I wonder what Hitlers dentist would say?
It's Official: I Have Leukoplakia
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally Posted by Swedish Match? C'mon now. For years the tobacco companies were withholding evidence about cigarettes and cancer. You don't think that Swedish Match wouldn't do the same thing? The only consolation I have is that it is impossible to find on the internet any actual cases, with one exception, of somebody who got cancer by using snus. Now if you search for oral cancer and chewing tobacco, you will get 100's of cases, reports and gruesome pictures. I still am not 100% convinced that snus is as safe as people claim it is but I am 100% certain that is is much safer than smoking or chewing tobacco. Like sgregor said earlier maybe in 20 years were gonna all be talking about how pissed we are that we all have mouth cancer.
Dentists are not doctors, they went to dental school. Ask your doctor about it, they will explain the difference.
And good luck on this, snusjus. I know that you understand the facts and are making an informed decision, but I also know how hard it is to keep something like this from worrying the shit out of you.
Originally posted by GoVegan View PostOriginally Posted by Swedish Match? C'mon now. For years the tobacco companies were withholding evidence about cigarettes and cancer. You don't think that Swedish Match wouldn't do the same thing? The only consolation I have is that it is impossible to find on the internet any actual cases, with one exception, of somebody who got cancer by using snus. Now if you search for oral cancer and chewing tobacco, you will get 100's of cases, reports and gruesome pictures. I still am not 100% convinced that snus is as safe as people claim it is but I am 100% certain that is is much safer than smoking or chewing tobacco. Like sgregor said earlier maybe in 20 years were gonna all be talking about how pissed we are that we all have mouth cancer.
Snus lesions - You will get one. Some people will get them worse than others, and the occasional oddball may not get any, but odds are you WILL.
Gum recession - Same as above
Oral cancer - Highly unlikely. Some(one?) reports show a small link, the majority of reports don't. Imo, the people getting oral cancer are susceptible anyway. If your family gets oral cancer, maybe snus, or any tobacco isn't the best idea, otherwise there's more pressing things to worry about.
Pancreatic cancer - One study has shown a doubling of incidence. Imo the study was flawed, and needs to be replicated. Also, the study was fairly old. The craft of snus production has reduced TSNAs significantly, and I would expect that to affect the results; this affects the oral cancer finding above also. Pancreatic cancer is fairly uncommon anyway, so the genetic factor figures in too. My father died from pancreatic cancer, but I'm not quitting snus. It's still better than smoking, even if the above study is 100% accurate.
Originally posted by Premium Parrots View PostI wonder what Hitlers dentist would say?
I have chain snused for a year and a half and switch side each time. I have never noticed any problems. The "professionals" say smoking gives you cancer and you will die, everyone in my family smokes and yes, some have died... in their 80s-100s. My great grandmother was 104 when she died, she smoked 2 packs per day and drank several glasses of vodka per day until the day she went. Of all people in my family only my grandmother got emphysema. The whole reason the whole "second hand smoke" myth began was they couldn't explain why people that never smoked got lung cancer so it MUST have been because they were around smokers. Doctors don't know s**t. Every time I have gone in for something whichever doctor it was said the same thing, "hmm, don't know what that is, never seen it" or "take these pills, they don't know why they work but they seem to, if they don't we can try something else" or "there isn't a cure for it for this should keep it at bay for now". Good thing they all went to medical school. I find better medical advice on Yahoo Answers LOL
So my take on this situation is, if you have Leukoplakia and feel more comfortable stopping snus, then do it, if you don't have it and think you might get it if you continue using snus, then don't. Personally I feel comfortable with the risks and if I wasn't snusing I would be back to smoking, and we all know what that means... I could die of old age having spent a LOT of money on cigarettes.
Originally posted by lxskllr View PostPancreatic cancer - One study has shown a doubling of incidence. Imo the study was flawed, and needs to be replicated. Also, the study was fairly old. The craft of snus production has reduced TSNAs significantly, and I would expect that to affect the results; this affects the oral cancer finding above also. Pancreatic cancer is fairly uncommon anyway, so the genetic factor figures in too. My father died from pancreatic cancer, but I'm not quitting snus. It's still better than smoking, even if the above study is 100% accurate.
Non-smokers: 4:100,000 chance of getting it
Snusers: 8:100,000 chance (yep double)
Smokers: 14:100,000 chance (so almost double what snusers get)
Edit: Added Link
Has your dentist advised you as how to help it heal, besides saying quit tobacco? For example, something such as G.U.M Rincinol or Betacell? http://www.dentist.net/betacell.asp
After reading this thread, I'm forced to agree with Frosted... Many of us here are snusers that have snused for 1-3 years. Many of us will probably come to face this eventually... For me, snus was never suppose to be a permanent thing, just something to help me quit smoking. I have 5 or so cans left of snus, and after that...I'm done... I abused my mouth/lungs by smoking, abused it more with snus, now it's time to abuse the nose with some nasal snuff!
I'm not a dentist..........nor do I even portray one on t.v., but I have been using snuff since about '82. I had the good fortune that my dentist at the time also used snuff and he advised me to move my chew around........not to dip in the same place all the time.I take my snuff top deck or bottom, left or right. I've used Copenghagen all my life but have recently switched to Grov and only occasionally take a dip of Cope on the lower deck. I don't have any white spots anywhere in my mouth. My gums are somewhat calloused (still a healthy pink) but the same thing happens to denture wearers. Some toothless old folks who EAT without their dentures find that their gums harden up and work pretty good for anything short of corn on the cob. What will irritate the inside of my mouth are those atomic fireballs. I love them but I can't indulge in that too much.
If my dentist said something utterly ignorant like yours reciting that fiber glass myth like it was gospel I'd flush him like a bad turd and find another dentist.
Thanks for the info Lxskllr.
I've done a bit of looking myself and it seems it's caused mainly by irritation. Sharp teeth and stuff - also any form of alcohol is unhelpful. It is a nice relief that this leukoplakia actually goes away with cessation after a couple of weeks. I've also come to the conclusion that cancer would only form with continued and heavy abuse at the location of the leukoplakia. There were reasonably high instances of cancer from leukoplakia in general but not through snus useage.
The conclusion I'll take from this is, that I'll keep the strength of snus down and place each portion in a different place.
Originally posted by Frosted View PostThanks for the info Lxskllr.
I've done a bit of looking myself and it seems it's caused mainly by irritation. Sharp teeth and stuff - also any form of alcohol is unhelpful. It is a nice relief that this leukoplakia actually goes away with cessation after a couple of weeks. I've also come to the conclusion that cancer would only form with continued and heavy abuse at the location of the leukoplakia.
The conclusion I'll take from this is, that I'll keep the strength of snus down and place each portion in a different place.
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