything else at this point......

              This is also very true. They were great when they were great, but like anything with power they have become corrupt. Now they just play politics and have forgotten about the workers they used to represent. They just cheerlead for the democrats nowadays, they are no longer saving the middle class.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by Joe234
                We have left wingers here too. And a few Anarchists. They tend to lay low
                until they are needed.

                Remember our snus comes from the socialist country of Sweden.

                Socialist Party of Sweden

                I love swedens system (what i know about it anyways). I dont think it would work in america though, thats the problem. Would you agree joe? We could corrupt a turkey sandwich down here, if we give gov that kind of power they will just abuse it. You know this, thats why we constantly have to protest because any time the gov starts feeling froggy, they go start wars or take away our rights. If we had good people running the place like sweden, than socialize me up baby. Till then, gov gets no respect from me.

                Im down for whatever works, and big government has never worked here, so lets stop trying it.


                • snusgetter
                  • May 2010
                  • 10903

                  Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                  This is also very true. They were great when they were great, but like anything with power they have become corrupt. Now they just play politics and have forgotten about the workers they used to represent. They just cheerlead for the democrats nowadays, they are no longer saving the middle class.

                  I have to agree.

                  But the same can be said for just about any movement that starts off with noble intentions, from local initiatives to international actions.

                  Eventually, after a strong foothold has been established, the concerns become more of strengthening the power base rather than dealing with the mundane and less time-consuming functions that brought about the movement in the first place.

                  "Gimme gimme gimme more!!" seems to be the endless cry of the reformer with power. Maybe this is nothing more* than human nature manifesting itself to the extreme.

                  "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it." --William Pitt

                  * (no pun intended)


                  • Joe234
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1948



                    • WickedKitchen
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 2528

                      There's the freakin' problem right there...Manufactured in the Philippines...manufactured in the Dominican Republic.

                      I've found most of my clothes are now made in America. They are generally of better quality and last longer and they're certainly more expensive. Even my socks are made in the USA (I checked when I bought them). Problem is people want SEVEN shirts instead of three.
                      People want to give gifts for everything too. WTF is up with that? The ideology has changed 'cos the gifts are so cheap now. People come over my house to visit and they want to bring my kids a gift. Why? 'cos it's cheap and nice but they're (and if we allow it, We are) training our kids that this is the right way to live. We usually head this off at the pass, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Last year when my daughter was 5 she asked me if EVERYTHING was made in China. She always reads where things are made and will seek it out on every item...gee, I wonder where she gets that from. That was a breaking point for me with the gifts and the crap people buy. People bitch about sweatshops but they keep buying the shit. It's the same thing with professional sports...the ticket prices are outrageous but the stadiums are sold out time and time again. I have no sympathy.

                      That being said US snus is well...umm...crap but I have tried it.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Sweden's socialism would not work in the USA, because the people are different. The US's brand of socialism is welfare ghetto handouts, which has created a large crime ridden, valueless mass of no-class, which only seeks free handouts, and a sense of entitlement, and no respect for their community. I can't imagine it being like that in Sweden. Doesn't Sweden have a sense of national pride, a care about their fellows and community? Does Sweden have filth, drug, and gang strewn streets, and muliple murders and holdups everyday? How many murders a day does Sweden have? How much free welfare and ghetto housing does Sweden have? From what I see from European socialist countries, like Sweden, and Denmark, it looks so nice, but they have a different class of people, and they don't seem to have a liberal welfare socialism, but more a national socialism. The country that seems to be failing in socialism, is France, because they have turned to an open border welfare ghetto socialism.


                        • truthwolf1
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 2696

                          I think he does a good job with his documentaries but they are very obviously very slanted towards the ultra liberal democrat side. Not sure exactly what that means other then the other side of the coin would be ultra right conservative christians. In his last documentary he barely mentioned anything about Obama and the one's that are running the show now.
                          A lot of this paragraph was in the movie and it is very disturbing but things have changed and we are not going to go back to pensions, job security, 4 week vacations and liveable wages. Whatever you are making now will probably be close to what you will be making in 2015 if your job has not been downsized or globalized.

                          This avid I am a democrat and we will bring back the days of our elders is very much wishful thinking because it was the fault of both parties and he does not get that.

                          Welcome to the NWO


                          • c.nash
                            Banned Users
                            • May 2010
                            • 3511

                            Haha.. I'm not totally against the unions, but I do believe that many corporations can provide better services to their employees without a union, if they so choose to do so.


                            • snusgetter
                              • May 2010
                              • 10903

                              Originally posted by c.nash View Post
                              Haha.. I'm not totally against the unions, but I do believe that many corporations can provide better services to their employees without a union, if they so choose to do so.

                              That's the key reason unions came into being; companies
                              just didn't want to believe that lowly peons had the capacity
                              to band together for their own welfare.

                              It was only a matter of time before many unions had grown
                              in strength and power and then concerned themselves more
                              with self-preservation and power-grabs.

                              In today's economic climate, many unions are facing
                              highly diminished power, kowtowing to their sworn
                              adversaries to stave off extinnction.


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