The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?

    This is the video I wanted to share about the psychiatry and the madness that has been built around it in the last years, pretty interesting documentary.

    Being a patient myself for a couple of year, not anything serious but a depression accompanied by anxiety and took pills like crazy ... I can only say that the psychiatry today is only after the money and misleading people about their condition, that's all there is to it.... just another business.

    You can never ever treat a depression, anxiety or psychosis with a chemical....... the issues lies much deeper into the patients soul and mind ........... :^) A pill will never be likely to treat any mental issue........ not even the milder ones..... in fact they only worsen it.

    P.S Freud another psychiatry "teacher" that was paid by the drugs industries to promote Cocaine....... Plain truth about Freud
  • russki
    • Jan 2011
    • 464

    I completely agree. The Freud business is real as well, pretty crazy stuff.

    I think there is a place for some of the medication that big pharm makes, however, like you, I would agree that it has no permanent place on anyones medicine cabinet. The medicines are used to treat people in specific instances and under certain circumstances... Nowadays they hand it out like candy. Like I said before, it's ridiculous how many people take that shit on a regular basis. I know quite a few people on my work that take anti-anxiety medicine and SSRI's... honestly it's pretty sad. Talking to these people, you can see why they would turn to something such as a pill to solve all their problems, yet they are only covering up the real problem... like sweeping dust under the rug, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.
    I'd also agree that in the end they only create more of a problem than they 'fix'.


    • nicodude
      • Jan 2011
      • 688

      Yep definitely, waaay too many people take this shit. I am not saying that certain drugs don't help certain people under certain conditions, but going to see a psychiatrist because you are sad your cat died, and leaving with several prescriptions is ridiculous. People feel sad sometimes, maybe alot maybe not, but it is a natural emotion. So is anxiety, when the shit keeps piling up on your plate sooner or later its going to make you anxious. The problem is that instead of fixing or dealing with the initial issue causing these emotions, people get prescribed a bunch of crap that just makes it worse, and when they go back to tell the 'doctor' that they feel no better, or worse, the doc ups the dosage and adds new meds, like its supposed to help or something.


      • Mykislt
        • Sep 2010
        • 677

        Drugs don't solve the problem, but they can reduce the symptoms. SSRI's are actually proven to not do shit. Benzo's work to reduce anxiety/insomnia, but they are addictive, and do not fix the problem. There are other drugs, such as lithium, that can bring stability to someone in despair, and they do have a use, even if they don't cure anything.
        Certain types of therapy, like for example flooding with phobias and OCD, works awesome though.

        Freud is generally disregarded, on the basis that there is a lack of evidence for his theories. He did use cocaine, but later he realized that it doesn't work as a medicine and is harmful, and redacted whatever he positive things he said about it.


        • snusgetter
          • May 2010
          • 10903

          Pick a condition that's been around forever that everyone takes for granted.

          Tack on a fancy-shmansy name. Match it to some orphan formula (drug or otherwise).

          Manufacture in China, where it's cheap to produce, but 'PACKAGED IN THE US'.

          Produce a ½-hour infomercial, scheduled late at night to reach the hypochondriacs.

          Run, don't walk to the bank (preferably Swiss).

          Enjoy the good life.


          • RobsanX
            • Aug 2008
            • 2030

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
            You can never ever treat a depression, anxiety or psychosis with a chemical....... the issues lies much deeper into the patients soul and mind ........... :^) A pill will never be likely to treat any mental issue........ not even the milder ones..... in fact they only worsen it.
            Have you been speaking with Tom Cruise?


            • visiON
              • Mar 2010
              • 308

              I found Concerta does help my concentration troubles..


              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                I have studied psychology and conclude:

                Pharmaceutical drugs can help patients with mental disorders (IF the patient actually has the mental disorder).

                Mental disorders are over-diagnosed -- I'm not denying their existence, however, most people are diagnosed "on a whim".

                Therapy is just as effect as prescribed medication.


                • visiON
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 308

                  Originally posted by snusjus View Post
                  I have studied psychology and conclude:

                  Pharmaceutical drugs can help patients with mental disorders (IF the patient actually has the mental disorder).

                  Mental disorders are over-diagnosed -- I'm not denying their existence, however, most people are diagnosed "on a whim".
                  Prescribed medications are just as effect as sugar pills.


                  • russki
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 464

                    Originally posted by visiON View Post
                    Nice catch on the typo

                    Interestingly enough, I read a study a few weeks ago that says even if the patients know they are getting a placebo (i.e. sugar pill), the majority (believe it was > 70%) feel better.


                    • resnor
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 619

                      I work in a placement facility for boys, aged 12-18. Many of the students could be in YDC, or real jail, but they are court ordered to be in the program that I work for. Anyway, almost all of these kids are on medication, of some sort. Some are on ADHD meds, some are on anti-depressants, some are on sleep aids, etc. I'll tell you right now, these kids need their meds. We are trying to help these kids get over some type of trauma, but the only way to work on their issues is to get rid of their symptoms, and the way to do that is to medicate them.


