Christine O'Donnell ~ Mice with human brains!

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by raptor View Post
    yep banning masturbation that sure is constitutional
    Cummon, be reasonable here. She never said anything about banning the art of fap. They just dug up a video from 16 years ago when she was younger that showed her with part of a religious group giving the whole abstinence education talk and saying that masturbation is a sin. She never implied that she would force that on anyone, it was just her personal belief.

    I'm sure they could dig up some shit that Obama said once from 20 years ago if he hadn't sealed all of his records. What about his racist anti-american church he attended for most of his adult life? Don't see you guys complaining about that. And even though he obviously agreed with those racist concepts and actually took time out of his day for 20 straight years to go attend sermons on how America needs to be destroyed and how white people are inferior , I don't hear him mandating any of the ideas. I don't care what politicians personal beliefs are, as long as they don't force it on the rest of us.

    I mean i'm sure Obama may like arugula, but that does not mean he is going to violate the constitution and mandate that every sandwich has arugula on it.


    • devilock76
      • Aug 2010
      • 1737

      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
      I mean i'm sure Obama may like arugula, but that does not mean he is going to violate the constitution and mandate that every sandwich has arugula on it.
      No he would just make those who can afford arugula pay for those that can't. And in fact he would fine the people who don't buy arugula to help pay for that system.



      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by devilock76
        No he would just make those who can afford arugula pay for those that can't. And in fact he would fine the people who don't buy arugula to help pay for that system.


        Like in all good science fiction stories, I must throw a paradox into the mix: What if it turned out that arugula was not carbon neutral and that such massive consumption of arugula would accelerate C02 emissions and therefore exacerbate global warming?

        Would the republicans argue that the arugula industry employs thousands and that we must help them by lowering their tax burden? Will they call the president an anti-arugula socialist? Will the "Arugula Party" protest in response to this.
        Will liberals claim that Obama is caving to the republicans by allowing such a blatant environmental disaster to occur, or will they give him a pass and say that it's not his fault and that he is just doing the best he can considering the serious lack of arugula left over from the last administration? Will republicans then campaign on the "we will repeal arugula" platform, and will they win? Will Jimmy Carter claim that he tried passing the popular arugula mandate back when he was president, but that Kenedy got drunk and ****ed it up? And is arugula racist, I mean it looks a lot like collard greens, which is a known soul food. Would Glenn Beck claim Obama is trying to force black food on our white christian sons and daughters, and will the FDA enforce the arugula mandate even if congress does not approve it? Will the supreme court allow arugula distributors to directly fund the political campaigns of pro-arugula candidates, and will the federal reserve bail out the arugula industry in the event of a collapse?

        ^^^^ America, this is what your politics has become.


        • devilock76
          • Aug 2010
          • 1737

          That is funny in how sadly true it is.



          • Curtisp
            • Jun 2010
            • 189

            I just rubbed one out on an arugula salad...


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Curtisp View Post
              I just rubbed one out on an arugula salad...

              Oh you did did you? Well this raises a whole new line of questions.

              Considering Obama was the one who enacted this arugula mandate, it is awefully suspicious that you would decide to fap on an arugula salad. While some may see that as a constitutionally protected form of civil disobedience or protest, I think we know the real reason why you did it: Racism. Think about it, you are busting all over the president's crown jewel of achievement, the arugula mandate, effectively "whitewashing" it, if you will, it with your juices. And why now, why this president? At no point in history do I ever recall hearing of someone splooging on an arugula salad in protest. What is it that is "different" about this president? Hmm? Racist much bro?

              I think that the pro-splooge/anti-arugula movement really has it's ties in racism and that anyone who does not enjoy an arugula salad is inherintly unamerican and is a likely an extremist arugulaphobic pedophile racist.

              And what will the republicans say? I heard that busting in an arugula salad is a sin. If Odonnell get's elected, will she ban the (now common) practice of pleasuring one's self to an arugula salad?


              • raptor
                • Oct 2008
                • 753

                as long as the crazies follow the constitution yep sure I got no problem with their crazy ideology leaking from their various orifices


                • Curtisp
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 189

                  My right to free speech is protected by the Constitution. I can enjoy my arugula salad with the "dressing" of my choice. And O'donnell can toss my salad, if she is so inclined..


                  • Joe234
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1948

                    I'm rooting for a Palin/O'Donnell ticket. That ought to ensure their defeat.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                      I'm rooting for a Palin/O'Donnell ticket. That ought to ensure their defeat.

                      Lol, that would bwe funny.

                      But your signature sucks. I thought tea partiers were the gun toting rednecks, not girly men? The dems have always been the pussies and always will be the whimpy little girls of society. What's funny is that the dems tried for 8 years under bush to start a resistance movement but were never even marginally successfull in accomplishing anything, and yet in 19 months the tea parties emerged out of nowhere against Obama and are now deciding national elections, getting multiple people elected (like the mayor of new york is about to be a tea party candidate). I am actually fascinated that they created a "third party" so quickly and have been so wildly successfull in winning elections against the democrats and republicans (even though they run on the republican ticket). I think their candidates are pretty sucky for the most part, but of course much better than any democrat. I mean if we elected a crackhead tripping on LSD who just walked around the oval office smearing their own feces on the wall they would still accomplish more than the democrats.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        I don't agree with everything, but I support the Tea Party as being the best hope we have.


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          She's right you know:


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