I quit snus!!

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  • rollinred
    Banned Users
    • Aug 2008
    • 115

    God this is so exciting, watching what were once people congratulating me on finding my favorite snus then recommending other brands instantly turn when I come back suggesting there is a life outside of tobacco. I remember telling xobeloot he HAD to try Gote Rape #2. Then he posted how wrong he was to limit himself to only Phantom blue, that he should have tried others because the rape was so good. In the end he PM'ed me and mentioned that he went back to Blue exclusively.

    All of you whom I thought I may be friends with on this board the rest of my days. I still would have no problem with that but I won't be using. But apparently the old saying "if you quit the addicts substance you are no longer one of them" holds true. I enjoyed my time here and will always come back here to see how people are doing because it was a step in my life for getting rid of tobacco. I may not be quit without finding this board.

    By the way I am not and have never been bitter after day 14 of my quit. It seems that you guys are the bitter ones based upon you responses of bitching and bickering. If I made no impact on your resolve I would have expected a "**** you" at most. But obviously this strikes at a personal nerve for some of you.

    If you don't want to quit fine... Go the the forums where the chat is about using and being happy while doing it.

    Leave this thread for those that might actually want to save their money and possibly their lives. Or if you have words of encouragement for those who have or want to quit then leave em here. Otherwise go enjoy yourself and leave this thread as the way it was intended... for those that may want to rid themselves of an addiction they don't need. And for those of you whom once wanted to associate with me because I was a user now want to insult.. well **** you... it shows what an addiction can do. Yeah I am bitter about that part. You could have at least said "hey rollin, long time no see, grats on your quit" **** you.


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      Hey rollin....grats on your quit.

      I am sure that others here that want to follow in your footsteps will find what they want with a bit of google fu.

      The rest of us addicts don't care for the spam....



      • rollinred
        Banned Users
        • Aug 2008
        • 115

        Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
        +1 Exactly! Congrats on your quitting, now go find an anti-tobacco forum and leave us snusers alone to enjoy our addiction in peace.
        No, I am not anti-tobacco and I won't just leave. Nor am I spamming and you know I am not spamming.

        The title of this section is Snus & Health. Snus is not healthy. The entire time I was here, which was a few years we all agreed it was NOT healthy, rather healthier than the alternatives. So if your going to be so shallow that you now ignore the fact that snus is not completely healthy then ban me.

        This is like a bunch of alcoholics getting upset that a sober guy walked up to the bar and said "if you want I can show you a great way to quit".... You don't have to quit, that is your choice. I once resolved myself to being an addict for life, as many of you have done. I was there just a couple months ago. If you want to stay there then fine with me, you don't affect my life. In fact it would have been much easier for me to simply stay away and not post this at all. I even got cravings the first time coming here to post about quitting, but I did it because when I was using I felt locked in, like I couldn't get out because I was resolved to a live of thinking I actually enjoyed tobacco. It wasn't the tobacco I enjoyed it was the nicotine that I had to have because I was addicted. I didn't put in a pris because I wanted but because if I didn't I would get withdrawals.

        Last but not least. This is the Snus health forums... addiction is not healthy, let people that might be wanting to quit find it.

        But it is not unlike a bunch of addicts that say they can "control" themselves to destroy the hopes for others because they can't help themselves... That sentence bother you? Then you just might have a major addiction problem... if you don't have an addiction problem than that sentence would not have even phased you.


        • CreteCoater
          • Feb 2011
          • 304

          It wasn't as much the message as it was your delivery


          • jdman321
            Banned Users
            • Mar 2011
            • 616

            It just seems like you're coming off as you think you're better than us because you recently stopped. We're all 'addicts' and you're here to save us. That's great and all but I think we will find our own way to quit if/when that day comes. But congratulations on quitting, it's a big thing.


            • CoderGuy
              • Jul 2009
              • 2679

              In fairness I did the same thing when I quit smoking (with snus), telling all my smoker friends how much better off they would be if they quit smoking. I guess this is just the natural progression. Sure I would do the same thing (although I would have been much less "born again" about it).

              Still, congrats, hope you can stay healthy and tobacco free.


              • CreteCoater
                • Feb 2011
                • 304


                • nicodude
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 688

                  Originally posted by CreteCoater View Post
                  It wasn't as much the message as it was your delivery
                  Originally posted by jdman321 View Post
                  It just seems like you're coming off as you think you're better than us because you recently stopped. That's great and all but I think we will find our own way to quit if/when that day comes.
                  Exactly, I couldn't have said it better myself.

                  No one here is saying your wrong for quiting, or for trying to help others quit. Good job on quiting, and its nice of you to help others. But no one alive, that I know of anyway, would take any help from some one as condescending about it as your being. In your first post you said we are all 'stupid for being addicted to the devils weed'. That is not a good attitude to have if you want to help someone. All you had to do was come here, say that you quit and that your much happier now that you have, and that you would help anyone that wants to quit. No one would have given you a hard time, and everyone would have given you a congrats. Just because you quit doesn't mean that your smarter or better than anyone else on this board. You are not part of any exclusive club or anything, you quit, good for you, now lets move on.

                  I am sure though, that if anyone posted a thread looking for advice on quiting, alot of people would reply with said advice, no one here wants to keep anyone addicted, we all just enjoy tobacco and this is a place to chat about it.


                  • rickcharles606
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 2307

                    Originally posted by rollinred View Post
                    No, I am not anti-tobacco and I won't just leave. Nor am I spamming and you know I am not spamming.