                      • russki
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 464

                        Originally posted by resnor View Post
                        I work in a placement facility for boys, aged 12-18. Many of the students could be in YDC, or real jail, but they are court ordered to be in the program that I work for. Anyway, almost all of these kids are on medication, of some sort. Some are on ADHD meds, some are on anti-depressants, some are on sleep aids, etc. I'll tell you right now, these kids need their meds. We are trying to help these kids get over some type of trauma, but the only way to work on their issues is to get rid of their symptoms, and the way to do that is to medicate them.
                        The problem here is sorting out the ones that actually need them as opposed to the ones that don't... Unless they have a problem with their mental capacity, generally you would think they don't absolutely need them. Doctors that give out these bogus scripts to people that, as nicodude said, are depressed over something like their cat dieing are the problem... then again they are paid by big pharm to do so, not to justify it, just saying they have incentive to do so.

                        Last time I got locked up it was ridiculous how many people were in there selling their pills they were prescribed... yet when they were denied their medication for whatever reason they went ape shit. It was clear that they didn't 'need' the medicine, they were just accustomed to having that pillow to fall on, both for themselves and for others they were selling them to, which in turn helps themselves. It's kind of a catch 22 in cases like this, just because if you don't give them the medicine, they will act out in a way that makes you think they need it. Once they are conditioned to getting the meds, they don't know what to do without it.

                        Maybe your situation is different, either way it is pretty obvious that there is a problem in this regard.


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          Originally posted by russki
                          The problem here is sorting out the ones that actually need them as opposed to the ones that don't... Unless they have a problem with their mental capacity, generally you would think they don't absolutely need them. Doctors that give out these bogus scripts to people that, as nicodude said, are depressed over something like their cat dieing are the problem... then again they are paid by big pharm to do so, not to justify it, just saying they have incentive to do so.

                          Last time I got locked up it was ridiculous how many people were in there selling their pills they were prescribed... yet when they were denied their medication for whatever reason they went ape shit. It was clear that they didn't 'need' the medicine, they were just accustomed to having that pillow to fall on, both for themselves and for others they were selling them to, which in turn helps themselves. It's kind of a catch 22 in cases like this, just because if you don't give them the medicine, they will act out in a way that makes you think they need it. Once they are conditioned to getting the meds, they don't know what to do without it.

                          Maybe your situation is different, either way it is pretty obvious that there is a problem in this regard.
                          The reality is simple here. I don't think if your cat would die you would get a severe depression lol (it's not a human being) and some people are strong enough and don't get a depression even when a family member dies.

                          Lets get back to the point, I've been taking pill since 2004 - till the end of 2008, I guess everything that's out there on the market, lol because I couldn't find a way to cope with my anxiety and depression. The only problem is that these pills contain 3 - 10 addictive substances in them....... you will laugh but Zoloft for example completely ruined my sexual functions, xanax at some point I needed 3 - 4 mg a day to "barely" feel any relaxation .... I can't give the exact names to the other pills I've been taking since they're called slightly diffent in the U.S point is thaat they're all damn addicitve... even more addictive than nicotine....... The sad thing is that they are never likely to treat anything........ in all those 4 years ...I only ended feeling worse from the pills and never really felt better until I got off the pills ....... see? My problem could in no way be treated with PILLS ...... yet the doctors insisted to take the pills .........why? lol they would starve without people taking the pills, psychiatry would be a dead subject........ I am completely against these pills.... not even schizofrenics or paranoid people should take pills believe me I know a few cases where psychosis has been treated succesfuly with natural's very rare though...... because usually psychotic people tend to isolate themselves and refuse any type of help....... most often they go off the prescribed medication let alone going natural and actually understanding that they need help...........

                          If a psychiatrist would see this thread would probably argue for days with me.... yet I have been there done that.... and pills will never work.

                          I'll give another example of people that shouldn't take pills ....... impotence..... YEP Impotence can be treated naturally......... I've seen 70 years old men that are still active sexually because they do have they life organized, their diet, their sleep, their inner meditation......never abused alcohol or smoking and so on ......... Impotence is the result of other diseases in the body.... and is not to be treated with pills... lol... and viagra is not even a treatment is only "a short time RELIEF" lol ..... the treatment is your diet,sleep, and a healthy life.



                          • resnor
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 619

                            Oh, I agree, there is a real problem with doctors prescribing pills so routinely. However, a couple people in here were saying that placebos are just as effective, and therapy is just as effective. That's not necessarily true. For someone who doesn't really have a problem, then yes, therapy and placebos will be just as effective. Take a kid with legit ADHD...he can't simply sit through a therapy session. He needs to be on meds so that his ADHD will be controlled, thereby allowing a therapist to work with him, identifying the underlying problems, and eventually helping him to accept things, and learn how to cope, without using medication. With real problems, it's not an either or approach, it's a combination approach.


                            • russki
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 464

                              Originally posted by resnor View Post
                              Oh, I agree, there is a real problem with doctors prescribing pills so routinely. However, a couple people in here were saying that placebos are just as effective, and therapy is just as effective. That's not necessarily true. For someone who doesn't really have a problem, then yes, therapy and placebos will be just as effective. Take a kid with legit ADHD...he can't simply sit through a therapy session. He needs to be on meds so that his ADHD will be controlled, thereby allowing a therapist to work with him, identifying the underlying problems, and eventually helping him to accept things, and learn how to cope, without using medication. With real problems, it's not an either or approach, it's a combination approach.
                              I was pointing out a recent study I read about how some patients find relief even if the know they are taking the placebo...I thought it was interesting.

                              That's beside the point though, I agree that in the cases that are truly in need of help, medication can be useful... alongside other forms of treatment if need be. Medicine has its place, unfortunately you can't pop pills and live forever, contrary to what seems to be the popular belief nowadays.


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