I quit snus!!

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  • EricHill78
    • Jun 2010
    • 4253

    Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
    Here is a cool forum to look at!


    Hey - I didn't know PP was a moderator on other forums!
    Lmao there is actually a fleshlight forum.. here's a good quote

    Re: The top 10 signs you suffer from "fleshlight addiction." so let me get this straight. It's not weird because i have a pic of my fl on my cell phone? sweet. i took one of it as soon as it came in the mail. actually, i took a pic of the box on my doorstep and sent it to all my friends with the message "it's here"


    • Hanske
      • Jan 2011
      • 425

      Can't this be one of the few boards without all that no-tobacco-nazi shit..


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Originally posted by pris View Post
        Dear xela007,

        We have now activated your account at the Fleshlight Forums. The forums can be found here:



        I might need some proper education LMAO !!

        Did you say PP is a moderator? :^)


        • bipolarbear1968
          • Mar 2010
          • 1074

          I used snus basicaly as a tool to stop smoking, in which it worked with so much win. Once you get over your cigarette addiction, everything else is second nature.

          I haven't had snus in 3 months, but I still get my fix from nasal snuff


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9759

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
            Dear xela007,

            We have now activated your account at the Fleshlight Forums. The forums can be found here:



            I might need some proper education LMAO !!

            Did you say PP is a moderator? :^)
            better to be a moderator than to be a masterbator.

            better but not as fun tho
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
              better to be a moderator than to be a masterbator.

              better but not as fun tho
              everyone's a masterbator (at some point in life) loool

              Even women and chimps if it's hard to believe loool


              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                Even women and chimps?? Dude that phrase will not get you laid.


                • precious007
                  Banned Users
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5885

                  Originally posted by Roo
                  Even women and chimps?? Dude that phrase will not get you laid.
                  I don't want to get laid right now lool

                  I was sarcastic anyways and There's only men in the forum :^) no interest


                  • StuKlu
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 1192

                    Originally posted by rollinred View Post
                    Hey everyone, I know what this forum is all about, snus and its use. I had been here for a couple years and was using Swedish Snus the whole time. I thought there was no way I would ever stop using nicotine because I was too addicted and did not have the will power.

                    That is a bunch of bullshit as every single person has all the willpower needed to quit tobacco use of all forms. For some it just takes the realization that being addicted to tobacco is a weakness in their life. Instead they try to pretend that tobacco is somehow useful to them as a drug. I can promise you at 41 days of not using, tobacco is not at all useful as a drug. You can argue with me all you want but it does not help you do anything. I thought it was the case for a long time but now I know how ****ing stupid I was.

                    I finally realized that no matter what form of tobacco I used, snus or otherwise was still me being a weak person and allowing an addiction to beat me every single day.

                    I am 41 Days clean right now [NO Spam or your post gets dog humped]

                    I know quitting seems like an unimaginable task but being on the other side makes you realize how ****ing stupid you ever were for using the bullshit in the first place. A lot of you quit smoking and changed over to snus. I commend you for that but you must know that your still an addict that is a slave to tobacco.

                    Think about what you would do with the money you don't have to spend if you just quit. I am 41 days and it was only at about day 15 that it became easy. 15 days of you life to save THOUSANDS of dollars and possibly your life because of reduced coronary issues and cancer of the pancreas.

                    Come join me {hump hump hump}

                    I look forward to helping any of you that want to stop being a slave to a piece of weed.
                    Congrats on quitting, but your condescension is pure douchebaggery


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Originally posted by rollinred View Post
                      Hey everyone, I know what this forum is all about, snus and its use. I had been here for a couple years and was using Swedish Snus the whole time. I thought there was no way I would ever stop using nicotine because I was too addicted and did not have the will power.

                      That is a bunch of bullshit as every single person has all the willpower needed to quit tobacco use of all forms. For some it just takes the realization that being addicted to tobacco is a weakness in their life. Instead they try to pretend that tobacco is somehow useful to them as a drug. I can promise you at 41 days of not using, tobacco is not at all useful as a drug. You can argue with me all you want but it does not help you do anything. I thought it was the case for a long time but now I know how ****ing stupid I was.

                      I finally realized that no matter what form of tobacco I used, snus or otherwise was still me being a weak person and allowing an addiction to beat me every single day.

                      I am 41 Days clean right now [NO Spam or your post gets dog humped]

                      I know quitting seems like an unimaginable task but being on the other side makes you realize how ****ing stupid you ever were for using the bullshit in the first place. A lot of you quit smoking and changed over to snus. I commend you for that but you must know that your still an addict that is a slave to tobacco.

                      Think about what you would do with the money you don't have to spend if you just quit. I am 41 days and it was only at about day 15 that it became easy. 15 days of you life to save THOUSANDS of dollars and possibly your life because of reduced coronary issues and cancer of the pancreas.

                      Come join me {hump hump hump}

                      I look forward to helping any of you that want to stop being a slave to a piece of weed.

                      what was he promoting?


                      • bpc720
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 188

                        holy balls...fleshlight forum...that made my week. Who are those people? how does this happen


                        • pinklungs
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 115

                          Originally posted by rollinred View Post
                          Hey everyone, I know what this forum is all about, snus and its use. I had been here for a couple years and was using Swedish Snus the whole time. I thought there was no way I would ever stop using nicotine because I was too addicted and did not have the will power.

                          That is a bunch of bullshit as every single person has all the willpower needed to quit tobacco use of all forms. For some it just takes the realization that being addicted to tobacco is a weakness in their life. Instead they try to pretend that tobacco is somehow useful to them as a drug. I can promise you at 41 days of not using, tobacco is not at all useful as a drug. You can argue with me all you want but it does not help you do anything. I thought it was the case for a long time but now I know how ****ing stupid I was.

                          I finally realized that no matter what form of tobacco I used, snus or otherwise was still me being a weak person and allowing an addiction to beat me every single day.

                          I am 41 Days clean right now [NO Spam or your post gets dog humped]

                          I know quitting seems like an unimaginable task but being on the other side makes you realize how ****ing stupid you ever were for using the bullshit in the first place. A lot of you quit smoking and changed over to snus. I commend you for that but you must know that your still an addict that is a slave to tobacco.

                          Think about what you would do with the money you don't have to spend if you just quit. I am 41 days and it was only at about day 15 that it became easy. 15 days of you life to save THOUSANDS of dollars and possibly your life because of reduced coronary issues and cancer of the pancreas.

                          Come join me {hump hump hump}

                          I look forward to helping any of you that want to stop being a slave to a piece of weed.
                          NEVER STOP BEING soo0000 AWESOME!!


                          • desirexe
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 1170

                            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                            I don't want to get laid right now lool

                            I was sarcastic anyways and There's only men in the forum :^) no interest
                            Hey now..there are still women around Guess I don't count though as I am a married woman.


                            • KCOLLINS18
                              • May 2010
                              • 165

                              Originally posted by desirexe View Post
                              hey now..there are still women around guess i don't count though as i am a married woman.



                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                Originally posted by desirexe View Post
                                Hey now..there are still women around Guess I don't count though as I am a married woman.

                                desirexe :^)

                                I'm sorry I didn't know you were a woman

                                I always thought you were a guy, but the avatar betrades you in a nice way :^)


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