International Burn-a-Quran Day

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  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    Me likes the way you think shikitohno.


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      There was no deal made to halt Quran burning, Muslim leader says

      September 10, 2010

      • The Rev. Terry Jones says he is rethinking the decision not to burn Qurans
      • Jones says he's planning to meet with Muslim leaders in New York
      • He says he was assured the Islamic center near New York's ground zero will be moved
      • But center developers say no move is planned, and no meeting has been set

      (CNN) -- A Florida Muslim leader is disputing claims by the Rev. Terry Jones that he brokered a deal to get the Islamic center project near New York's ground zero moved if the pastor called off his Quran burning event.

      Imam Muhammad Musri said Jones may have hatched the story about the Islamic center moving to "give himself a reason to call this off."

      Jones "was trying to save face," Musri said Thursday night on CNN's "AC360."

      Musri said he did not tell Jones that the Islamic center project would be moved away from ground zero.

      'He's accusing me of lying to him, which I did not. I was very explicit with him." said Musri, who is with the Islamic Society of Central Florida.

      The disagreement between the two religious figures is the latest twist in the saga about the proposed Quran burning event.

      President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday urged Jones to call off the Saturday event, timed for the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

      Jones said he would call off the event but then seemed to be changing his mind later Thursday. During the afternoon, Jones said he canceled his plan to burn copies of the Quran, based on what he said were assurances that the Islamic center in New York would be moved.

      Late Thursday, Jones said he would "rethink our position" after Musri said he had never given Jones that assurance.

      Jones, leader of the Gainesville, Florida-based Dove World Outreach Center, also announced he will travel Saturday to New York to meet with the religious leader behind the planned center, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, about a new location.

      But that, too, was questioned.

      Rauf and Musri have both said no agreement on a meeting or relocation of the mosque had been reached.

      Wayne Sapp, associate pastor of the small church, said that the Quran burning scheduled for Saturday was postponed until the proposed meeting in New York is confirmed. The church will wait 24 hours to confirm the meeting will take place before making any further decision about the Quran burning, Sapp said.


      Jones' church reportedly has less than 50 members but thanks to all the
      media attention it is now known internationally. If the burning does take
      place as originally planned, media presence will outnumber spectators
      by 9-1... Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'Media Circus'.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        Well, I think it would be a good idea, if he called off the burning, and the mosque moved. What's wrong with that? 2 people planning to do things that are offending most people, they both compromise, and show a result of Christians and Muslims working together for the harmony of the nation and world. This COULD be a big deal, but, it seems the NY Imam said he ain't movin' schit, and the rednecks can suck it! They wouldn't even take Trumps cash, saying it's sharia time now baby!

        If this happend, we can only hope the burning continues. But the sad thing, the Presisdent, and top cronies, take the side of Islamic terrorism over the side of American freedom. Hmmm, maybe Obama is a closet Muslim.

        Oh, and O'reilley made a point last night, Obama spoke out against this Pastor for hurting the muslims feelings, but he refuses to say anything about the Westboro church, and how it offends servicemen and their familiies...... bias here anyone?


        • raptor
          • Oct 2008
          • 753

          No, it's not bias. Obama is treading sharp political lines, if he were to speak out against the Westboro church, he would be lambasted by extremist Christians all around. But I agree, I don't like that Obama doesn't take a stand on anything to avoid being called out.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            Westboro Baptist Church to burn Qurans if Dove doesn't.



            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
              Jones' church reportedly has less than 50 members but thanks to all the
              media attention it is now known internationally. If the burning does take
              place as originally planned, media presence will outnumber spectators
              by 9-1... Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'Media Circus'.

              The media has all agreed they will not cover the burning, even Fox news and CNN say they will not give this guy any coverage if he burns them.

              EDIT: Also, this Jones guy has close ties with the Westboro Baptist Church, they attend and support protests against gays with WBC How did I know that somehow this guy would be friends with the westboro baptist church.


              • snusgetter
                • May 2010
                • 10903

                Not a stranger to controversies...

                Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                Westboro Baptist Church to burn Qurans if Dove doesn't.

                The Westboro Baptist Church Hates Everything
                By Claire Suddath - Friday, Sep. 10, 2010

                The Westboro Baptist Church isn't officially Baptist. The Topeka, Kans., church is actually an unaffiliated congregation run by a pastor named Fred Phelps, whose followers consist largely of members of his extended family. Phelps and his crew are known for their antihomosexual stance and their strong fondness for picketing. Westboro claims to have protested over 40,000 organizations and events (including Mr. Rogers' funeral), but they are most famous for their picketing of U.S. soldiers' funerals.

