Originally posted by NonServiam
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Whoopi Goldberg Moon Denier
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Of course the moon is fake it's a conspiracy by george W. Bush, they say the moon controls tides but we know it's the bush family and one of their doom machines it's all coming together that's how he orchestrated Hurricane Katrina to intentionally make Obama win as part of the master plan which putin, the chinese, and everyone but Glenn beck are in on. Look at the 2 dollar bill and you will understand. Top that
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Originally posted by Jwalker View PostOf course the moon is fake it's a conspiracy by george W. Bush, they say the moon controls tides but we know it's the bush family and one of their doom machines it's all coming together that's how he orchestrated Hurricane Katrina to intentionally make Obama win as part of the master plan which putin, the chinese, and everyone but Glenn beck are in on. Look at the 2 dollar bill and you will understand. Top that
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I thought the tides were controlled by the distance between Micheal Moore and Rosie O'Donnell
Mythbusters did a whole show where they debunked every single moonlanding conspiracy theory... and I mean every one.. After anyone watches the tests they did and still believes the moonlandings are fake then they lack the intelligence to understand the lab results that mythbusters obtained. I am a forensic microbiologist for the state and quite hard to impress but the testing procedures used on the show are air tight and finally put to rest any plausibility to the theory that we didnt land on the moon
Breaking: CNN to air UFOs and Nukes Press Conference Live
September 27th, 2010 10:04 am MTDo you like this story?
According to a post on the September Press Event facebook page attributed to Marilyn Salas, CNN has elected to have live coverage of the UFOs and Nukes Press Conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC.
The press conference brings together witnesses to UFO incursions on United States military bases and nuclear missile launch facilities to reveal to the press the nature of these events.
Capt Robert Salas, said: "The US Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it."
This is a significant press Conference, part of a perfect storm of UFO disclosure that began with Leslie Kean's book UFO's, Military Pilots and Government Officials go on the Record and includes soft disclosure in the form of NBC's The Event, whos plotline involves the disclosure of the reality non-human intelligent life to the public.
The United Nations just yesterday announced that Professor Mazlan Othmanof the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs is tasked with the responsibility to meet with and conduct negotiations with extraterrestrials that might come to this planet.
Check your local CNN channel for live coverage of the UFOs and Nukes press conference and watch for breaking news from this conference during the day.
New Australian footage of Neil Armstrong's moon walk
Tue Sep 28, 5:46 am ET
SYDNEY (AFP) – Long-lost footage of Neil Armstrong descending the ladder of the Apollo 11 lunar module will be screened in public for the first time in Sydney next week, a prominent astronomer told AFP.
The footage runs for a few minutes and is considered to be some of the best footage of the historic 1969 moonwalk, but the film was lost in archives for many years and was badly damaged when found, said John Sarkissian.
It depicts the first few minutes of Armstrong's descent which was recorded in Australia as NASA was still scrambling for a signal, showing a far clearer image than was initially screened worldwide.
Telescopes in remote Australia played a key role in the Apollo 11 mission, including provision of the television signal, after Armstrong decided to attempt the moonwalk early, putting the United States just beyond the horizon.
Sarkissian -- historian and astronomer in charge of the Australian side of the recordings restoration project -- said the unseen minutes were the "best quality of Armstrong descending the ladder."
"NASA were using the Goldstone (California) station signal, which had its settings wrong, but in the signals being received by the Australian stations you can actually see Armstrong."
"In what people have seen before you can barely see Armstrong at all, you can see something black -- that was his leg."
The segment which runs for "just a few minutes" will be screened at the awards night of Australian Geographic magazine next Wednesday, at which Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin will be the chief guest.
"When we heard Buzz was going to be the guest of honour we thought 'what a great opportunity'," Sarkissian said.
The Armstrong footage, which has only previously been seen by Apollo veterans and other members of the astronomy community, would form part of a highlights reel of restored, digitised moonwalk footage at the awards, he added.
There was a "long detective story" involved in the search for the footage and Sarkissian said it took painstaking frame by frame work to shift the material from the deteriorating black and white film to digitial format.
"It was very damaged tape as well, that segment of Armstrong at the beginning," he said.
Digitising the recording was "significant in the space flight history context" allowing it to be preserved and copied for future generations, said Sarkissian.
I would love to believ such a conspiracy but there is just no evidence for it. Saying it "could" have been faked /= faked. There is however an amazing amount of evidence that we did go. Infact, going to the moon is really not that diffiicult at all. My iphone has the computing power necessary to launch a manned mission to mars. It's will power and money that make up the rest of the equation, and we have ran out of both which is why nasa is being tasked to observe global warming and reach out to the muslim world.
We spent less money on the space program during the apollo years than Americans spent on deoderant in those same years. The moon mission was launched with about as much computing power as a texas instruments calculator. My xbox could single handedly fly a man to the moon if configured properly. I see no reason to believe we didn't go.
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