I'm gonna try to get him to email the video so I can post it.
I'm telling you, something is going on.
Please post it, I'd love to see it.
My mother told of me an incident when she grew up. She saw dim red lights clustered in the starry night of northern Michigan. They would sit perfectly still, then quickly move together and stop again. After watching for a few minutes, she saw them shoot off towards the horizon at an unbelievable speed. I think this only happened once but it left a lasting impression.
My mother told of me an incident when she grew up. She saw dim red lights clustered in the starry night of northern Michigan. They would sit perfectly still, then quickly move together and stop again. After watching for a few minutes, she saw them shoot off towards the horizon at an unbelievable speed. I think this only happened once but it left a lasting impression.
When she goes to work tomorrow i will tell her to ask him to send it so i can post. This was shot this weekend and it is pretty clear. There is no question that its any regular aircraft. Its really amazing. A little blurry at times because of the autofocus but its so close you cant mistake what it is. Its like right overhead. The speed at which it shoots up in the sky is beyond anything conventional without a doubt. It was like a flash.
I know people dont believe in it but it happens way too often to be disregarded as nothing.
i am not as involved as some of you people are on snuson. work don't allow me a lot of time to follow up on much. with that said, i don't mean this as any kind of slam on anyone... just what i think.
"conspiracy theory" has always had a bad sound to it to most people and one might could argue about why that is. i choose to not use the term because no matter what information one says after that term is mentioned it is automatically discarded by most people. in my mind anyone who discounts information without study or consideration is the one who want a simple box to put everything that don't easily fit into their closed minded world view.
in the last 50 years there have been many things that started out as a "conspiracy theory". but later proved and admitted to as fact. the people who throw these things out as bs don't normally keep up with current events close enough to know the things that go from conspiracy to absolute fact. then when the next "conspiracy theory" comes out they dismiss it as bs and 5, 10, 20, 30 years later when the "record is unsealed" they are busy throwing out the newest "conspiracy theory" and never notice. the one 20 years ago they thought was total garbage is not historic fact. the funny part is sometimes when this happens you can ask people about it and they will still say it's a conspiracy theory even though it's "official" truth now.
not every "conspiracy theory" requires a big think tank study to know it's bs. but if one throws them out just because they don't fit into what they think is the world that person is not using their mind. also, they have potentially missed something that could be useful to them or their children.
but to put it in simple terms, the governments of this world have been lying to the citizens since the first government was put into power. almost any old history book tells us that in simple language. of course not every rumor ever told turned out to be true either.
dissimulating the truth is easy when no one questions what is said.
or in the words of Adolf Hitler:
“How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.”
I ran across this on YouTube by accident. i thought some of the Alex Jones fans
here might dig it.
This is from the uploader :
Justin Bieber, the Illuminati's puppet, is yet again used by the elite to demonise the tea party.
A so called hollywood expert tries to say that this sort of thing would never happen - oh how little does she know
wake up project truth alex jones david icke noreagaaa illuminati industry exposed bank federal reserve brainwashed public secret love hope help rothschilds jp morgan chase rockafeller dynasty un obama bush clinton harvard yale pristine skull and bones exposed documentary queen monarchy evil traders cashless manipulation world global currency movement awakening cant stop people bible book of revelation religion ufo aliens ancient elite reptilians space america usa britain europe canada lilwayne jayz kanye beyond deception forrunner777 jfezzy the arrivals endgame fall of the republic no nut jobs here conspiracy realist gmo fluoride poison high fructose corn syrup aspartame organic gold tupac rappers lady gaga william copper jordan maxwell theorist change channel no nwo satanist alister crowley evil peace of shit freemasons christianity catholic islam muslin 2010 2012 all seeing eye egypt mysteries hours devil lucifer god jesus angel click my channel
Illuminati Puttet Justin Bieber Used by CBS/CSI to Bash Tea Party
Nice false dichotomy... But I like how you capitalized the 'I' in "Idiots".
Well if believing in the things sgreger posted which are more than fact, than I guess we are all Idiots. As far as a false dichotomy, I don't think so, when kept in the terms of a belief in things that aren't traditionally or normally believed. I Don't agree with everything Tom says nor truthwolf, but I do believe in a lot of what they believe, and I also believe in their right to bring their beliefs up in an open forum. I'm not sure were you have been Dan, but welcome back if it's your intention to stick around. If your just gonna come in and throw shots at people and leave again , I myself can't much take you seriously.
It's easy to make fun of people Justin, but being stupid can sometimes mean looking at something and pretending it's not there. You are in a sense being stupid because all of these things happen yet you seem to deny that they did? I understand what you are saying, but my point was that conspiracies exist because they brought it on themselves, the gov has created an atmosphere that makes people not want to trust them. Some conspiracies are just wild speculation but some are legitimate events that in retrospect quite obviously happened.
But I don't make fun of people for believing in conspiracy theories, I make fun of people that don't use their brain.
..and just because we don't have all the answers to something doesn't automatically make it a conspiracy. Sometimes there is no answer, some people can't deal with that.
Kind of like a few hundred years ago when people thought lightning was the gods being angry. When you pretend to have all the answers you stop looking for the real answers. It's OK to say you don't know.
Now I totally disagree with the allegation that conspiracy buff lack critical thinking. In fact, I would level that at those who just accept what their masters say without question. How can anyone have 100% faith in their government that they will always tell the truth, never do shady things, and are always upfront about what's going on, that every bit of history and news that's propagandized in our media and schools, and from the White House is always the pure fact. To me, to be so accepting and believing, is the lack of critical skills. Those who can see the cracks in official stories, can see things are being supressed, can see why they would be, and have seen the history of when things actually where, are more critical and intelligent than just the sheep mentality that accepts whatever the masters lay out for the public as unquestionable.
Lack of critical thinking skills. Our education system doesn't teach people to think. Our education system is more concerned with people memorizing facts so they can pass tests. Conspiracy theories provide ready made anwers so people don't have to think.
I believe the exact opposite. I believe that those 2 words were the cheapest easiest solution for the gov't to disregard anyone that wants to expose things that actually happened. Label it a consipracy theory, and since most of the population are sheep that believe what they are told on the news, well, they hear conspriacy theory and disregard it.
Most of us have at least heard of the movie Zeitgeist, if not watched it. I am not bringing it up to point to anything in it as the truth, but rather to quote the narrator of the film, or paraphrase him anyway (I forget the exact quote). He made the movie not to convince anyone of anything, but rather to try to get people to think for themselves and ask questions they may not have even thought of asking.
I actually believe "conspiracy theories" are more for people that actually want to think for themselves and not accept what is shoved down their throats as truth, when those truths are exposed as lies on a daily basis.
I actually believe "conspiracy theories" are more for people that actually want to think for themselves and not accept what is shoved down their throats as truth, when those truths are exposed as lies on a daily basis.
Isn't this obvious? Justin is way off base on his "lack of critical thinking" comment. It is much easier to believe whatever you are told without asking questions or looking into it. Wouldn't believing whatever you are told be more likened to a "lack of critical thinking" than someone who is skeptical about everything they are told and looks to verify information meticulously?
Do you know how many videos of undereducated rednecks I've watched praising Bush in all his glory and reciting the 9/11 official story verbatim....at the same time supporting a war based on lies reciting the Bush era propaganda. NO SIR, it takes a critical thinker to be skeptical, to form one's own opinions, to verify information rather than taking it for granted.
It takes a parrot to repeat what you are told.... a fool to believe the first thing they're told without considering it.
Our government is jacked, no argument there. Believe whatever you want, don't try to convince others of it without proof, otherwise you might as well be a religion.