Why do people believe in conspiracy theories, or why does Tom exist...
That's why I like this Alex Jones lunatic. Always one step in front of us but in his own crazy way.
Why boys are turning into girls
Originally posted by jamesstew View Post
Lol, I remember that show. In all honesty though there is a pretty significant body of studies that do show that certain chemicals in the water from disposing pharmaceuticals etc can cause male fish to become feminized etc. Not that that's wha I think is happening, but it is a logic conclusion in a way since we see that happening to fish that are exposed to certain chemicals as well.
I like alex because he sounds so convinced, like his entire world would be shattered if there was no NWO lol. It's nice to see that kind of energy when i'm sitting here half asleep at my desk lol.
Originally posted by sgreger1 View PostLol, is that a real picture justin or is that photoshopp? It looks pretty real
Lol, just watched it. Pretty sure he's serious.
Alex has so much spirit man. Hes like a street performer, you have to give him credit for really loving his work lol. You guys should see the posters theyve been putting up here. It like the obama "hope" picture in red and blue but with an alien circa 1999 attack of the martians and the words "no, you can't" written under it. Im gonna go see if theres a pic on google to post lol.
Edit: found it
Its megamind from the new will farell/tina fey movie lol. Theyr everywhere
Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
...Its megamind from the new will farell/tina fey movie lol. Theyr everywhere...Megamind is the most brilliant super–villain the world has ever known… and the least successful. Over the years, he has tried to conquer Metro City in every imaginable way. Each attempt, a colossal failure thanks to the caped superhero known as “Metro Man,” until the day Megamind actually defeats him in the throes of one of his botched evil plans. Suddenly, the fate of Metro City is threatened when a new villain arrives and chaos runs rampant, leaving everyone to wonder: Can the world’s biggest “mind” actually be the one to save the day?
Well if it's meant to be an analogy...
Would that mean that people who want to see Obama overthrown...
Want an evil space alien running the country instead?
Xenu for president 2012?
Originally posted by jamesstew View PostI'd consider myself skeptical but open minded but when someone brings up Alex Jones or tells me that their an 'Info-Warrior' I run for the hills. The only thing that scares me more are Dane Cook fans and Scientologists.
Originally posted by justintempler View Post
Well if it's meant to be an analogy...
Would that mean that people who want to see Obama overthrown...
Want an evil space alien running the country instead?
Xenu for president 2012?
Lol, I was wondering what the reference was for. That makes perfect sense: "the most brilliant super–villain the world has ever known… and the least successful." lololololololololoolol
Sometimes I can actually manage to like San Francisco, just because it's so wierd. Some dude must have spent a bunch of cash because they put up hundred sof these things, and they're like high quality prints too. Down the street theres and entire side of a building covered with them.