                    The title of this section is Snus & Health. Snus is not healthy. The entire time I was here, which was a few years we all agreed it was NOT healthy, rather healthier than the alternatives. So if your going to be so shallow that you now ignore the fact that snus is not completely healthy then ban me.

                    This is like a bunch of alcoholics getting upset that a sober guy walked up to the bar and said "if you want I can show you a great way to quit".... You don't have to quit, that is your choice. I once resolved myself to being an addict for life, as many of you have done. I was there just a couple months ago. If you want to stay there then fine with me, you don't affect my life. In fact it would have been much easier for me to simply stay away and not post this at all. I even got cravings the first time coming here to post about quitting, but I did it because when I was using I felt locked in, like I couldn't get out because I was resolved to a live of thinking I actually enjoyed tobacco. It wasn't the tobacco I enjoyed it was the nicotine that I had to have because I was addicted. I didn't put in a pris because I wanted but because if I didn't I would get withdrawals.

                    Last but not least. This is the Snus health forums... addiction is not healthy, let people that might be wanting to quit find it.

                    But it is not unlike a bunch of addicts that say they can "control" themselves to destroy the hopes for others because they can't help themselves... That sentence bother you? Then you just might have a major addiction problem... if you don't have an addiction problem than that sentence would not have even phased you.
                    Congrats on quitting. You're "holier than thou" attitude is what is rubbing everyone the wrong way. After I quit smoking, I refused to talk down to my friends and family that still smoked because that's not how you reach people you really care for. EVERYONE here knows that snus has some health ramifications, but we're all consenting adults and have chosen to use the product. You have chosen to NOT use the product, but it served you well when you did...didn't it?

                    Your "bar" analogy is stupid, because not everyone at the bar is an alcoholic. Frankly, I don't understand your motives here. What's in it for you, treasure in heaven? I doubt it...Jesus hates whiney, condescending bitches too. People like you nauseate me, as a matter of fact...I hate people like you. Maybe you should focus on making yourself a better person, and let each of us do the same. How perfect are you, really? Somewhere in the world, a person is getting killed, or raped...go stop that Super Dick.


                    • jagmanss
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 12213

                      Originally posted by CreteCoater View Post
                      It wasn't as much the message as it was your delivery
                      +1 and still is with the condescending attitude....


                      • rollinred
                        Banned Users
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 115

                        Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                        In fairness I did the same thing when I quit smoking (with snus), telling all my smoker friends how much better off they would be if they quit smoking. I guess this is just the natural progression. Sure I would do the same thing (although I would have been much less "born again" about it).

                        Still, congrats, hope you can stay healthy and tobacco free.


                        If that is the way I came across then I don't blame you guys for getting upset. I guess I did not see it that way at all.

                        I see it this way. I am an addict that is not using.

                        You guys are addicts that are using.

                        I was you two months ago when I realized that I was not using it for the reasons I convinced myself of. I did not like tobacco even though I convinced myself that was the truth. I was simply a nicotine addict and liked tobacco because the nic bitch told me I did.

                        I don't disagree that tobacco use is a decision. It seems like some of you are thinking I am calling you helpless addicts that will never live a good free life. Live your live how you want. But don't ever ****ing lie to yourself and say you want to live your life with tobacco every day when in reality you wish you didn't.

                        I am not saying "**** you I am free and your not", but the truth is I am going to say things the way they are.

                        Nicotine is the most addictive drug known to man. It can make you think that you enjoy it when really you are just addicted. I thought I enjoyed it but learned not but a few days ago how much I hate it... Without hating tobacco companies and cancer bullshit. I hate it because it suckered me in to believing I liked the flavor and wanted it when the truth was the hidden drug inside it was making me think that.

                        It is your choice where you want to be. I was hoping to make it clear that no one is locked in to an addiction. If you want out you can get out. If you enjoy it then that is your choice. Just be honest with yourself when you get that feeling that maybe I shouldn't be doing this. That feeling is real... It means you should take the step to be done. Once you get that feeling that "maybe you shouldn't snus because the danger could possibly still be there or the money isn't worth it" then give me a PM. I will help where I can.


                        • CreteCoater
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 304

                          ......and the hole gets deeper.......


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            So much fail in this thread, I don't know where to start. I'll throw a few facts down just to hear myself make noise. I'm sure I won't be changing anyone's mind on anything...

                            Snus isn't healthy, unhealthy, or anything else; it just is. It's a product some people enjoy, and others don't. Life's here to enjoy, and I'll do it the way I see fit. I'd just as soon die right now if I can't do what I please in life. Also, there's nothing wrong with dying. Everybody does it, and it doesn't matter what you eat or do. Guess what? You're gonna die; get over it. Only scared monkeys are afraid of dying.

                            Nicotine isn't the most addictive substance. That's flat out bullshit propagated by the anti tobacco zealots. I know that, and you know that, as does everyone else in this thread. Just stop, ok? Most of us are intelligent adults, and we don't like being bullshit ;^)

                            Hmm... That ended up being shorter than expected. Somehow I covered everything in 2 very short paragraphs. Brevity is your friend ;^)


                            • desirexe
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 1170

                              Stop feeding the troll!!! Just simply say 'CONGRATULATIONS' and move on...


                              • f. bandersnatch
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 725

                                Let's talk about something else. Has anyone read the back of Jaks cans? "The way snus should taste has been well-known to the Jakobsson family since the beginning of the 19th century. Jakobsson's uniquely snus was early recognized thanks to its special blend of ingredients carefully gathered from around the world."



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