Obama OK's Torture, Stops Court Case because of "National Security"

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Obama OK's Torture, Stops Court Case because of "National Security"

    Sound familiar? Another devestating blow to civil libertarians.

    US court rejects Binyam Mohamed torture case

    British resident cannot sue firm for allegedly flying terror suspects abroad for CIA because of 'national security concerns'

    A US court has narrowly ruled that Binyam Mohamed, the British resident secretly rendered to Morocco by the CIA before being held in the Guantánamo Bay prison camp for four years, cannot sue over his alleged torture in overseas prisons because it would compromise national security.

    Mohamed was the lead plaintiff in a case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of five former prisoners who claim they were tortured after being transferred to other countries through the CIA's extraordinary rendition programme.

    They are fighting for the right to sue Jeppesen Dataplan, a Boeing subsidiary accused of arranging flights for the CIA.

    A US court ruled last year that the case could proceed, but the Obama administration appealed and yesterday the court of appeals for the ninth circuit dismissed the case – although the judges were divided by six to five on the decision.

    Judge Raymond Fisher said the majority had "reluctantly" concluded that "legitimate national security concerns" meant the case should not be heard.

    Although the alleged offences were committed under the Bush government, the decision is a victory for the Obama's administration's aggressive efforts to prevent anything it believes would jeopardise national security reaching the public domain. Earlier this year, after a British court ordered disclosure of a seven-paragraph summary of classified CIA information showing what British agents knew of Mohamed's torture, the White House said it was "deeply disappointed" by the ruling and it could have an impact on intelligence-sharing between the countries.

    "Permitting the executive to police its own errors and determine the remedy dispensed would not only deprive the judiciary of its role, but also deprive plaintiffs of a fair assessment of their claims by a neutral arbiter."

    Mohamed was detained in 2002 in Pakistan, where he was questioned incommunicado by an MI5 officer. The US flew him to Morocco, where he was subjected to more prolonged and brutal torture, including the repeated slashing of his genitals with a razor blade. He was then rendered to Afghanistan and finally Guantánamo. He was released and returned to Britain in February last year.

    Not only is torture still alive under Obama, but he has lied to us yet again as now torture victims from the Bush era will not get their day in court. Again we see the administration using the "state secrets" BS to shut down due process.

    Americans: The government can rendition you to another country, torture you, and if they find out you were innocent, send you home, and you cannot legally do anything about it. You will not even be granted a court case. Both the democrats and the republicans support this injustice and fight to defend their right to deny you justice. Then, to spit in your face, when you turn on the nightly news, Obama will be there given a speech about how he doesn't support torture or using "state secrets" to stop court cases, and claim that he has stopped torture by the US.

    When the government can disapear you in the night without a warrant or any evidence agains you, then torture you for years, our country is screwed. But when this happens and they then deny you your right to trial, the republic is lost. It does not matter that this guy was from the UK, it has happened to Americans too.
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Obama is already a million times worse than Bush.


    • raptor
      • Oct 2008
      • 753

      Yes, Obama sucks. This would have happened regardless of who's in office.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by raptor View Post
        Yes, Obama sucks. This would have happened regardless of who's in office.

        Of course it would. This crazy backroom secret shit they do seems to be above the heads of even the president or congress. I mean the fact that someone can come in an completely circumvent the judicial process AND congress, and pretty much do whatever they want is appauling to say the least. This is litterally the kind of shit that was precursor to nazi germany. I know it's a tired cliche but it is very relevent to our situation right now. Poverty is setting in, the economy is stagnant, lots of political dissent , the courts aren't always doing what the leaders want, the nation is becoming divided and one group is blaming another. I mean we've seen all this shit before and how it plays out.

        All these little special powers they have voted for themselves over the years may someday soon be used. All these state secrets and shit are being used to deny people their day in court. The ability to capture, detail and torture political dissidents without rhyme, reason, or recourse is how oppresion always starts. Right now they are using it on those they deem to be combatants or terrorists, but all these words are interchangeable. Protesters could soon be considered national security threats, people who speak out on the internet may have their websites shut down or their computers siezed (as we have already seen happen), and all in all we may have finally signed away our last rights during this whole war on terror thing.

        The government can now, without any reason, evidence, or warrant, come pick you up, detain, deport, and torture you indefinately, then when they let you back on the streets there is no one you can call to help you. No police, no lawyer, no congress, and no president will have your back as an america citizen.


        • dEFinitionofEPIC
          • Apr 2009
          • 146

          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
          All these little special powers they have voted for themselves over the years may someday soon be used. All these state secrets and shit are being used to deny people their day in court. The ability to capture, detail and torture political dissidents without rhyme, reason, or recourse is how oppresion always starts. Right now they are using it on those they deem to be combatants or terrorists, but all these words are interchangeable. Protesters could soon be considered national security threats, people who speak out on the internet may have their websites shut down or their computers siezed (as we have already seen happen), and all in all we may have finally signed away our last rights during this whole war on terror thing.The government can now, without any reason, evidence, or warrant, come pick you up, detain, deport, and torture you indefinately, then when they let you back on the streets there is no one you can call to help you. No police, no lawyer, no congress, and no president will have your back as an america citizen.
          spot on sgreger..... scary isn't it?


          • raptor
            • Oct 2008
            • 753

            I completely agree, sgreger. At this point there is no picking sides, no matter blue, red, black or white. As Americans we've been lulled into creating this abomination and I fear for what our near future brings.


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              When I was a kid my parents use to tell me about Commie Russia and how they use to spy on there citizens, go through their mail, keep tabs on everybody and everything, would not allow certain people to leave the country, would go in and out of people's homes as they please, torture prisoners, falsely imprison citizens with different political views, not allow protesting and kick people out of their homes in the interest of government.


              • raptor
                • Oct 2008
                • 753

                This is hardly a communist scenario.

                Communist and fascist regimes, both on opposite ends of the political spectrum, can be conducted under police states/dictatorships. The Nazis did similar things as the Soviets. While we still have the guise of a democratic republic, we are approaching what could be considered a police state. Fortunately we have the capability to stop it before it's too late, but both parties are perfectly OK with civil liberties being stripped, especially if the victim is a Muslim.


                • Curtisp
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 189

                  Think i'll stock up on more ammo.


                  • Premium Parrots
                    Super Moderators
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9759

                    Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                    When I was a kid my parents use to tell me about Commie Russia and how they use to spy on there citizens, go through their mail, keep tabs on everybody and everything, would not allow certain people to leave the country, would go in and out of people's homes as they please, torture prisoners, falsely imprison citizens with different political views, not allow protesting and kick people out of their homes in the interest of government.
                    wait........thats the future of America
                    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                    • raptor
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 753

                      That's a good idea. Everyone who doesn't have a gun should.


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