Sleep Apnea

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    Originally posted by heders View Post
    Sounds more like sleep paralysis or/and anxiety to me.

    I've had what you describe maybe once or twice. It has nothing to do with apnea (which is when you stop breathing for periods during your sleep), since you don't wake up like you say you do. With sleep apnea, you do it unconsciously, often when you snore a lot, and get the symptoms during the day.

    The feelings you describe though are very common, especially with stressed people.

    My advice to you is to cut down on your nicotine (as nicotine is stressful) and caffeine usage (although I think I read somewhere that you quit caffeine... not sure). Start exercising and don't do anything stimulating maybe 30 minutes before you go to bed. No computer, no music, no phone, just sit and relax.
    Thanks headers... I've quit caffeine and chocolate for this particular reason...... and cut down on nicotine intake as well

    I've used to have this suffocation things even 2 months in a row in the past.......... now it just happened once... I think I am a little stressed for dropping caffeine cold turkey

    the withdrawal from caffeine isn't easy


    • heders
      • Jan 2011
      • 2227

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
      Thanks headers... I've quit caffeine and chocolate for this particular reason...... and cut down on nicotine intake as well

      I've used to have this suffocation things even 2 months in a row in the past.......... now it just happened once... I think I am a little stressed for dropping caffeine cold turkey

      the withdrawal from caffeine isn't easy
      I know, I would quit caffeine as well, but damn, I love my coffee! Would be so much more calm if I didn't drink it though...

      But start drinking green tea. Green tea takes away the withdrawal symptoms of caffeine but does not give you that jittery effect of coffee. Also, exercise is the best remedy for stress and tension there is. Start running three times a week and see if it makes a difference.


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Originally posted by heders View Post
        I know, I would quit caffeine as well, but damn, I love my coffee! Would be so much more calm if I didn't drink it though...

        But start drinking green tea. Green tea takes away the withdrawal symptoms of caffeine but does not give you that jittery effect of coffee. Also, exercise is the best remedy for stress and tension there is. Start running three times a week and see if it makes a difference.
        I'll start some exercing when the weather it gets warmer ...... I actually do have soome green tee around the house but I didn't like the taste....

        Hmm seems that green tea is a safe alternative to coffee....

        Many people are trying to get away from their daily coffee fix, and are turning to tea, in particular green tea, as a healthy alternative. For over 4,000 years the Chinese have been consuming green tea, in part, because of its perceived health benefits. The list of diseases that are believed to be prevented or improved include cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular disease. Drinking green tea is said to lower blood cholesterol levels and fight infections.
        That's the exact problem with coffee (it makes you a bitch all day, nervous, tensed, irritable) completely a different person..... it says to make your mind sharper... that's a pure crap... it actually affects the concentration rather than increasing it....... and I was a heavy coffee drinker .... 5 - 6 cups a day of 100 ml espressos. (lol)


        • heders
          • Jan 2011
          • 2227

          Originally posted by precious007 View Post
          I'll start some exercing when the weather it gets warmer ...... I actually do have soome green tee around the house but I didn't like the taste....

          Hmm seems that green tea is a safe alternative to coffee....

          That's the exact problem with coffee (it makes you a bitch all day, nervous, tensed, irritable) completely a different person..... it says to make your mind sharper... that's a pure crap... it actually affects the concentration rather than increasing it....... and I was a heavy coffee drinker .... 5 - 6 cups a day of 100 ml espressos. (lol)
          Start exercising right away! You can just be indoors doing push-ups, pull-ups, aerobics, air-jog (looks funny but does the trick!), etc. Don't need to be heavy exercise in the beginning, just something to blow off some steam.

          Green tea is a much better alternative to coffee. Especially for caffeine addicts. You don't have to quit your use altogether since caffeine has beneficial effects as well. But with green tea, it has just the right amount to take away your withdrawal effects from coffee, and give you small boost in concentration and alertness. And green tea contains a lot of antioxidants which is really good for the body. Antioxidants reduce the amount of oxidant stress in your body, and can prevent numerous kinds of diseases. It also makes you calmer at the same time the caffeine gives you a little boost.

          I too thought that green tea tastes like pure ass in the beginning. But then I discovered I made the tea wrong. You should not use 100°C water, but around 80°C. I usually pour around 1/3 of cold water in to my mug and then add the rest with boiling water. Then, with some green teas, you shouldn't have them in the water for too long. I have discovered that with some teas, it gets bitter just leaving them in for 3-4 minutes (around 2 is good for those), but with others, 5+ minutes is no problem. I think the water temperature is the biggest threat to making the tea bitter.

          Then it's just a taste to getting used to. As I said, I hated green tea in the beginning, and couldn't understand how someone could drink it, but now, I drink several cups per day. I'm more of a fan of herbal tea though (caffeine free). That I drink at least 3-4 cups per day of. Especially Pukka's teas I like. Pretty hard to find but really delicious and nourishing.

          It's true what you say about coffee. I think it has to do with how sensitive you are for it. You're very alike myself, and also get negative effects from caffeine if drinking too much. Sadly I like the positive effects, the taste and the feeling of it, too much to quit drinking it... which is kind of sad, since the effects are very short-lasting and followed by so many negative ones.

