Ecstasy has once been legal in the U.S

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    Sgreger I know you like Cannabis :^)

    I'm not only saying that drugs are dangerous I'm talking about the risks they involve. (That's all) Not every will turn psychotic of course but the majority will turn out of the society that's for sure.

    People can speculate all they want based on things they read and heard about in urban legends and what they have seen on T.V. but none of that is going to make me not believe what I have seen with my own eyes and experienced.
    Ok I get your point . You won't believe it until it happens to you probably :^)

    I didn't believe smoking can be such a stupid habit until I quit and regained my life.

    (lets just leave out the high-risk drugs of the discussion) lol

    I have two friends that went psychotic from alcohol and cannabis alone so there you go....


    • timholian
      • Apr 2010
      • 1448

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
      Don't give up on the discussion too fast...... I get your point... you like LSD
      I don't mind LSD..... I have only done it a handful of times and never really had a bad experience but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone really. I prefer mushroom if you must know how I like to trip.... And even then I haven't had any in years. I wasn't trying to sound like a commercial for LSD, I was just sighting examples that were opposite your stance.

      Oh, and you will just bother googling nicotine Psychosis you will see that their are many links to pages talking about it. Not that I think nicotine is bad, just stating a fact you implied didn't exist.


      • timholian
        • Apr 2010
        • 1448

        Originally posted by precious007 View Post
        Sgreger I know you like Cannabis :^)

        I'm not only saying that drugs are dangerous I'm talking about the risks they involve. (That's all) Not every will turn psychotic of course but the majority will turn out of the society that's for sure.
        Ok I get your point . You won't believe it until it happens to you probably :^)
        I didn't believe smoking can be such a stupid habit until I quit and regained my life.

        (lets just leave out the high-risk drugs of the discussion) lol

        I have two friends that went psychotic from alcohol and cannabis alone so there you go....
        Oh, well he knows a guy that it's happened to..... That settles that then. LMAO


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          People can speculate all they want based on things they read and heard about in urban legends and what they have seen on T.V. but none of that is going to make me not believe what I have seen with my own eyes and experienced.
          The brain is the one organ you do not play around with .... if certain life experiences and situations can induce anxiety, depression or psychosis why do you think a high-risk substance that directly gives hallucinations and illusions cannot induce psychosis?

          I didn't say 100% of the people will get psychosis (of course not) if that you stop the drug in time and see a psychologist ........... but definitely a high percentage of people using high-risk drugs will have mental issues at some point in their life.


          • AtreyuKun
            • Aug 2009
            • 1223

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
            Don't give up on the discussion too fast...... I get your point... you like LSD but ......

            First of all SNUS is does not induce psychosis nor does it have any effects on someone's mental state (alcohol is more dangerous)

            Ok, personal liberty (meaning death) Just as a side note I've been on coicaine for quite some time, had cannabis for ages in my teen ages, tried LSD and ecstasy twice, smoked legal buds of all sorts, been a caffeine addict, been addicted to alcohol, been on SSRI's and Benzo's of all types (used up to 5 mg a day, a whole bar xanax while drinking 10 beers and I was barely able to see clearly) and I am mentally strong now and completely clean of any of that crap, need I say more? :^)

            I would discuss for ages about addictions (actually running couple of sites on addictions and I'm a lot into this subject) but what people don't realize that a substance that is addictive shouldn't be used by any means.......... especially chemical combinations that are created in laboratories ...... the psychical dependance is the most destructive (apart from the substance being able to literally destroy the whole body functions ... such as cocaine and heroine) ....

            For example alcohol,caffeine and benzo's have affected (nothing serious) but affected my liver, bile and stomach..... and seemingly I've gotten myself reumatism because of the benzo's as well.

            Heroine which is the deadliest street drug can cause: Heroin effects damage the nervous system and can also cause short and long term harm to the respiratory, heart and cardiovascular systems. Because of the toxins in the drug, as well as the way that it is taken into the body, heroin is a drug that many people overdose on. While lucky people come out of the overdose alive and unharmed, others either die or have severe and permanent damage as a result.

            LSD: Two long-term effects persistent psychosis and hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), more commonly referred to as "flashbacks," have been associated with use of LSD. The causes of these effects, which in some users occur after a single experience with the drug, are not known.

            The effects of LSD can be described as drug-induced psychosis-distortion or disorganization of a person's capacity to recognize reality, think rationally, or communicate with others. Some LSD users experience devastating psychological effects that persist after the trip has ended, producing a long-lasting psychotic-like state. LSD-induced persistent psychosis may include dramatic mood swings from mania to profound depression, vivid visual disturbances, and hallucinations. These effects may last for years and can affect people who have no history or other symptoms of psychological disorder. (exactly what happened with Syd Barett)

            Anyways good luck

            trying to help


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by precious007 View Post
              Sgreger I know you like Cannabis :^)

              I'm not only saying that drugs are dangerous I'm talking about the risks they involve. (That's all) Not every will turn psychotic of course but the majority will turn out of the society that's for sure.

              Ok I get your point . You won't believe it until it happens to you probably :^)

              I didn't believe smoking can be such a stupid habit until I quit and regained my life.

              (lets just leave out the high-risk drugs of the discussion) lol

              I have two friends that went psychotic from alcohol and cannabis alone so there you go....

