Christine O'Donnell ~ Mice with human brains!

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Christine O'Donnell ~ Mice with human brains!

  • CoderGuy
    • Jul 2009
    • 2679

    See, I was not aware of that. It's important she get elected as we will learn a lot.


    • wadetheblade
      • Jul 2009
      • 572

      ha, ha, ha. And you tea partyers and republicans want her as your leader. You are fools.


      • myuserid
        • Jun 2010
        • 1645

        When did she announce she's running for "leader"?

        And when did that become an office you run for?


        • wadetheblade
          • Jul 2009
          • 572

          Dude, Im not being literal, she just won a primary. And actually on another thread tom and some others feel her and palin would be better as Pres/vice than Obama and Biden.


          • myuserid
            • Jun 2010
            • 1645

            And while Joe is so worried about what O'Donnell is saying, Hillary is giving $50 million of taxpayer money to provide the UN with new stoves.

            If the mice are getting the human brains, it seems that Democrats are getting the mice brains.


            • myuserid
              • Jun 2010
              • 1645

              Originally posted by wadetheblade View Post
              Dude, Im not being literal, she just won a primary. And actually on another thread tom and some others feel her and palin would be better as Pres/vice than Obama and Biden.


              • wadetheblade
                • Jul 2009
                • 572

                It's just not something that someone smart says. Sorry.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by wadetheblade View Post
                  Dude, Im not being literal, she just won a primary. And actually on another thread tom and some others feel her and palin would be better as Pres/vice than Obama and Biden.
                  Originally posted by wadetheblade View Post
                  Dude, Im not being literal, she just won a primary. And actually on another thread tom and some others feel her and palin would be better as Pres/vice than Obama and Biden.

                  No your absolutely correct. Honestly though here's what actually happened imo:

                  People were pissed at establishment. T party for some represents anti-establishment sentiment. So they all voted against the establishment and voted for this person who nobody knew, because they figured she couldn't be any worse and at least they could send a message. BOY WAS THAT WRONG lolololololol. Now the GOP is pissed because the guy who was supposed to be a sure win ended up losing the primary to this nut, and now they are being forced to get behind her in an attempt to not lose it to the dems. This is happening in Alaska now as well, the republican lost the primary to a tea party candidate and is pissed that the GOP has left her out in the cold now, and she is trying to organize a write-in campaign.

                  So I think it was a vote against the estblishment rather than a vote for her. And a lot of this weird stuff about her came out after she already won. She is just doing it for the money and will soon be taken down due to ethics violations anyways since she keeps paying her bills with her campaign money. She is an idiot and will never get elected, but I think the silver lining in all of this is at least people are starting to dislike incumbents and become more anti-establishment.

                  But man, this trick is nutty. Wade, did you see my Odonnel megafail thread? Everything from her saying "If the SS asked me if I was harboring jews in my house I wouldn't lie", to the whole "I used to be a witch" thing and a bunch of others lol. She's like a running joke.


                  • wadetheblade
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 572

                    I did, too funny


                    • rollinred
                      Banned Users
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 115

                      She does have some weird ideas going on in her head, but at least she is still smarter than our President.

                      I would much prefer someone who has nutty views outside the political office than one that thinks there are 57 states. Obama doesn't understand our constitution or how economics work, but seems to be a pretty normal guy outside the office. O'Donnel has crazy outside the office stuff, but she understands the constitution and how economics work.

                      Much prefer the one that at least follows what our constitution is. As long as it's not illegal and she doesn't bring her weirdness into the office then it isn't my business.


                      • raptor
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 753

                        yep banning masturbation that sure is constitutional


                        • rollinred
                          Banned Users
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 115

                          By the way, about the mice with human brains in their body... She really is telling the truth.

                          Her words just made it sound like there are mice that are actually using the brains to function, I bet if Bill let her talk a bit without butting in you would have got the full story...

                          Here ya guys go...

                          There are other studies where they have actually have human brain cells already growing in mice. So yet, they are running around with working human brain cells in their bodies.


                          • Curtisp
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 189

                            I just rubbed one out to her video. Guess the wack off cops will be knockin on the door soon..


                            • rollinred
                              Banned Users
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 115

                              LOL, she has never said she wants to ban masturbation. She just doesn't agree with it. Stop spewing propaganda.


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