Originally posted by Frosted
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It's Official: I Have Leukoplakia
Originally posted by snusjus View PostWhile I appreciate your concern and honesty, I don't plan on giving up snus. If I quit snus, I would go back to smoking in a heartbeat. I would rather have leukoplakia than emphysema or lung cancer. Keep in mind, snus-induced lesions do not turn into cancer.
Anything is better than smoking. I believe in harm reduction.
Holy crap people the stuff goes away on it's own even if you place the same amount in the same spot you normally use. If you switch sides it will go faster not be rude but I think snusjus kind of asked If I remember correctly snusjus said in an earlier thread he didn't switch sides and used north of 10 mostly prillas a day and I'm guessing it was General extra sterk, which I've used and found out it gave me irritation after 1 use.
Originally posted by Jwalker View PostHoly crap people the stuff goes away on it's own even if you place the same amount in the same spot you normally use. If you switch sides it will go faster not be rude but I think snusjus kind of asked If I remember correctly snusjus said in an earlier thread he didn't switch sides and used north of 10 mostly prillas a day and I'm guessing it was General extra sterk, which I've used and found out it gave me irritation after 1 use.
Is it really necessary to always make a smartass scene when dealing with someone that went through years of medical school for their shit, I think they know there shit. Just this whole bitching and whining is a bit annoying, the guy is just doing his job, why waste your breathe trying to teach him that snus is actually not that bad. Just nod and agree and say that you will look into fixing this issues with your gums, and just go about your day.
Switch sides, easy up on the amount of times you actually use it. Not saying that you need to quit the stuff all together, just put some moderation to it, give your lips and gums some rest. That's like those people that drown themselves in antibacterial soup and then bitch and whine about have dry and cracking hands, moderation!
I am not specifically arguing about what you are saying, but specifically just that fact that you are coming here, whining and expecting all us to jump on your bandwagon at how the "man is trying to keep us down!
Originally posted by Snussles View PostIs it really necessary to always make a smartass scene when dealing with someone that went through years of medical school for their shit, I think they know there shit. Just this whole bitching and whining is a bit annoying, the guy is just doing his job, why waste your breathe trying to teach him that snus is actually not that bad. Just nod and agree and say that you will look into fixing this issues with your gums, and just go about your day.
Switch sides, easy up on the amount of times you actually use it. Not saying that you need to quit the stuff all together, just put some moderation to it, give your lips and gums some rest. That's like those people that drown themselves in antibacterial soup and then bitch and whine about have dry and cracking hands, moderation!
I am not specifically arguing about what you are saying, but specifically just that fact that you are coming here, whining and expecting all us to jump on your bandwagon at how the "man is trying to keep us down!
Let me say this, your advice is good and I hope you stay friends with us for a long time but the guy is concerned and just needs some space to vent. Please give that to him. I have nothing against you but the general tone of your post seemed to say shut up and deal with it. We had enough shutting up and dealing with it after PACT passed.
Originally posted by Snussles View PostIs it really necessary to always make a smartass scene when dealing with someone that went through years of medical school for their shit, I think they know there shit. Just this whole bitching and whining is a bit annoying, the guy is just doing his job, why waste your breathe trying to teach him that snus is actually not that bad. Just nod and agree and say that you will look into fixing this issues with your gums, and just go about your day.
Switch sides, easy up on the amount of times you actually use it. Not saying that you need to quit the stuff all together, just put some moderation to it, give your lips and gums some rest. That's like those people that drown themselves in antibacterial soup and then bitch and whine about have dry and cracking hands, moderation!
I am not specifically arguing about what you are saying, but specifically just that fact that you are coming here, whining and expecting all us to jump on your bandwagon at how the "man is trying to keep us down!
PS: What the hell is antibacterial soup? You are not acting rationally and are most likely as drunk as a skunk, so stop attacking innocent people for no reason, is all I'm saying. This isn't a personal attack aimed at you, but the original poster has a very valid concern and has every right to ask about it. This is an open forum, where we have every right to ask questions without being attacked for asking them.
Originally posted by snusjus View PostWhile I appreciate your concern and honesty, I don't plan on giving up snus. If I quit snus, I would go back to smoking in a heartbeat. I would rather have leukoplakia than emphysema or lung cancer. Keep in mind, snus-induced lesions do not turn into cancer.
This is also an education for me - so please go easy folks. This is a forum for us ALL to inform each other and learn.
Does Leukoplakia go away if you snus in a different spot?
P.S. WTF is going on with that other fella?
Originally posted by c.nash View PostThis is fun.
Love the arguing.