                In 2006, Albert Snyder, whose son Matthew was killed in Iraq, sued the church over their protest of his son's funeral. During the service, Westboro members reportedly held up signs that said "God Hates the U.S.A." and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers." Snyder won the lawsuit, but the decision was later reversed on appeal. Snyder, with the help of the attorneys general of 48 states and the District of Columbia, has appealed the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. The court is scheduled to consider the case on Oct. 6.

                Westboro Church Says It Will Also Burn the Quran and U.S. flag on 9/11
                September 10, 2010 by Michael Leon

                Westboro Church Sign

                - Madness of the American religious right continues -
                Following the incoherent and contradictory statements Thursday from Terry Jones who threatened to burn Qurans, another rightwing religious extremist from the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas announced it will burn the Quran and U.S. flag on 9/11.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Yah those loons come to protest at soldiers funerals, and hold up signs like the muslims that say "thank god for 9-11" and "death to america". They say the death of soldiers and terrorism is god punishing America for allowing homosexuality. I just cannot believe I live in an age where shit like this is even an issue anymore. I mean we've walked a man on the moon but we can't get rid of this belief that god is constantly out there punishing everyone for everything, since nothing is allowed because all of it is a sin.

                  And I think this pastor Jones is just making shit up at this point. I don't believe for a second that the Imam ever told him he would move the building or that he would meet with him this weekend. He isn't going to cancel his huge, internationally funded project just for some redneck. The guy jones is going to claim the Imam promised him a meeting but then blew him off and use that as an excuse to burn quarans and an example of how Muslims can't be trusted.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    By this guy burnign Quaran's, he is stooping to the level of the Muslims. They always burn bibles and crosses and always harrass their christian neighbors. We should be better than this.

                    Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses (2007)


                    Of course you don't see the international outcry when the "poor" people of Gaza burn christian bibles. But if someone burns a quaran in America in some backwoods church, certainly this must be American Islamophobes. But Muslims burning bibles doesn't make them Christophobes, right? We are the only racist ones because some of us are white, that's how it works now right?

                    I say both sides should burn every religious text they can find, then something will have been accomplished.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      It only matters if it's the Quran that's being burned, because ....................................the Crusades? and Tim McVeigh.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        BREAKING: Tens of thousands of muslims riot in Afghanistan, storming US bases and vowing to destroy US supply lines and kill NATO troops in retalliation for Quaran burning, even though they have ruetinely burned Christian Bibles there in the past. At least one protestor was shot during the rush on the NATO base.

                        A protester against a US pastor's plans to burn copies of the Qur'an is reported to have been shot dead in northern Afghanistan after crowds attacked a Nato base.

                        It happened when thousands of worshippers poured onto the streets after Eid prayers had been held in nearby mosques.

                        The crowd was estimated at around 10,000 people. Some had hurled stones at a Nato base run by Germans, and the protester was shot when troops inside opened fire, Amin Sohail said.

                        Demonstrations against the desecration of Islam's holy book prompted threats of attacks on US bases elsewhere in Afghanistan. Protests were held in Kabul and near the Pakistan border.

                        "If they do this, we will attack American bases and close the highway used by convoys supplying American troops," a cleric called Zahidullah told the Reuters news agency.

                        "If they do this, we will attack American bases and close the highway used by convoys supplying American troops," a cleric called Zahidullah told the Reuters news agency.


                        Why is there such outrage over this? Why are people so dumb and forgetfull? Why do the Muslims always get such special treatment? No one bats an eye when muslims have been burning bibles for years, why all of the sudden is the international community so big on people not burning books? Is it that the Quaran is more important than the bible? Is it that it's okay for Muslims to do it, but if Christians do it somehow it's something worthy of internatioal attention, and tens of thousands of people rioting in the streets, attacking troops and threatening destruction?

                        This is just a sad excuse for a sad people to go out and cause havok. The middle eastern people are like those who live in the ghettos of Los Angeles, they will go out and riot and cause havock any chance they get, over whatever manufactured outrage they can come up with. They constantly threaten to murder (and do murder) people over the smallest of offenses, like drawing a cartoon. The muslims are, by in large, the largest criminal population, the most violent segment of the world population on the planet.

                        I defy anyone on this forum to name a group of people who is quicker to call for people's death than the Muslim community. I defy someone here to note any other segment of world society that routinely runs around causing havok every time they are slightly offended. The people on the left, both on this forum, in the media, and in government are responsible for this because they time and time again give excuses for this violence and endorse the rioters who cause it. They also fuel it. When Muslims do something offensive, they give excuses, but when Americans do something offensive, even all the media and all the politicians create outrage over it and fuel the fire of muslim extremism.

                        I say piss these people off as much as humanly possible.

                        "If they do this, we will attack American bases and close the highway used by convoys supplying American troops,"

                        We should not allow them to make us fear their pittifull attacks. We should storm the cities and put everyone on lockdown, then starve them out for a month or so untill they get back in their place. We cannot allow such an unruly violent people to act in such a childish manner every time they are offended. The amount of violence existing in the muslim community is not only unprecedented, but also unacceptable.

