I quit snus!!

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  • AtreyuKun
    • Aug 2009
    • 1223

    Originally posted by rollinred View Post
    Sorry, no snus left.

    I must say the reaction is better than I thought I would receive.

    I thought every single post would be "I can quit if I wanted", which in some way is true but is really denial in all sense of the matter. I bet not one of you that says so will prove it. You will make an excuse as to why you can't quit or don't want to quit "at this time" yet you will still claim you can if you wanted... lame.

    To those who simply acknowledged to difficulty of quitting I say thank you and please remember that you are wasting your money on something you DO NOT NEED in your life. This is not some outsider posting in. I was and still am a snus addict. All of you were at one point part of my life because I believed that snus being safer than other tobacco was the solution to my problems. I was so ****ing wrong. The solution is quitting so that I do not waste my life worrying about when my next prilla is.

    Trust me, I was all about this site for a few years, I thought I was a bad ass for finding snus and how safe it was. I thought I was doing the right thing until I realized that I was a lame ass for even using tobacco. There is not one medical use that has proven worthwhile.

    The only thing tobacco is good for is stopping you from having nicotine withdrawal. Seriously, if you want to live your life waiting to quell your addiction then that is your choice. I was once one of you and recognized the safer alternitive ideology. Now I realize how wrong that was in the first place. Sure, it might be safer but it is still a lame excuse from not growing a set of balls and quitting.
    I won't even bother using my prepared sarcasm. You're either out for attention trolling on a tobacco site, or you are a condescending prick.


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      Originally posted by rollinred View Post
      There is not one medical use that has proven worthwhile.

      "Clinical trials are now underway on drugs that use nicotine -- which acts on the acetylcholine receptors in the brain -- to treat wounds, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, anxiety, and other disorders.

      "Nicotine is highly stigmatized -- and for good reason, because the delivery system is so deadly," said Don deBethizy, CEO of biotech firm Targacept and formerly a researcher with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. "But the drug itself and the research generated by studying its effects on the brain both show great promise for helping us improve our physical and mental health."

      "Nicotine itself is hugely potent and not specific enough," said Linda Gretton, Targacept's director of communications. "But the research we have allows us to take the best therapeutic qualities of nicotine and develop treatments that target receptors." The drugs being developed have a molecular makeup similar to nicotine but are not addictive or toxic, company officials say."

      Not to mention relief from UC and other things.

      These have been proven.

      There is nothing that is all the way BAD or all the GOOD.

      It's all in the way and amount you use.

      I stand by my previous diagnoses of brainwashing.

      You quit albeit a rather unconventional method using non-existent cult support, but you quit and your health may improve or as independent studies have shown be a little bit worse than it was whilst using snus. I congratulate you on that and your struggle to quit, but if you wish to offer a helping hand do not disrespect the users here via demozing the substance they use. That's the same type of evangelical, overzealous attitude that causes many people to stay away from sites like these.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        Originally posted by AtreyuKun View Post
        God you sound really bitter. You also seem to have a bad attitude.
        You quit? Good for you. Me and my stupid ****ing low IQ friends will continue to use our bullshit.
        Praise jesus!

        Originally posted by AtreyuKun View Post
        I won't even bother using my prepared sarcasm. You're either out for attention trolling on a tobacco site, or you are a condescending prick.

        ....pretty much sums up anything I would say.


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          The ambassador has spoken!


          • captncaveman
            • Jul 2008
            • 924

            Snus is evil. It killed my father and raped my mother.


            • blotgode
              • Apr 2009
              • 338

              should probably post it in "the quote thread" but...

              There's nothing quite like tobacco: it's the passion of decent folk, and whoever lives without tobacco doesn't deserve to live.


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                We really are no better than the anti tobacco party when belittling one that has quit. Reality is what you make it. It is also 100's of particles that make up protons multiplied infinitely or just information holographically projected onto a 2d surface depending on which theory you prescribe to, but that has no bearing here. We should congratulate him and let him be. Surely address the method in which he decided to break the news and the content of his lengthy post, but in a manner that doesn't make us look like a rabid pitbull that was taunted with steak and then thrown a generic brand bone meal treat.


