A rallying cry for the Nov elections

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  • Curtisp
    • Jun 2010
    • 189

    Most politicians, are / were lawyers.. Party affiliation doesn't mean dick. Want real change? Read your candidates resume before you vote. If you see law school grad. Steer clear,(if that's even possible).


    • raptor
      • Oct 2008
      • 753

      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
      Maybe America will be watching more closely and they will call them out on it. Maybe people will wake up and vote for someone, ANYONE, else in the next election. No dems and no reps.
      If Republicans take over Congress and the situation doesn't improve they'll simply cite the previous Democratic Congress as handing them a mess they can't quickly solve.

      Obama leading to highest national debt ever? Never mind Bush undid the debt recovery Clinton did, and started/escalated two wars.

      Politicians are short-sighted and when it favors them, not to mention supporting revisionist views. In my opinion Republicans do this more frequently than the Democrats.


      • truthwolf1
        • Oct 2008
        • 2696

        Originally posted by Curtisp View Post
        Most politicians, are / were lawyers.. Party affiliation doesn't mean dick. Want real change? Read your candidates resume before you vote. If you see law school grad. Steer clear,(if that's even possible).
        On the lower side of local/state positions I fully agree that party affiliation does not matter much. Have seen people switch affiliation at the drop of a hat.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by raptor View Post
          If Republicans take over Congress and the situation doesn't improve they'll simply cite the previous Democratic Congress as handing them a mess they can't quickly solve.

          Obama leading to highest national debt ever? Never mind Bush undid the debt recovery Clinton did, and started/escalated two wars.

          Politicians are short-sighted and when it favors them, not to mention supporting revisionist views. In my opinion Republicans do this more frequently than the Democrats.

          Both parties do it, and both parties voted to escalate the wars. The wars are firmly split 50/50 between the two parties. Neither party, when having the majority, did anything about stopping them, they both voted to fund it every time, and they both supported the war since the first vote.

          Your right, they will blame dems, but will people stand for it this time? Won't they be like "Bro, you guys were just ripping on Obama for saying that?". Probably not, people are too stupid.

          Either way, just letting the dems continue to run the country into a brick wall isn't going to do any better. At least the reps getting elected again so soon after Obama got in we can hope to shake things up. Then once republicans get in we have to rally like crazy against them, untill eventually we get the whole nation pissed enough to establish some sort of viable third party.

          I hate to sounds like an anarchist, but honestly anything that throws a wrench in the system to shake it up is a good thing at this point. I think collapse is inevitable, and i'm young, i've still got time, so bring it on sooner rather than later.


          • raptor
            • Oct 2008
            • 753

            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
            I hate to sounds like an anarchist, but honestly anything that throws a wrench in the system to shake it up is a good thing at this point. I think collapse is inevitable, and i'm young, i've still got time, so bring it on sooner rather than later.
            I agree. Let the conservatives and crazies take over and drive America quickly into a brick wall. The middle class will further erode and wealth inequality will reach Brazil's proportions. There's nothing anarchist about this angle.

            It's unfortunate that landmark legislation like cannabis decriminalization and gay marriage are going to get shafted with a conservative Congress.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by raptor View Post
              I agree. Let the conservatives and crazies take over and drive America quickly into a brick wall. The middle class will further erode and wealth inequality will reach Brazil's proportions. There's nothing anarchist about this angle.

              It's unfortunate that landmark legislation like cannabis decriminalization and gay marriage are going to get shafted with a conservative Congress.

              What's the difference, left wing crazies driving us over the cliff or right wing crazies driving us over the cliff. We're still going off that cliff. Best to collapse the system now and rebuild than drag it on for another decade.

              And exactly what have the dems done that is pro legalisation or pro gay marriage other than talk about it? Obama said he was gonna get the DEA to chill on raiding medical pot growers, but lied about that. And as far as i'm aware, gays can't legally marry in most states still. I don't think congress is going to do much either way.

              I'm saying anything that just causes the system to go into overload and destroy things is what's going to make it better. Voting for either of the two parties will not fix it. Do you truly believe the democrats will help the middle class? Do you believe that demo politicians are not cut from the same rich elitist lawyer cloth that the republicans are? Do corporations not donate to democrats? You are blind if you think the Obama's of the world are going to save the middle class. We're already 2 years in and the middle class is still shit, he still favors corporations over individuals just like the republicans, and hasn't done anything to help the middle class. His HC reform thing helps 1 part of the middle class while hurting another, so to me that's not helping the middle class as a whole.

              At least the republicans are pro business, and frankly I see that as being better for jobs and the economy than the whole robinhood steal from the rich and give to the poor philosophy of the democrats.


              • raptor
                • Oct 2008
                • 753

                By no means do I believe the Democrats are willing to promote progressive legislation (outside of the healthcare bill, of which the only progressive measure of public option was purged early on). We don't have left-wing crazies in Congress (except for Kucinich). They're all corporate panderers.

                Legalization and gay marriage are on their way towards Congress as more states take up the issue and lawsuits challenge bans. It'll get the attention of Congress if the California legalization proposal passes. But with a socially conservative Congress there is no hope of any sort of federal law change.


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