              I'm not saying nothing involves risk, but is it a risk enough to be statistically relevant? Eating pepper has risks but they are so small that they aren't even worth mentioning. I am sorry but you cannot claim that "most" or the "majority" of people will go psychotic if they smoke cannabis. It's just flat out lies with no evidence other than some first hand experienes that were local to you apparently.

              It's this simple, if the majority of people who smoked cannabis went psychotic, than there would be a lot more psychotics around here, that much is for sure. LSD will lead to psychosis if you are doing it in huge quantities and even in small quantities in some, this is because it is an extremely potent hallucinogen and therefore carries a pretty significant risk with it. But cannabis? I know there are those who form psychological dependencies on cannabis, and that is normal, but to say that smoking weed made them lose their grip on reality is the kind of lies the reefer madness crowd has been spreading for years.

              Cannabis will increase the risk for those who are already pre-disposed to psychosis or schizophrenia. There is no causal link between cannabis and psychosis or schizophrenia, it does not CAUSE it, rather if you already have it it brings it more to the surface. Same thing like if you are already super hyper you should probably not be doing cocaine.

              But it is false to say that smoking weed causes "a majority" of people to develop schizophrenia and psychosis. If you are not already crazy, it will not make you crazy. However, if you are crazy than you should not be taking drugs since they exacerbate your craziness. This is the same with any drug and not specific to cannabis, if your mental than don't use mind altering substances, plain and simple.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Fact: There is no convincing scientific evidence that marijuana causes psychological damage or mental illness in either teenagers or adults. Some marijuana users experience psychological distress following marijuana ingestion, which may include feelings of panic, anxiety, and paranoia. Such experiences can be frightening, but the effects are temporary. With very large doses, marijuana can cause temporary toxic psychosis. This occurs rarely, and almost always when marijuana is eaten rather than smoked. Marijuana does not cause profound changes in people's behavior.

                Iverson, Leslie. “Long-term effects of exposure to cannabis.” Current Opinion in Pharmacology 5(2005): 69-72.

                Weiser and Noy. “Interpreting the association between cannabis use and increased risk of schizophrenia.” Dialogues in Clincal Neuroscience 1(2005): 81-85.

                "Cannabis use will impair but not damage mental health." London Telegraph. 23 January 2006.

                Andreasson, S. et al. “Cannabis and Schizophrenia: A Longitudinal study of Swedish Conscripts,” The Lancet 2 (1987): 1483-86.

                Degenhardt, Louisa, Wayne Hall and Michael Lynskey. “Testing hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 71 (2003): 42-4.

                Weil, A. “Adverse Reactions to Marijuana: Classification and Suggested Treatment.” New England Journal of Medicine 282 (1970): 997-1000.


                ^^^^^ I think we need to make an important distinction for the sake of clarity. If you eat (or smoke perhaps) a shitload of cannabis than you may have a panic attack and go into a paranoid psychosis, this only happens when one ingests HUGE quantities of cannabis. But any effects from the cannabis are short lived and leave once the drug wears off. Even if someone were to have a panic attack, science has proven loud and clear that there are no long term effects. It makes you a little foggy and slow and sometimes paranoid if you smoke too much, but none of it is permanent and goes away as soon as you calm down. There are no lasting effects or psychosis, even in those who ingest an "OD" amount as I have described, it is temporary and does not cause any lasting or permanent damage to the mental abilities of the user.


                • fishmeat
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 767

                  Everything was legal at one point...and through lies/misinformation/cherry picked facts most things are illegal now.


                  • timholian
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1448

                    Originally posted by danielan View Post
                    What I have seen in the people that I know that smoke pot isn't some radical psychosis.

                    What I see is stupidity and apathy. They piss their lives and opportunities away, barely getting by and then comfort themselves with the bong and elaborate theories that "the man" is holding them back.

                    It's not everyone. Some people I know are weekend users, some are daily. It seems like the more you do it the less you care about other elements of your life (career, family, etc).

                    So, I don't care if you use it any more then I care if you drink to excess. But I wouldn't hire or socialize with a daily user, but I wouldn't hire or hang out with a habitual drunk either.
                    LMAO I agree to an extent but when it comes to apathy I dont think you can blame just pot for that. Our country seems to breed apathy, I dont know why but IMO it does.

                    I would say in every group you will have a smaller subset that will ruin the curve for the rest of the group.... sadly, it looks like every group is judged by this sad smaller subset.


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Originally posted by danielan View Post
                      No, you're right - you can totally get there without pot - I don't think there is really much difference between a pot-head and a drunk when it comes down to it.
                      both are just unsocial at some point.

                      people smoking pot or heavily drinking are always very likely to pull you down the drain............. sometimes I call them toxic people....even though that's the correct definition I say it in a sarcastic way.......

                      I recently stopped going out with two of my buddies because they were literally hooked on MJ and legal buds all day.... I couldn't stand listening to all their desilusions anymore loooool .......... and the other one is a notorious alcoholic and lier llooool ......... For a full 3 months he just wanted to hang around night clubs and drink I mean what the hell of a life is that............. hahaha and end up every night going to hookers ..... I mean none of this has to become a habit ..... it's self destructive and anti-social.


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