What would you change if you were in charge?

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    What would you change if you were in charge?

    Americans are really confident in ... nobody

    WASHINGTON — Glum and distrusting, a majority of Americans today are very confident in — nobody.

    Of what confidence there is in institutions, the military and small business are at the top in an Associated Press-National Constitution Center poll released Thursday. But even they get very-confident or better ratings from well under half the people.

    Blogs, banks and Congress get the most distrust.

    What would people change if they were in charge? The poll found growing sentiment for legal protections for same-sex couples, with 58 percent saying they should have the same government benefits as married heterosexuals and nearly as many backing federal recognition of gay marriage. Respondents overwhelmingly opposed a stronger federal hand in two other areas: enhancing presidential powers to bolster the economy and requiring people to buy health insurance, as this year's health care overhaul law does.

    Out of 18 fixtures on the American scene, none won the strong faith of even half the country. The military did best with 43 percent saying they are extremely or very confident in it, and small business and science were the only others to garner solid trust from at least 3 in 10 people.

    On the flip side, 54 percent said they have little or no confidence in blogs and other citizen media, 52 percent said the same about banks and financial firms and 49 percent said so about Congress.

    The survey, conducted last month, conforms with others detecting a general glumness as this fall's congressional elections approach. While analysts say the discontent is largely fed by the prolonged economic downturn, the AP-NCC poll suggests a broader angst, with public confidence lagging in many of society's pillars.

    Asked about their trust in people running major institutions, 39 percent said they are extremely or very confident in small and local business leaders, close to the military's mark. Then came the scientific community at 30 percent. Organized religion was next at 18 percent.

    On the other extreme, about one in four said they have absolutely no confidence in Congress, banks, the federal government, blogs and organized labor.

    Republicans most trust the military, followed by small business and religion. Democrats prefer science, small business, then the military. Just one in five Republicans expressed strong confidence in science, about the same proportion of Democrats who said so about religion. Only 10 percent of Republicans expressed strong confidence in state governments, despite frequent GOP demands that Washington cede more power to the states.

    Just 10 percent of Democrats voiced strong trust in Congress, even though their party controls it.

    The print and broadcast media were strongly trusted by just 13 percent, only slightly more than the 8 percent with faith in blogs. Those under age 30 were far likelier than older people to voice confidence in what they read.

    Other polls have shown a steady decline in recent years in the confidence that people have in major institutions.


    Blogs? Didn't think the general populace even knew what blogs are!

  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    theres only one answer.

    the person in charge, of course
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      If I was in charge? I'd disband congress, suspend the Constitution, clear house, and declare a monarchy. If things are going better in a couple of decades we can talk about bringing the Constitution back with a representative republic. It would be old style, pre Civil War type government.


      • raptor
        • Oct 2008
        • 753

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        If I was in charge? I'd disband congress, suspend the Constitution, clear house, and declare a monarchy. If things are going better in a couple of decades we can talk about bringing the Constitution back with a representative republic. It would be old style, pre Civil War type government.
        I actually agree. A couple of decades of benevolent dictatorship would be a good solution to our stagnant federal system, with the promise that the representative democracy would come back once things are fixed.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          I would do like Lx. Shape it from the ground up. This country was born as a result of oppression and a desire to build something better. Things are too good now, people no longer are oppressed or wish to build something better. We need to fi d our roots.

          Oh, and i would stimulate the economy by eliminating tax on alcohol and declaring every weekend a 3 day weekend. Consumer spending on beer will skyrocket and the money will flow once again. Beer will save humanity yet again and all will be well.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by raptor View Post
            I actually agree. A couple of decades of benevolent dictatorship would be a good solution to our stagnant federal system, with the promise that the representative democracy would come back once things are fixed.
            Democracy only works for a while. Once people learn they can lobby the congress to give them money, and once congress realizes it can get votes by giving out money, everything is finished. We need to invent something new, the next step in social evolution. No clue what that is.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              If I had the power to change ONE thing in the USA, it would be to make the nation's goal, to become self-sufficient, and the 1st thing I'd do, which I believe would solve most all our problems, is halt all job exports, and drastically limit goods imports.


