Ex-Air Force Personnel: UFOs Deactivated Nukes - CBS News

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Ex-Air Force Personnel: UFOs Deactivated Nukes - CBS News


    *(CBS) * Whatever the mysterious lights in the sky were, they seemed to have an interest in our nukes.

    One of the more out-of-the-ordinary press conferences held in Washington this week consisted of former Air Force personnel testifying to the existence of UFOs and their ability to neutralize American and Russian nuclear missiles.

    UFO researcher Robert Hastings <http://www.ufohastings.com/> of Albuquerque, N.M., who organized the National Press Club briefing, said more than 120 former service members had told him they'd seen unidentified flying objects near nuclear weapon storage and testing grounds.

    Star & Stripes <http://www.stripes.com/blogs/stripes-central/stripes-central-1.8040/ufo-expert-aliens-cautioning-humans-on-nukes-1.119813> quoted former Air Force Capt. Robert Salas, who was at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana in 1967 when 10 ICMs he was overseeing suddenly became inoperative - at the same time base security informed him of a mysterious red glowing object in the sky.

    Robert Jamison, a retired USAF nuclear missile targeting officer, told of several occasions having to go out and "re-start" missiles that had been deactivated, after UFOs were sighted nearby.

    Similar sightings at nuclear sites in the former Soviet Union and in Britain were related.

    *CBS Affiliate KSWT* describes "Britain's Roswell," a case of unidentified phenomena in December 1980 incident near two Royal Air Force Bases in Suffolk, England.

    Several U.S. Air Force personnel reported seeing a strange metallic object hovering in Rendlesham Forest near RAF Woodbridge, and found three depressions in the ground.

    Speaking at Monday's press briefing, retired USAF Col. Charles Halt said that in December 1980, when he was deputy base commander at RAF Bentwaters, strange lights in the forest were investigated by three patrolmen.

    Halt said they reported approaching a triangular craft, "approximately three meters on a side, dark metallic in appearance with strange markings. They were observing it for a period of time, and then it very quickly and silently vanished at high speed."

    Two nights later, Halt investigated another sighting near the base when he was told by the base commander, "It's back."

    Halt found indentations in the ground, broken branches, and low-level background radiation. He and his team also witnessed various lights moving silently in the sky, of one which was "shedding something like molten metal." Another shined a beam of light down towards them.

    The incidents were never officially explained.

    Several of the ex-servicemembers speaking Monday said when they'd brought their concern of such appearances to superiors, they'd been told it was "top secret" or that it "didn't happen."

    Hastings suggested the presence of such phenomena meant that aliens were monitoring our weapons, and perhaps warning us - "a sign to Washington and Moscow that we are playing with fire," as he was quoted in the Telegraph <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ufo/8029045/Aliens-tried-to-warn-US-and-Russia-they-were-playing-with-fire-during-Cold-War.html>.

    Hastings predicted a "paradigm shift" <http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/09/tinfoil-tuesdays-ufos-neutered-nukes-air-force-officers-claim/#ixzz10peBP2xv> in the mindset of humanity owing to the existence of alien life.

    "Traditional institutions such as religions, governments, other social institutions may be threatened by what is coming. That is just the logical consequence of what is about to occur."

    The U.S. Air Force ended its 22-year-long "Project Blue Book" investigation of UFO sightings after investigating 12,618 sightings; all but 701 were explained, and the reminder categorized as "unidentified" due to sketchy reports, a Pentagon spokesman said in 1997.

    "We cannot substantiate the existence of UFOs, and we are not harboring the remains of UFOs," said Pentagon spokesperson Kenneth Bacon in 1997. "I can't be more clear about it than that."

    *For more info:*
    "UFO Sightings at ICBM Sites and Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas" <http://www.nicap.org/babylon/missile_incidents.htm> by Robert Hastings U.S. Air Force: Project Blue Book <http://www.archives.gov/foia/ufos.html>
  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    I can remember as a kid, we lived in a heavily wooded area and at certain times,
    like clockwork, there would be bright lights over the horizon in the direction of a
    nike bunker installation. The night would be filled with howling dogs. There was
    never any explanation for these incidents and the local paper just ignored them.

    We kids thought all this was cool but parents would bed-check the young-'uns to
    make sure none had been abducted.

    This phenomenon ended once the site was decommissioned.

    Ah, yes, those were the days my friend and we were lucky to have Ike in charge!!!


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      Contact is just around the corner.