          A thing I discovered when I quit snusing for two months last autumn, was that I could drink copious amounts of coffee without feeling the negative effects that much at all. Just a bit more restlessness from the nicotine craving which were boosted from the caffeine, but nothing more.

          Nicotine and caffeine combined however is very stimulating. Nicotine gets your heart pumping, your blood pressure up and your body on alert, and if we add lots of caffeine to this, it can push the bodies alarm system over the edge.

          This however is not noticeably the case for most people, but for sensitive people like us who have suffered anxiety, this is how it can go until we get or anxiety levels down.

          I have found that I feel best if I snus and drink less coffee or not snus and drink more caffeine. But now I'm addicted to snus so I'm choosing the first one for now.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
            I'll start some exercing when the weather it gets warmer ...... I actually do have soome green tee around the house but I didn't like the taste....

            Hmm seems that green tea is a safe alternative to coffee....

            That's the exact problem with coffee (it makes you a bitch all day, nervous, tensed, irritable) completely a different person..... it says to make your mind sharper... that's a pure crap... it actually affects the concentration rather than increasing it....... and I was a heavy coffee drinker .... 5 - 6 cups a day of 100 ml espressos. (lol)

            Green tea is pretty much exactly the same as cofee just not as acidic so it doesn't mess up your insides as bad. It has the same amount of caffein though and is nice and warm like cofee, so for the most part it's a direct replacement for me and I drink it all the time for the exact purpose of replacing cofee with it. Gotta have cofee though first thing in the morning, i personally just enjoy the flavor, but for all intents and purposes green tea is the exact same thing. Doesn't make me as jittery but it's all caffein so the effects are going to be similar.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              Thanks for the green tea recipe headers :^)

              I wanted to quit caffeine not coffee, actually I planned on buying de-caffeinated coffee soon and start drinking that ............. anyways it has the same flavor... there are some really nice brands as well that make de-caffeinated coffee......

              Caffeine was my main concern, that is what stimulates the nervous system, and in anxiety it's completely forbidden ...... LMAO I've been drinking it for years.... and finally quit .... I can feel a whole lot of a difference now..... apart from the withdrawal symptoms that are still persistent but I am not as nervous anymore.


              • heders
                • Jan 2011
                • 2227

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                Green tea is pretty much exactly the same as cofee just not as acidic so it doesn't mess up your insides as bad. It has the same amount of caffein though and is nice and warm like cofee, so for the most part it's a direct replacement for me and I drink it all the time for the exact purpose of replacing cofee with it. Gotta have cofee though first thing in the morning, i personally just enjoy the flavor, but for all intents and purposes green tea is the exact same thing. Doesn't make me as jittery but it's all caffein so the effects are going to be similar.
                The main difference between coffee and green tea however is the caffeine content. A cup coffee contains around 120 mg of caffeine (or more), while a cup of green tea contains 40 mg (a cup of black tea, around 80 mg). So you won't really get that jittery effect from green tea as you would from coffee.


                • precious007
                  Banned Users
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5885

                  Originally posted by heders View Post
                  The main difference between coffee and green tea however is the caffeine content. A cup coffee contains around 120 mg of caffeine (or more), while a cup of green tea contains 40 mg (a cup of black tea, around 80 mg). So you won't really get that jittery effect from green tea as you would from coffee.
                  Many people that I've heard to quit caffeine also felt much lighter .... and have more energy within a few month from their quit....

                  that's my main target.... also headers, if you've had anxiety issues.... you surely felt heavy legs and body from too much caffeine .......... that is terribly annoying


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by heders View Post
                    The main difference between coffee and green tea however is the caffeine content. A cup coffee contains around 120 mg of caffeine (or more), while a cup of green tea contains 40 mg (a cup of black tea, around 80 mg). So you won't really get that jittery effect from green tea as you would from coffee.

                    Is that why green tea seems to make me less jitery? I had always heard it had the same amount of caf as cofee but this makes more sense, it always seemed to be less strong and not make me shakey. Thanks for the info!


                    • heders
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 2227

                      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                      Is that why green tea seems to make me less jitery? I had always heard it had the same amount of caf as cofee but this makes more sense, it always seemed to be less strong and not make me shakey. Thanks for the info!
                      Any time!

                      Here you can see a list off the caffeine content in different beverages and food (from Wikipedia):

                      They even say Green tea has 30 mg of caffeine per cup, while drip coffee can contain almost 200 mg... wow.


                      • precious007
                        Banned Users
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 5885

                        Originally posted by danielan View Post
                        Try herbal mint "tea". Just dried mint leaves...

                        Very tasty. Chocolate mint roobios is tasty too.
                        I have mint leaves and drink it often but too much of it gets you constipated

                        and as far as I know, mint is a natural sedative, I wouldn't need to sedate myself but actually need more energy... since I quit drinking coffee I feel like a slug barely moving around and dizzy..... :^)


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          Originally posted by heders View Post
                          Any time!

                          Here you can see a list off the caffeine content in different beverages and food (from Wikipedia):

                          They even say Green tea has 30 mg of caffeine per cup, while drip coffee can contain almost 200 mg... wow.
                          On average I was drinking 1000 mg of coffee a day from 7 AM to 5 PM and something one coffee in the evening.


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