Originally posted by MGX
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Originally posted by MGX
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Lol. So here's the theory on chemtrails.
A) I'm not stupid, I know damn well what a contrail is. I controlled various types of aircraft as a forward observer in the army and have jumped out of airplanes more times than I can count. I am very familiar with how heated air/condensation crystallizes in the cool high-altitude air and forms a vapor trail (contrail) that persists for approximately a mile behind the craft depending on it's speed and engine type.
B) This is not what chemtrails are.
I noticed them first when I was living in LA. The contrails (what I thought were contrails), would last for hours a few short minutes, while some contrails would last for hours. Not only would they last, but they would expand and turn into giant clouds, as though they were sucking up moisture from their surrounding area. I thought it was interesting that one type of contrail was acting in such a radically different manner than the others surrounding it, so got into photographing it and taking time-lapse video of it.
I looked it up online and it turns out others noticed this too, and there was a whole movement behind it. Communities getting sick, chemists finding extremely high quantities of barium and aluminum in the water on heavy spray days. The emergence of a new disease that causes these moving worm-type structures to form under your skin (Morgellon's disease I believe it is). I read a chemists analysis of it from some guy who apparently had been collecting samples and photographing them under a microscope since the 90's.
Then I found all the other pictures and people, particularly in smaller areas, which show regular airlines going about their day, then every once in a while a (seemingly) military aircraft would come along and spray criss cross patters in the sky, forming a grid or sometimes other shapes.
Anyways, the theory that SOME have is that these trails are being used as conductive material that when used together with an antenna array like HAARP, can be used for some nefarious purpose. The military has a lot of papers on how they planned to use chemicals mixed in with jet fuel to create chemtrails, which could then be used as deployable antennas to increase the effective communication range for military personnel etc, but this happens on such a mass scale it couldn't possibly be that. Some assume it is for weather control, as the government published a number of studies that discussed the ability for a facility like HAARP used in conjunction with barium oxide chemtrails to heat the ionosphere and manipulate the weather.
The US congress tried passing a bill at least 3-5 times in the late 90's that would ban the use of "exotic weapons systems" and specifically named chemtrails as one of the items they wanted banned. It was part of the "don't weaponize space" fervor that was going on at the time. The bill was struck down multiple times, until eventually chemtrails was taken out and the bill was passed. So it is recognized by the US congress, which lends some credibility to it I suppose.
Personally, it was just something I observed, and upon further research it struck millions of other people as odd as well. A lush conspiracy community has grown around it, with most people believing it has to do with some type of weather control. Some believe it is part of something more devious but I doubt it. The whole thing doesn't make sense, how they could get away with it or afford to spray that much chemicals all over the continent. But who knows.