Selective enough to even defend fundamentalist (polygamist) mormons.
Im not a cop because i hate dealing with people like this. I would hate dealing with idiots protesting homosexuals and i would hate dealing with the idiots who stand outside with "**** religion" signs. They are all the same kind of idiot, both just trying to make an equally stupid point and trying to piss people off and create conflict on purpose.
The aclu took 1 case for that mormon. They traditionally will not help most right wing people, i can make you a short (or long) list if you like. They only defend their own people. They wont defend the right to speech of the guy who wants to protest homosexuals but they will defend the opposition. Im just saying, they dont actually stand for protecting civil liberties, they are strictly a political strong arm organization. They are like the lawyers for scientology, only there to protect their own and no one else.
This guy is right in everything he said, as i previously mentioned. And i would not hastle himif i were a cop. But cops have their marching orders too. They get a bunch of complaints and someone has to get the crappy job of going out and resolving the situation.
This is what i was talking about earlier, when people do shit on purpose to try and get noticed by cops and then go on and on about their rights and play the whole armchair lawyer thing.
Everyone has the right to peacefully assemble and/or express their beliefs in a public venue given: They are not on the property of a private citizen/entity without consent (which he was on city easement, no issues there). And as long as the speech does not constitute a threat of bodily harm or incite violence, you are welcome to do so. If people begin to riot in counter-protest then it becomes an issue of public safety and everyone has got to go.
I did not see any violations in this video. This guy was actually fairly cordial (smug...but cordial) compared to the types of protesters I usually encounter. I've also been bothered by a few of the laws in my municipality where it is an arrestable offense to use profanity or to defile/desecrate/blaspheme a religion of the majority. These are unconstitutional local ordinances if you ask me, and I do not enforce them and try to turn a blind eye. If any of these people who were arrested for using profanity in public would push their case to a higher court it would be overturned.
Touche good sir. But they did it in a lessy whinney/complainy douche voice.
In case it is not overwhelmingly clear: I support all types of civil disobedience, protest etc, and this guy is making a very valid point. He is completely correct in this scenario. The cop however was just responding to a complaint. While justice should prevail, police work is human as well so sometimes they just want the problem to go away so they don't have to deal with it. hence "Gtfo out of here and go somewhere else, to someone elses jurisdiction".
This guy is exactly the kind of deuche i would hate dealing with if i was a cop. This is what i was talking about earlier, when people do shit on purpose to try and get noticed by cops and then go on and on about their rights and play the whole armchair lawyer thing.
The guy is of course completely correct in everything he said, but it doesnt change the fact that i hate smug bastards like him. Funny sign though lol. Hes right, how is what he doing any less protected than when christians hold "kill the fags" rallies?
But god i hate aclu types. They are very selective in whos american civil liberties they are willing to defend.
Missing from the video is the church this guy is protesting outside of, it isn't some small community church.
It's Christ Community Church (Camp Hill, PA), they have an operating budget of $3 million dollars a year, I don't know if that qualifies them as a megachurch or not.
It's one of those formula non-demoninational churches, where people are slain in the spirit, complete with youth ministries, faith healing services and they seem to like Focus on The Family a lot.
They probably have done more than enough to deserve this guys wrath.
While I love the idea, I am somewhat torn on it because of one factor:
Having recording of every second an officer is on duty essentially removes their ability to exercise discretion in situations. I know we always hear about the times that an officer has done something terrible, but how about those times when they caught someone doing something, and instead of arresting them gave them a warning and told them to go home. Constant supervision would mean they would basically need to arrest for everything that could be an arrestable offense, but there are ways around that.
While I love the idea, I am somewhat torn on it because of one factor:
Having recording of every second an officer is on duty essentially removes their ability to exercise discretion in situations. I know we always hear about the times that an officer has done something terrible, but how about those times when they caught someone doing something, and instead of arresting them gave them a warning and told them to go home. Constant supervision would mean they would basically need to arrest for everything that could be an arrestable offense, but there are ways around that.
Some departments use an audio/video system that is activated whenever the lights or siren is activated, or if the vehicle exceeds a certain speed. There is also policies in effect in some departments which require the system to be activated given the nature of the call. Cops actually like this feature because it minimizes lawsuits. We have had many a lawsuit filed, but when the video was produced, the person retracted their statement and was charged with false report of a crime.
The biggest problem with recording 24/7 is the amount of hard drive space available on a department's server. It may vary from software to software, but the one we utilize now (which is only turned on during certain situations) has already overloaded our server and they had to backtrack through the archives and start deleting events which were not marked as protected. The in-car units are actually recording all the time so that if it is activated it will start the recorded sequence one minute prior to it's actual activation. But these in-car units can only hold so much data, so at the end of each shift the unit is brought back to the department where the data is dumped onto the server. But like I said, the server can only hold so much. Logistically and finacially it's just not feasable to record 24/7. At least in our situation.
Yeah, I was at a loss for around 3 hours --- actually went outside to
interact but that was more boring than staring at a blank screen.
At first I thought it was my connection but SNUSON was the only
site that was inaccessible.
I know, I know...
Pretty much still looking to get a life!!
You know, I felt a little lost myself. It was then that I realized my addiction. This site should come with a warning label. "This forum is not a safe alternative to Facebook."
Missing from the video is the church this guy is protesting outside of, it isn't some small community church.
It's Christ Community Church (Camp Hill, PA), they have an operating budget of $3 million dollars a year, I don't know if that qualifies them as a megachurch or not.
It's one of those formula non-demoninational churches, where people are slain in the spirit, complete with youth ministries, faith healing services and they seem to like Focus on The Family a lot.
They probably have done more than enough to deserve this guys wrath.
This is why I don't understand why churches get tax breaks. These people ain't broke, and any tax break for them being a religion is equivalent to gov subsidizing religion, which is a no-no. I am not defending the church at all, I was just stating my personal opinion that while I like civil disobedience and people who are knowldgeable of and willing to openly exercise their rights etc, this guy was being a complainy little deuche and I stand by that. Doesn't mean he was wrong in anything he did. The whole "I already had one cop have to apologize to me and the mayor too! You'll be sorry!". I like the Rosa Parks style, she just sat there and made them forcibly remove her.
Good article if you have time to read it. I agree with most of it except that I think that conservatives in power use issues like abortion, gay marriage,...
Ill keep it brief. I have served in the Air Force, and I am currently employed in law enforcement. Seeing the way that our world and society are evolving,...