JUST EFFING RELAX! We are just having a normal conversation about the goods and the bads and what can happen. If you get your panties in a bunch please just don't post. It's not a argumentative topic. RELAX!
I hear that Nash.
Snus has saved us all from smoking - so a HUGE thumbs up for snus. We all love snus big time - but that doesn't censor debate and knowledge through each other on the possible health matters.
And lxskllr - your points are duly noted. I'd like to know the incidence of leukoplakias in Sweden and the proportion of those that turn cancerous - dunno if you could help me with that. I do note that oral cancer is rare with snus but more info on snus induced leukoplakias would be of great interest.
For me - yeah - life is full of risk and has been big time, but I like to have an excellent knowledge of the risks I'm taking. Especially now I've got young ones that depend on me.
Originally posted by dreed2 View PostOK, so to begin with, it isn't "think they know there shit.", it's "think they know their shit." It isn't "why waste your breathe", it's "why waste your breath". It isn't "you will look into fixing this issues with your gums", it's "you will look into fixing these issues with your gums". If you want to be taken seriously, unless English is your second language, learn English.
PS: What the hell is antibacterial soup? You are not acting rationally and are most likely as drunk as a skunk, so stop attacking innocent people for no reason, is all I'm saying. This isn't a personal attack aimed at you, but the original poster has a very valid concern and has every right to ask about it. This is an open forum, where we have every right to ask questions without being attacked for asking them.
My original argument was just pertaining to those points, the guy went to the dentist and failed to convince him that snus does not cause cancer. It wasn't any sort of question, it was just a "Hahaha, look how the dentist is so ignorant and clueless". I just get tired of reading all this rebellious attitude people try to take, "Hahaha, I might die! **** that doctor!"
Also, what concerns? He already said that this will not be stopping him from continuing using snus or any other tobacco product for that matter. I might not have proof read what I wrote, but at least I can read the crap I responding to. The OP is just bragging about how the dentist believes that snus lesions can be cancerous and the OP is claiming that he knows that they don't because of a bunch of research papers. Or to put it in other words, "I went to the dentist today, and he lied."
That's why the argument against the OP's bs, because it is just another case of "Look at me, I know more than doctor."
This forum is cheaper than a shrink and probably just as effective.
It's a cheap way of venting without paying through the nose.
People who are here merely to justify their positions will run into
more stone walls than they would at a shrink's (who really needs
the subsequent sessions to stay in business).
We too, like the shrink, try to remain outwardly non-judgmental.
Doesn't always work that way but at least it is cheaper than going
to a shrink.
"forum - a public meeting or assembly for open discussion"
As for the OP, maybe his post was more like "this is my stance ...
prove me wrong if you can" but the final decision is his; we will
not carry that burden for him any more than a medical doctor
should bear the full weight of decision for anyone. And, in at
least one important area, we DO know more than the doctor
(or at least should): It's my body and I live with it 24 hours a
day, not just for 20 minutes in an office somewhere!!
You know what? Doctors really aren't that special. They're the same as you, me, and everyone else. Anyone on this forum could be a doctor. You go to school and learn it, just like anything else. Doctors have biases, moral corruptions, and are just plain wrong about some things like everybody else is. People will argue with their mechanic, or computer repairman, but the doctor is some kind of god, which is bs. If I had a dollar for every papered dumbass I've met, I'd be a rich man. The point is, a doctor is just some guy, and is wrong as any other "some guy" you met hundreds of times per week ;^)
Originally posted by Frosted View PostAnd lxskllr - your points are duly noted. I'd like to know the incidence of leukoplakias in Sweden and the proportion of those that turn cancerous - dunno if you could help me with that. I do note that oral cancer is rare with snus but more info on snus induced leukoplakias would be of great interest.
Originally posted by Swedish MatchA mucosal change, snus lesion, is found in almost all snus users at the site of the gum where the pinch is placed. The degree of oral lesion is positively correlated with daily duration, daily consumption and number of years of active snus use (Hirsch et al., 1982; Mörnstad et al., 1989; Andersson et al., 1991b). Andersson et al. (1989b) found that portion packed snus results in less pronounced changes of the mucosa than loose snus. In addition, the degree of lesions seems to increase with increasing pH as well as increasing nicotine content (Mörnstad et al., 1989; Andersson et al., 1995).
Oral lesions caused by snus are reversible, i.e. the oral mucosa reverses to its original condition in individuals, who have quit the use of snus (Larsson et al., 1991). Frithiof et al. (1983) reported that these lesions were almost entirely reversed 14 days after quitting the use of snus even in individuals, who had used snus for decades.
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