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  Originally posted by texasmade View Post
                  We really are no better than the anti tobacco party when belittling one that has quit. Reality is what you make it. It is also 100's of particles that make up protons multiplied infinitely or just information holographically projected onto a 2d surface depending on which theory you prescribe to, but that has no bearing here. We should congratulate him and let him be. Surely address the method in which he decided to break the news and the content of his lengthy post, but in a manner that doesn't make us look like a rabid pitbull that was taunted with steak and then thrown a generic brand bone meal treat.
                  I haven't seen you on here in months and you come back with this? C'mon man. You're better than that. :P


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Here is a cool forum to look at!


                    Hey - I didn't know PP was a moderator on other forums!


                    • texasmade
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 4159

                      Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
                      I haven't seen you on here in months and you come back with this? C'mon man. You're better than that. :P
                      I know. I just felt the need to stoop down to the level of the sympathizers for a moment


                      • simplesmoke
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 75

                        Originally posted by rollinred View Post
                        Sorry, no snus left.

                        The only thing tobacco is good for is stopping you from having nicotine withdrawal. Seriously, if you want to live your life waiting to quell your addiction then that is your choice. I was once one of you and recognized the safer alternitive ideology. Now I realize how wrong that was in the first place. Sure, it might be safer but it is still a lame excuse from not growing a set of balls and quitting.
                        I don't know about that, I liked smoking cigarettes because it felt good to smoke. (It also felt bad at times, and smelled, but it still felt good) Weather the feeling good is a side effect of quenching the nicotine addiction I have, it did/does not matter, I liked the feeling I got when I did it.

                        I switched to snus first as a method to get off the cigarettes and the dangers that come with it and found I can still get a good feeling (buzz if you want to call it that) out of snus. Even if it is just quenching a need that is brought on by being addicted to nicotine it does not matter, the 8-10 times a day that I put a portion in and get that feeling shortly after, it is awesome!! I never got that feeling from being tobacco free (before I started), and if there is something you can do being tobacco free, I can do whatever that is, and enjoy a snus at the same time and it is 2x as nice! I only live once, and if this is a much safer way to get that and its affordable, then it works for me.

                        If I did not get off from it then maybe I would see it as the tobacco controlling me, as far as I am concerned at this point it is a mutually beneficial relationship, as long as it keeps giving me what I enjoy, it can keep me under its control.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432



                          Seriously though, congrats on you quitting tobacco and realizing how ****ing stupid it is to be addicted to the devil's weed blah blah blah whatever. I like tobacco.


                          • snusjus
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 2674

                            Good job on quitting. I once quit all forms of tobacco for 6 months (~180 days) and was plagued with cravings non-stop. I made this decision: I would rather live addicted to nicotine than crave it the rest of my life. As the cliche goes: "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Some people have innately different genetic and neurological sets. For example, I know some family members who quit cigarettes "cold turkey" after a four-decade addiction to cigarettes. On the other hand, I know others who have "quit" over 30 times with no success, even after being diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses related to smoking. There are issues more numerous than mere "will-power".


                            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 2781

                              Originally posted by russki View Post
                              Yeah, someone tell that gay
                              I just cried a bit LOL


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                here's my view on this...

                                first of all congrats for quitting tobacco altogether,
                                that's an awesome achievement. I quit smoking and
                                later on cigars and snuff use. (quit hookah and pipe
                                too). I personally use 3 - 4 portions a day of snus OR
                                3 - 4 prilas of los ........ Believe me it's harmless......

                                On the long run, bacon is more dangerous on the
                                coronary and circulatory system believe me :^)

                                or using a flreshlight to often, come on guys :^) but
                                you know that old wisdom ? "If you're happy then
                                we're all happy|

                                One thing is for sure.... I've smoked and snused for months,
                                once I quit smoking I didn't enjoy so much many snus brands
                                anymore. Smoking was covering up the bitter taste of certain
                                snus (especially in portions) and eventually quit using them.
                                Now I'm sticking to a few brands that are in my sig, lol still
                                haven't tested them all.

                                anyways, good luck on the quit....... nicotine in particular won't
                                kill you if you use, small amounts....... anyways it's your choice :^)


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