                        Blockade the whole place off and cut the supply lines like the jews do to Gaza. These people have lost their privaledge of eating this month. For each soldier that dies, I propose they line up 10 protesters and shoot them. These people know only violence and nothing else, they only care about themselves and put no value on human life. Treat them like the animals they are.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          This is how Muslims make the USA a Muslim nation under Sharia law. By force of fear. South Park can no longer show it's Muhammed image, or even air the name. Now, we can't uphold our rights in this so-called land of the free and burn a Quran, it's gets condemned by the President, yet why won't he condem the actions of the extremist Muslims? This guy wanted to burn a book, yet the Muslims are actually killing, yet that's fine and OK? Where is the outcry against the Islamic intolerance of others? Why is it ignored, yet this pastor get's international condemnation and death threats? Why does the President only seem to speak, when he is taking the sides of Muslims, yet is silent when it comes to Christian's right, or lives? Why does he call the Bible, the Bible, yet the Koran is the HOLY Koran? Radical Islam is taking over America now, and our Government is facilitating it.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Correct Title of my article should have been: "Stupid ass protesters think it's smart to storm a military installation. The world intelligence has increased after military opens fire."
                            I'm all for protesting the Qur'an burning... hell I'm all for protesting any book burning. But for the FSM's sake don't attack a military encampment, thats just stupid.

                            According to CBS News, some of the protesters broke down the "first perimeter gate" of the base. And apparently it was the Afghan police who opened fire on the protesters, not soldiers.

                            Watch for the manufactured outrage in all the Mosque's after this. they will say "We tried to defend our holy book, and American soldiers shot us!". When in reality, they were being idiots, as per the usual, and stormed a military base, breaking down gates and rushing the place witha crowd of 10,000 people.

                            In our forward operating bases, the forward observers would always have danger close fire missions already established with the gun trained on the target and loaded incase of something like this happened. That way, in the event of a large force (mob, insurgents etc) trying to storm the base, the coordinates are already loaded into the guns and we could just fire a few vollies of mortar or artillery rounds and easily take out the whole crowd of people before they got in. Why do our forces allow this? I wonder what base got stormed and what unit was operating it.


                            • shikitohno
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 1156

                              I defy anyone on this forum to name a group of people who is quicker to call for people's death than the Muslim community. I defy someone here to note any other segment of world society that routinely runs around causing havok every time they are slightly offended. The people on the left, both on this forum, in the media, and in government are responsible for this because they time and time again give excuses for this violence and endorse the rioters who cause it. They also fuel it. When Muslims do something offensive, they give excuses, but when Americans do something offensive, even all the media and all the politicians create outrage over it and fuel the fire of muslim extremism.

                              Oh, I don't know, that certain portion of the US black population buys every word Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton say? They are definitely a small part of the black population, but if a black guy sneezes and a white guy doesn't say "bless you." those two will call a press conference to shout "Down with the white oppressahs!"


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Originally posted by shikitohno View Post

                                Oh, I don't know, that certain portion of the US black population buys every word Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton say? They are definitely a small part of the black population, but if a black guy sneezes and a white guy doesn't say "bless you." those two will call a press conference to shout "Down with the white oppressahs!"

                                This is very true, though the ghetto population is reletively small in America. Never do you see 10,000 gang bangers out on the streets storming military bases and shit. I would equate most of these more radical Islamic countries with our ghettos. They riot at every chance they get, have little to no education, are always either killing each other or blaming some evil oppressor for their woes etc etc.

                                And as always, the left makes excuses for both of those groups. When gang bangers go murder some family or shoot a little girl in a drive-by, it is of course blamed on the evil white capitalists who hold them down and oppress them. Same with muslims, any time muslims go out and kill a bunch of people, it is surely all the wests fault, since we held their hand and made them kill those villagers for not having the appropriate beard size or stone their women for adultry. Can you imagine that the women in our ghettos have more rights and are treated better than a large segment of the islamic world? It's insane how backward some of these people are.

                                *disclaimer: Not all muslim countries are this way. Only most of them.


                                "...protesters broke down the first perimeter gate surrounding the base and beat Afghan security guards and police on duty with sticks. The police fired warning shots in the air before allegedly receiving fire from the direction of the crowd."


                                Can you imagine 10,000 christians getting together and attacking a military base because someone talked about burning a bible? That pastor is so dead. The guy in Denmark had someone break into his house with a ****ing machete, and all he did was draw a silly cartoon. If I were that pastor, I would get the **** off the planet, ASAP.

                                And no koran has yet been damaged let alone burnt. Muslims are the universal trolling champions.

