This guy is going around and purposely suing businesses? I would definitely look into a free consultation and/or 'leak' your story to the news media as a warning to other business owners and maybe even earn supporters. Surely a free consult could tell you what all info you could legally pass on to the media. Put this guy out of business!
Can anyone give me some legal advice? I am being sued
If this is the same guy I have heard of, good luck. He was a lawyer and knows what he is doing. He's even filed against every business in a small town. Even though the businesses grouped together against him, most still ended up paying the guy. The cost he chooses is intentionally low enough for most business to cover and the cost of fighting him will be more. He banks on business paying him off. I'd talk to other business and lawyers in your area and see if they are willing to stand up to this guy on principle, otherwise, it will be easier and cheaper just to pay him.
Wow great comments everyone, thank you all so much. The guy did pay us, he only came 4 times, and they are all mentioned in the lawsuit. He planned this from the get-go, he did everything perfect, he is no doubt either a lawyer or being coached by one. Doubt hes a lawyer cause he looks like a bumb though.
Additionally, i cant talk to him because he is represented by an attorney, so i can only talk to his lawyer, and the lawyer just wants money.
I am going to try to find a free consult this week, and then i am getting right to building PP's magnet handicapped harrasment machine lol.
This is in fact racketeering, but the ADA has no other regulation, other than handicapped people can sue for whatever they want and win pretty much. The thing is that all the businesses are owned by immegrants and they dont want to do anything too high profile, they just stick to their own and pay the guy, which is why this guy is still doing it. He knows they will settlement of court. But to fight this guy would take years and thousands we dont have. The last guy in the city who did that ended up loosing after 2 years and ended up having to pay $50k plus lawyer fees. Its almost impossible to win.
Originally posted by Snusdog View PostDid the guy ever pay you for the food you brought him?
Counter sue him for 10K including food cost, late payment fees, loss of business due to nonpaying vagrants begging for food, mental duress from harassment and attempted extortion. Join with the other businesses that have been sued and press charges against the man AND his lawyer for racketeering. Join forces and hirer a PI to look into the legal practice of the man's council. You are looking for any reason (any dubious activity- this type of case being a prime example) to petition the CA bar association to begin disbarment proceedings against the guy's lawyer.
Instruct your lawyer to bury this guy in so much legal paper work that the cost of pursuit becomes astronomical.
I am a spitefull bastard. If i had the funds, i would make this guy pay like a choir boy in the popes chamber. Unfortunately i dont. CA is so anti-business its rediculous.
Why would we want to not serve a customer? Its money, its why were in business. We are installing the ramp but its $6,000. The guy will probably find something else. Almost no business is ever in full compliance, no matter how hard they try. its made to be impossible so a handicapped person can sue at any time for any reason if you piss them off.
Like most civil rights laws, it is overreaching and just makes a big deal out of everything. It should allow for a 90 day period to fix the problem once a complaint is filed. We are more than happy to accomidate any of the 2.5 million handicapped people in CA.
It costs money but you can have a lawyer answer your questions at
I use this website for different stuff sometimes and you don't have to pay unless your satisfied with the answer.
I and my company has been sued before. Once i got sued for $127,000,000 and i am not bsing either. i won't go into details but it went on for two years. never went to court and cost me a zillion dollars in attorney fees and settlement cost.
when i first started dealing with the courts i thought just like some of the posters here. forget what you think you know about the law and getting sued. forget what they do on tv and how justice always wins out. that stuff is for law virgins, morons, and children. Believe me, the usa court system does not work the way you think it does.
i am not an attorney.... but i have paid them a lot of money.
First off, you are going to pay one way or another PERIOD end of story.
You will NOT explain to a judge anything until you have paid out your nose to an attorney first. Unless the guy just drops the case and from him suing all those others he won't be doing that.
You live in the absolute worst state in the united states of america to get sued in. It don't matter if you was the pope and married to mother teresa and had perry mason for your attorney AND had video tapes of this guy walking around and dancing. If all that was true you would still pay out your nose if you wanted to go to trial and then you would lose.
Run, don't walk to an attorney and expect to put up a retainer in this case of at least $3000. First thing try to get the atterney to settle with the guy for like $2000. Make sure the settlement includes anything related to this case. iow, he takes the money and he cant sue you for the days he was put out. He will reject the $2000 and counter offer you $3000-$5000 and you take it as soon as possible. The sooner you take his offer the less money you have to pay an attorney.
if you are truly broke and figure on getting out of it that way expect to close your shop.
Sorry for the dark news but it's just the truth.
The sooner you put this away the less money overall it will cost you. Forget being "wrong" or what people will think because this is just our reality. people do not and cannot understand until they go through it. Getting sued by someone just trying to get money and you have not done anything or have not hurt anyone feels like getting raped. Bend over and get it over with as fast as you can :-(
if it is worth anything, i feel for you and will pray for you.
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