More public health focus on snus bans...

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  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    Storm, you are right, why not just import the regular stuff and label it like that? Or produce the real stuff here and quit playing stupid games with test markets and candy flavour and all that. Make it, promote it as you can, and it will sell.


    • Juxtaposer
      • Dec 2007
      • 94

      Do we really know what's in the dog food? I think not! My dog's Vet said to feed my dog home made food because he thinks that the store bought feeds are giving dogs tumors.


      • STORM6490MT
        • Mar 2008
        • 138

        Originally posted by Juxtaposer
        Do we really know what's in the dog food? I think not! My dog's Vet said to feed my dog home made food because he thinks that the store bought feeds are giving dogs tumors.
        Yeah, that's way off of base but yeah, that kibble is killing your dogs. Your vet is rare and actually gives a crap about your dog and not your pocket book. Listen to him! Here is good information on feeding your dog. My German Shepherds eat better than most humans..


        • jhof989620
          New Member
          • Apr 2008
          • 11

          Easy on the camel snus

          Hey guys....relatively new to the boards in Indianapolis (the test market for all things tobacco it seems) and have smoked for 20 some odd years. Philliip Morris sent these coupons for Marlboro snus to me and like most people in the U.S. I said "what the heck is snus?". I though hey why not. Got a pack of bold and took them to work. Started flipping them around my mouth and thought "This isn't bad..the crave to smoke really isnt there." So curiosity got the best of me and I went ahead and bought Camel original snus. Opened that can up and noticed this had to be a whole lot closer to the actual thing...soft little pouches as opposed to the manipulated cardboard with flavor strip (why did they do that?) that marlboro put out (in all likelihood to make sure it failed. To make an already too long a story shorter...Camel did the trick. Started browsing the internet....ran across storms you tube clips....found buy I now have about fifteen cans in my fridge. Working on some skuf loose at the moment...very nice. I think these companies are really just trying to introduce something that is palatable to a U.S. market. Camel is a little too sweet for me now that I've tried swedish snus...but none the less it could be a starting point for the U.S. market.


          • TropicalBob
            • Feb 2008
            • 316

            I don't know why it hasn't happened sooner, but the Tobacco Depot stores in Florida are selling Swedish snus from a little refrigerator next to the cash register. I've bought CatchDry Peppermint ($3.75 a tin) from one store for a long time. Now they have three kinds of loose beside the CatchDry. They've been selling loose for some time, but just added two more brands (I don't remember which because I don't use that).

            If it will sell, it will be carried. If it sits there past expiration dates, it will not be ordered again. The marketplace works for the majority and there's always the Internet for the others.


            • STORM6490MT
              • Mar 2008
              • 138

              Re: Easy on the camel snus

              Originally posted by jhof989620
              Hey guys....relatively new to the boards in Indianapolis (the test market for all things tobacco it seems) and have smoked for 20 some odd years. Philliip Morris sent these coupons for Marlboro snus to me and like most people in the U.S. I said "what the heck is snus?". I though hey why not. Got a pack of bold and took them to work. Started flipping them around my mouth and thought "This isn't bad..the crave to smoke really isnt there." So curiosity got the best of me and I went ahead and bought Camel original snus. Opened that can up and noticed this had to be a whole lot closer to the actual thing...soft little pouches as opposed to the manipulated cardboard with flavor strip (why did they do that?) that marlboro put out (in all likelihood to make sure it failed. To make an already too long a story shorter...Camel did the trick. Started browsing the internet....ran across storms you tube clips....found buy I now have about fifteen cans in my fridge. Working on some skuf loose at the moment...very nice. I think these companies are really just trying to introduce something that is palatable to a U.S. market. Camel is a little too sweet for me now that I've tried swedish snus...but none the less it could be a starting point for the U.S. market.
              Glad to hear you quit smoking. I was stoked to be able to quit instantly. Once your lungs heal, smokes will make you gag or get sick. A pretty good indication of what you were doing to your lungs!