              • dEFinitionofEPIC
                • Apr 2009
                • 146

                Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                If I had the power to change ONE thing in the USA, it would be to make the nation's goal, to become self-sufficient, and the 1st thing I'd do, which I believe would solve most all our problems, is halt all job exports, and drastically limit goods imports.
                +1 I agree completely. The reason the economy is shot is because corporations have moved so many jobs to other countries. How can a country be economically stable when the import/export ratio is so out of balance? Being self sufficient is what made this country so economically strong. NAFTA and GATT screwed this country big time.


                • bipolarbear1968
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1074

                  Just the opposite of what the "so-called" leaders are doing now. Hell, my greyhounds can run the country better than that...


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by dEFinitionofEPIC View Post
                    +1 I agree completely. The reason the economy is shot is because corporations have moved so many jobs to other countries. How can a country be economically stable when the import/export ratio is so out of balance? Being self sufficient is what made this country so economically strong. NAFTA and GATT screwed this country big time.

                    That's a two way streeet though, that plan may not work out as well as you hoped. While much of the labor is done overseas, and those cheap labor jobs are lost, a lot of the companies still feed into the American economy. If we forced all of our goods and products to be made in the US, they would be too expensive for people in the US or anywhere else to purchase. We would lose to our foreign competition and we would see companies closing down left and right, which would undoubtably affect the economy in a very real way. I think it would be good because we could then balance things out and try to figure out our labor problem, but I just think that cutting it off all at once would have some very bad short term effects. It would effectively halt the consumer market for half the world.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      Sure, you might have to pay more for American made products, over Chinese imports, but if we limited the imports, and made our own stuff, we'd have real jobs, and more money. And the government would make more money, instead of doleing out unbelieveable amounts of welfare and aid. If anything, it would hurt the import makers, because they'd lose our business. I think we have to think America First. These stimulus wastes are a waste because you can't just make up fake jobs, they don't last, and just throw the money away, and leave a bigger hole than what was before it.


                      • dEFinitionofEPIC
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 146

                        Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                        That's a two way streeet though, that plan may not work out as well as you hoped. While much of the labor is done overseas, and those cheap labor jobs are lost, a lot of the companies still feed into the American economy. If we forced all of our goods and products to be made in the US, they would be too expensive for people in the US or anywhere else to purchase. We would lose to our foreign competition and we would see companies closing down left and right, which would undoubtably affect the economy in a very real way. I think it would be good because we could then balance things out and try to figure out our labor problem, but I just think that cutting it off all at once would have some very bad short term effects. It would effectively halt the consumer market for half the world.
                        I see what you're saying... but I think we're in for some "very bad short term effects" anyway.... The economy has been artificially kept alive far too long with no solid foundation......a complete and devastating crash is inevitable imo. But if we get the jobs back here I believe we're setting up for a brighter economic future after the initial (and inevitable imo) devastating effects..... We will create the opportunity for lasting growth and the ability to sustain as a strong economy for many years to come.


                        • raptor
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 753

                          If executives and CEOs can handle pay cuts which will still bring them more than enough money to live very comfortably so that American workers can be paid more than minimum wage, an isolationist policy might work and not ruin companies. Of course these wealthy people are going to bitch, but I'm sure people can be found to do the same job for 100-200k a year rather than ridiculous CEO salaries these days.

                          The question is, will they be willing to do that themselves (capitalism) or will the government need to step in and dictate wages (communism)? Personally unless some drastic measures/laws are passed, the high tier businessmen will do everything to keep their inflated salaries.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            This is why National Socialism is the most effective economic system.


                            • truthwolf1
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 2696

                              Exit the middle east and leave some engineers to rebuild infastructure in exchange for cheap oil.

                              Use whatever troops are needed from the exit to lock down the Southern border.

                              Create a team of universal, unbiased investigators to fully investigate 911.

                              Make a Federal law to abolish Income tax on people making less the $180,000 dollars a year and Property tax on 3 homes or less.

                              Initiate a new fair tax or something similar.

                              Federal law to decriminilize all drugs and legalize a select few.

                              Audit the Fed

                              Health Care system complete overhaul, focusing on outrageous medical costs to bring costs down.

                              Completely revise the welfare system for only people who really need it.

                              Repeal any and everything proven unconstitutional.


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