I quit snus!!

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  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
    • Dec 2008
    • 2781

    Originally posted by captncaveman View Post
    snus is evil. It killed my father and raped my mother.


    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      Yes! Bacon is bad, bad, bad. Please go to killthebacon.org and stop now.


      • captncaveman
        • Jul 2008
        • 924

        wish i had a baconator right now. I would use the left over grease for my selfish masturbatory pleasures.


        • Snus Boost
          • Jan 2011
          • 640

          It's nice to know how "F**king Stupid" and "weak" He thinks we are for using tobacco. He is like one of those guys that goes to A.A. for a month and suddenly thinks he is superior to everyone that is going to the bar Friday.

          Edit: He also thinks we have no balls for not quitting. Hey rollinred you can get your point across much more effectively if you don't insult your target audience every other paragragh. If you don't want a hair cut why are you at the barber shop?


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Originally posted by Snus Boost View Post
            He is like one of those guys that goes to A.A. for a month and suddenly thinks he is superior to everyone that is going to the bar Friday.
            Oh God (pun intended), the narcissists at AA meetings. I would rather drink myself to death than subject myself to their pompousness.

            P.S. they all push cigarettes on everyone, even if they are non-smokers...


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
              Yes! Bacon is bad, bad, bad. Please go to killthebacon.org and stop now.

              and it's addictive

              I couldn't stop eating bacon and eggs in the morning a while ago


              • pris


                Originally posted by govegan View Post
                here is a cool forum to look at!


                hey - i didn't know pp was a moderator on other forums!


                • nicodude
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 688

                  Originally posted by rollinred View Post
                  The only thing tobacco is good for is stopping you from having nicotine withdrawal
                  Thats good enough for me, but it actually does ALOT more than that for me personally.

                  Originally posted by simplesmoke View Post
                  as long as it keeps giving me what I enjoy, it can keep me under its control.
                  Same here!

                  Someone else on this forum said this before but it describes my feelings pretty much perfectly so I will repeat it:

                  I will use tobacco until it kills me, because a life without nicotine is a life not worth living...

                  Its also not just the nicotine, tobacco tastes great and has become a hobby for me, there is always something new to try, I try as many as I can, and collect the empty cans!


                  • Rattlesnake
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 891

                    Originally posted by rollinred View Post
                    Hey everyone, I know what this forum is all about, snus and its use. I had been here for a couple years and was using Swedish Snus the whole time. I thought there was no way I would ever stop using nicotine because I was too addicted and did not have the will power.

                    That is a bunch of bullshit as every single person has all the willpower needed to quit tobacco use of all forms. For some it just takes the realization that being addicted to tobacco is a weakness in their life. Instead they try to pretend that tobacco is somehow useful to them as a drug. I can promise you at 41 days of not using, tobacco is not at all useful as a drug. You can argue with me all you want but it does not help you do anything. I thought it was the case for a long time but now I know how ****ing stupid I was.

                    I finally realized that no matter what form of tobacco I used, snus or otherwise was still me being a weak person and allowing an addiction to beat me every single day.

                    I am 41 Days clean right now [NO Spam or your post gets dog humped]

                    I know quitting seems like an unimaginable task but being on the other side makes you realize how ****ing stupid you ever were for using the bullshit in the first place. A lot of you quit smoking and changed over to snus. I commend you for that but you must know that your still an addict that is a slave to tobacco.

                    Think about what you would do with the money you don't have to spend if you just quit. I am 41 days and it was only at about day 15 that it became easy. 15 days of you life to save THOUSANDS of dollars and possibly your life because of reduced coronary issues and cancer of the pancreas.

                    Come join me {hump hump hump}

                    I look forward to helping any of you that want to stop being a slave to a piece of weed.
                    I do not wish to quit, I haven't tasted the deliciousness of Oden Snus made by the bestest tobacco people in the World.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      Originally posted by russki View Post
                      Yeah, someone tell that gay
                      This made me laugh!


                      • precious007
                        Banned Users
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 5885

                        Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post


                        Seriously though, congrats on you quitting tobacco and realizing how ****ing stupid it is to be addicted to the devil's weed blah blah blah whatever. I like tobacco.
                        you mean you like oral tobacco :^)

                        Heck with smoking cigarettes, bleah


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          Congrats on quitting and all, but the bitterness in your post reminds me of when I quit smoking cold turkey a few years back. I turned into a complete asshole. So yea, people might not need tobacco, but it sure does make the days better.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            I think it's better than being addicted to illegal drugs or alchohol, and better than smoking, and to me, it's not that big an expense. I do find it to be a habit, but it's also a hobby to me which I enjoy. It may not be "good" for oneself, but it's not as bad as many things, and it's not hurting anyone else, and I think the concerns are minimal.


                            • truthwolf1
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 2696

                              I agree that I never saw snus as longterm but not too short either

                              Giving up smoking was one of the hardest most stressful things I have ever accomplished. It took a lot of research and mental strength to even get to that point of wanting to quit. For now I am still reveling in the moment of accomplishment (about 3 years). First getting off sterks, and then cutting my usage in half has also been a accomplishment. Now I feel even better and have lost the weight (20 pounds) I gained after I started using snus.

                              Have absolutely no urge to even have that once or twice a year social smoke which I just noticed.

                              Going to enjoy this current life for a little longer before I make another quit decision which puts a enormous amount of stress on my mind and body.


                              • Premium Parrots
                                Super Moderators
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 9759

                                Originally posted by Veganpunk View Post
                                Congrats on quitting and all, but the bitterness in your post reminds me of when I quit smoking cold turkey a few years back. I turned into a complete asshole. So yea, people might not need tobacco, but it sure does make the days better.
                                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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