What to do with a 14-inch zucchini

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    What to do with a 14-inch zucchini

    Montana woman fends off bear with zucchini

    HELENA, Mont. — A Montana woman fended off a bear trying to muscle its way into her home yesterday by pelting the animal with a zucchini.

    The woman, who declined to be identified, suffered minor scratches and one of her dogs was wounded after tussling with the 200-pound bear.

    The attack happened just after midnight when the woman let her three dogs into the backyard, Missoula County Sheriff’s Lieutenant Rich Maricelli said. Authorities believe the black bear was just 25 yards away, eating apples from a tree.

    Before she knew what was happening, the bear was on top of the dog and batting the collie back and forth, Maricelli said.

    “She kicked the bear with her left leg as hard as she could, and she said she felt like she caught it pretty solidly under the chin,’’ Maricelli said.

    She retreated into the house and tried to close the door, but the bear stuck its head and part of a shoulder in the doorway.

    The woman held onto the door with her right hand. With her left, she reached behind and grabbed a 14-inch zucchini from the counter, Maricelli said.

    She threw the vegetable. It struck the bear on the top of its head and the animal fled.

    A Montana woman hit a 200-pound bear in the head with this zucchini.
    (Missoula County Sheriff via AP)

    See, even wild animals are picky about vegetables!!
  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511

    Why did she have a 14" zucchini? :P


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      'cos the 12" zucchini wasn't quite big enough


      • snusgetter
        • May 2010
        • 10903

        The tape never lies!!


        • desirexe
          • Feb 2008
          • 1170

          Before opening this thread I was thinking someone needed recipe ideas! I am always surprised to hear of black bear attacks just because all the ones I have encountered have been very docile. For example, my son and I recently walked up on a mama black bear with her cub. The Mom just stood up on her hind legs and watched us as we backed away. If that was a Grizzly or Brown Bear, we probably would have been screwed. But, you can never be too safe, next time we go hiking, I'll be sure to pack some zucchinis.


          • snusgetter
            • May 2010
            • 10903

            Originally posted by desirexe View Post
            Before opening this thread I was thinking someone needed recipe ideas! I am always surprised to hear of black bear attacks just because all the ones I have encountered have been very docile. For example, my son and I recently walked up on a mama black bear with her cub. The Mom just stood up on her hind legs and watched us as we backed away. If that was a Grizzly or Brown Bear, we probably would have been screwed. But, you can never be too safe, next time we go hiking, I'll be sure to pack some zucchinis.

            And what you don't use for bear-clubbing you can fry up in a Grizzly cast-iron skillet!!

            BTW, speaking of zucchini recipes:

            Zucchini seems to be the rabbit of vegetables --- they seem to become
            over-abundant pretty quick. Just peel off all the green skin and liquefy
            the white chunks, seed and all, in a blender. When totally pulverized,
            pour into pint or quart containers and freeze. Comes in handy when
            baking cakes, or whatever, when substituted for milk or water. This
            sure came in handy back in the day, especially near the end of the
            season when I couldn't find any more suckers who would take them!!


            • sheilalynn
              • May 2009
              • 1103

              Uh, sorry, thought this was the toy convention thread....never mind :-p


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