Here's my theory;
Our body sloughs dead skin cells constantly, right? Maybe in your case the portion material is helping do that at an accelerated rate, and deposit them on the inside of your lip. I had something similar once, but it was after a long night of drinking and of course has snus in...hell I even fell asleep with my snus. When I woke up and spit out the snus, I noticed a slight ridge of really rough skin on the inside of my upper lip. Went to the bathroom and checked it out and it was a small white patch of skin (I assumed), so I scratched it off and brushed my teeth. Haven't had that problem again, I attribute it to drinking all night, and passing out without brushing my teeth. Maybe it was just plaque, paste...who the hell knows, lol. That's the only time something like that's happened to me...not even sure if it's the same thing you're experiencing. Is this a "new" problem, or has it been ongoing since you've used snus? should see a dentist.
Our body sloughs dead skin cells constantly, right? Maybe in your case the portion material is helping do that at an accelerated rate, and deposit them on the inside of your lip. I had something similar once, but it was after a long night of drinking and of course has snus in...hell I even fell asleep with my snus. When I woke up and spit out the snus, I noticed a slight ridge of really rough skin on the inside of my upper lip. Went to the bathroom and checked it out and it was a small white patch of skin (I assumed), so I scratched it off and brushed my teeth. Haven't had that problem again, I attribute it to drinking all night, and passing out without brushing my teeth. Maybe it was just plaque, paste...who the hell knows, lol. That's the only time something like that's happened to me...not even sure if it's the same thing you're experiencing. Is this a "new" problem, or has it been ongoing since you've used snus? should see a dentist.