              My number one pick for los would be Ettan. For portions, it would be Skruf original or stark. A cheap snus that is very satisfying to me is KNOX, made by Skruf. It is a bit more grainy and pure. It reminds me of copenhagen without the chemical juice taste. If you were a smoker, I think you would like Knox a lot and save some cash as well. Kronan is another good cheap los snus by SM but has a less manly taste to it.



              • jhof989620
                New Member
                • Apr 2008
                • 11

                Hey storm....your videos gave me a launching point for a snus "grocery list" I have the ettan portion...and about 16 cans of other stuff at this point. I've noticed with the portion they get kinda slippery and slide all over the place-loose while a bit more "cowboy" sit a whole lot more comfortably in my mouth....haven't had the nerve to put together a pris at work that would make heads turn. I noticed skruf stark loose really nails the nicotine craving. Did your wife manage to take it up or is she still hesitant?


                • STORM6490MT
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 138

                  Originally posted by jhof989620
                  Hey storm....your videos gave me a launching point for a snus "grocery list" I have the ettan portion...and about 16 cans of other stuff at this point. I've noticed with the portion they get kinda slippery and slide all over the place-loose while a bit more "cowboy" sit a whole lot more comfortably in my mouth....haven't had the nerve to put together a pris at work that would make heads turn. I noticed skruf stark loose really nails the nicotine craving. Did your wife manage to take it up or is she still hesitant?
                  yeah, the skruf really kicks. the wife is still smoking.. only using snus when she is in the air or where smoking is not allowed. wish she would quit but it's her decision.

                  what do you like the best so far?


                  • jhof989620
                    New Member
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 11


                    Hey storm....Well skruf stark is at the top right now...simply because it kills the cigarette crave..but it is bland. I have nick and johnny...popped that in at work and though I was gonna fall out of my chair from the The flavor was kinda harsh though. Also like the roda lacket is easy to form in a pris and I like the flavor.

                    My original order was all portion: ettan, general, grovsnus, tre ankare, and kronan-I've been into my loose this week and need to revist them...portion works much better at work because I'm on the phone all day.

                    So far the only ones I know I don't like are offroad wintergreen, phantom and lucky strike....I have no idea what possessed me to get longcut wintergreen as I have never dipped or chewed in my life. That experience lasted about three minutes. The phantom lasted even less...I guess you get what you pay for. Lucky Strike comes in a great tin but didnt like the flavor again too harsh.

                    Rape has a good flavor but I'm having problems forming it. Even the ice tool isnt helping. Actually I think the ice tool is a little overrated..I seem to do better with my fingers.

                    Catch eucalyptus is a nice change but I couldn't use it all the time....too much like cough syrup after awhle...also their licorice has the same effect. As an american I keep expecting a good n plenty flavor.

                    My unopened snus is: general loose, offroad cranberry loose, and probe.

                    I look in my fridge and think what am I doing with all this snus? Then I realize its still about 1/5 the price I would have paid for smokes.

                    Hope you snowboard season ended on high note!


                    • eli
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 243

                      Wow, I like the flavor of N&J, and Lucky Strike a heap... guess I like the strong tobacco flavors there. I've got a can of Skruf Strak los on order, can't wait to give it a try.


                      • jhof989620
                        New Member
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 11

                        Originally posted by eli
                        Wow, I like the flavor of N&J, and Lucky Strike a heap... guess I like the strong tobacco flavors there. I've got a can of Skruf Strak los on order, can't wait to give it a try.
                        Well...the nick and johnny does kick the crave for a cigarette...but it seems to irritate my gums...could be all the nicotine...and i could just be a

                        I've noticed with a lot of the brands the flavors are pretty similar. Skruf actually doesn't have much of flavor which is probably why I like it. It just does the job and is very easy to make a pris. Gotta love the loose...very cost effective.


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