Smoking causes a number of deadly diseases but people seldom realize that leg and foot pain are also the consequences of smoking cigarettes. Smoking is responsible for diseases like lung cancer, heart disease, premature aging, and impotency etc including peripheral artery diseases.
Foot and leg pain may not be the first signs of development of peripheral artery diseases, but they surely signal that the blood circulation in the body is not adequate and that the legs are not being supplied with enough blood and oxygen.
Improper supply of blood to the legs and feet may lead to peripheral artery disease. This also increases the probability of developing cardiovascular heart disease by five times. The other symptoms of low blood circulation are pain in the legs while standing or walking. Numbness and tingling may also be seen which signal the beginning of neuropathy. Feet become more prone to and incapable of fighting infections. Also wounds, laceration and cuts heal slowly. Feet become cold and numb. The nerves might get damaged and the feet become unable to feel pain, heat or cold. Feet injurious also become more probable. Feet structure or shape might also change. Ulcers may appear on the feet and the legs might become blue or reddish in color. Beurger’s disease is also a result of smoking which causes gangrene in the hands and feet and are very painful. This may also lead to the amputation of the foot or toes.
To avoid any of these symptoms or diseases the best way is to quit smoking. Abundant help is available in the form of SPAM link removed and various natural methods.
See ya bot boy
Foot and leg pain may not be the first signs of development of peripheral artery diseases, but they surely signal that the blood circulation in the body is not adequate and that the legs are not being supplied with enough blood and oxygen.
Improper supply of blood to the legs and feet may lead to peripheral artery disease. This also increases the probability of developing cardiovascular heart disease by five times. The other symptoms of low blood circulation are pain in the legs while standing or walking. Numbness and tingling may also be seen which signal the beginning of neuropathy. Feet become more prone to and incapable of fighting infections. Also wounds, laceration and cuts heal slowly. Feet become cold and numb. The nerves might get damaged and the feet become unable to feel pain, heat or cold. Feet injurious also become more probable. Feet structure or shape might also change. Ulcers may appear on the feet and the legs might become blue or reddish in color. Beurger’s disease is also a result of smoking which causes gangrene in the hands and feet and are very painful. This may also lead to the amputation of the foot or toes.
To avoid any of these symptoms or diseases the best way is to quit smoking. Abundant help is available in the form of SPAM link removed and various natural methods.
See ya bot boy