      • jamesstew
        • May 2008
        • 1440

        Sorry y'all but despite how fun it is to think you know something that mainstream society doesn't and to imagine that we're not alone here on our fragile space-island there are no aliens monitoring us. I don't doubt that there's extraterrestrial life but think it's silly to think that they have the technology to defy the laws of physics as we know the, or travel in stasis for thousands of years to stick things in asses.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I think they are remnants of a past ongoing civilization from Mars, still inhabiting Mars, maybe underground, on the dark side of the moon, in under ocean bases on Earth, and within the hollow Earth. So they arn't coming here from extreme distances.



          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by jamesstew View Post
            Sorry y'all but despite how fun it is to think you know something that mainstream society doesn't and to imagine that we're not alone here on our fragile space-island there are no aliens monitoring us. I don't doubt that there's extraterrestrial life but think it's silly to think that they have the technology to defy the laws of physics as we know the, or travel in stasis for thousands of years to stick things in asses.
            True, but with all due respect physics may only be a small piece of the puzzle. Science on earth is in it's infancy and we don't really have an explanation for anything at this point, just observations and theories. I'm sure 6,000 years ago if someone said humans would walk on the moon or smash particles together in a giant 7 mile-long tube they would say it's impossible. I leave room for the fact that we don't know everything, and that the basic laws of physics may not be as solid as we believe. We learn new stuff every day, and find things that before seemed impossible.
            We used to think that the speed of light was the universal speed limit. That is until quantum physics came around and we noticed that entangled particles communicate at 10x the speed of light. How is that possible, it's essentially going back in time and recieving the communication before it was sent? Makes no sense but we can observe it, meaning there must be some medium through which things can travel faster than light. I think at some point in the future we will realize that our current understanding of the rules and to what extent they can be bent will change dramatically, just like they have every single time in the past. I doubt this is the exception to the rule.

            That being said, My guess here would be that this was some type of secret aircraft owned by either us or the russians. If there were unknown vehicles going around turning off nukes we would have tried shooting them down. But hey, anything's possible I guess. Kind of a dick move for them to fly all the way here just to turn off our nukes in the middle of a cold war and then not explain what they are doing. They must be commies.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Using straight lines to cover great distances isn't necessarily the only way to travel. There may be some shortcuts we haven't found yet. I do doubt that anybody's watching us though. We really aren't that interesting.


              • visiON
                • Mar 2010
                • 308

                2 light years away, a solar system identical to ours. Except humans evolved a LOT earlier, so it's like us, just 500k years ahead of us. You couldn't imagine what kind of technology they could have and that they could do with it...


                • devilock76
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 1737

                  Originally posted by visiON View Post
                  2 light years away, a solar system identical to ours. Except humans evolved a LOT earlier, so it's like us, just 500k years ahead of us. You couldn't imagine what kind of technology they could have and that they could do with it...
                  I bet their DVR's can record like 50 channels at a time, they have healthy fast food, and healthy cigarettes.



                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by devilock76 View Post
                    I bet their DVR's can record like 50 channels at a time, they have healthy fast food, and healthy cigarettes.

                    And all their anti tobacco zealots are in forced labor camps. I bet it's utopia :^D


                    • texastorm
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 386

                      Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                      Using straight lines to cover great distances isn't necessarily the only way to travel. There may be some shortcuts we haven't found yet. I do doubt that anybody's watching us though. We really aren't that interesting.
                      I dont know about that, maybe we are stars in their version of the Animal Planet. If other life has evolved far beyond us, then we would be looked at the same way we look at chimps. They are cute, but they pick their nose and throw poop at each other. Maybe someone IS watching you! Now stop picking your nose!


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        LoL! :^D


                        • devilock76
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 1737

                          Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                          And all their anti tobacco zealots are in forced labor camps. I bet it's utopia :^D
                          Nope, there are no anti-tobacco zealots. Tobacco has answered all their problems including a Tobacco fusion powered warp drive.



                          • jamesstew
                            • May 2008
                            • 1440

                            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                            Using straight lines to cover great distances isn't necessarily the only way to travel. There may be some shortcuts we haven't found yet. I do doubt that anybody's watching us though. We really aren't that interesting.
                            I absolutely think there are or have been civilizations far in advance of us and that maybe they've developed faster-than-light travel. If such an advanced species existed I suspect they'd have better things to do than spying, putting on silly light shows and putting things up the old starfish.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              Yeah, they have far advanced tech beyond ours. We may have only been on Earth a very short time to their existence(wherever). So, if it is far distances(the way we see it), they may have things like a stargate, or able to bend space, or inter-dimensional movement. I doubt it's the Russians, it might be the Nazis. Not sure how far the Aldebaran system is, but with the Vril tech, the Nazis and Hitler went to Aldebaran in the 40's. Also they have the moonbase, and NeuSchwabenland, and the hollow earth inhabitance. Though these were in alliance with other beings, so it's a combination of technology and world agendas.

                              This is a good site for a historical timeline of pics:


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