God this is so exciting, watching what were once people congratulating me on finding my favorite snus then recommending other brands instantly turn when I come back suggesting there is a life outside of tobacco. I remember telling xobeloot he HAD to try Gote Rape #2. Then he posted how wrong he was to limit himself to only Phantom blue, that he should have tried others because the rape was so good. In the end he PM'ed me and mentioned that he went back to Blue exclusively.
All of you whom I thought I may be friends with on this board the rest of my days. I still would have no problem with that but I won't be using. But apparently the old saying "if you quit the addicts substance you are no longer one of them" holds true. I enjoyed my time here and will always come back here to see how people are doing because it was a step in my life for getting rid of tobacco. I may not be quit without finding this board.
By the way I am not and have never been bitter after day 14 of my quit. It seems that you guys are the bitter ones based upon you responses of bitching and bickering. If I made no impact on your resolve I would have expected a "**** you" at most. But obviously this strikes at a personal nerve for some of you.
If you don't want to quit fine... Go the the forums where the chat is about using and being happy while doing it.
Leave this thread for those that might actually want to save their money and possibly their lives. Or if you have words of encouragement for those who have or want to quit then leave em here. Otherwise go enjoy yourself and leave this thread as the way it was intended... for those that may want to rid themselves of an addiction they don't need. And for those of you whom once wanted to associate with me because I was a user now want to insult.. well **** you... it shows what an addiction can do. Yeah I am bitter about that part. You could have at least said "hey rollin, long time no see, grats on your quit" **** you.
All of you whom I thought I may be friends with on this board the rest of my days. I still would have no problem with that but I won't be using. But apparently the old saying "if you quit the addicts substance you are no longer one of them" holds true. I enjoyed my time here and will always come back here to see how people are doing because it was a step in my life for getting rid of tobacco. I may not be quit without finding this board.
By the way I am not and have never been bitter after day 14 of my quit. It seems that you guys are the bitter ones based upon you responses of bitching and bickering. If I made no impact on your resolve I would have expected a "**** you" at most. But obviously this strikes at a personal nerve for some of you.
If you don't want to quit fine... Go the the forums where the chat is about using and being happy while doing it.
Leave this thread for those that might actually want to save their money and possibly their lives. Or if you have words of encouragement for those who have or want to quit then leave em here. Otherwise go enjoy yourself and leave this thread as the way it was intended... for those that may want to rid themselves of an addiction they don't need. And for those of you whom once wanted to associate with me because I was a user now want to insult.. well **** you... it shows what an addiction can do. Yeah I am bitter about that part. You could have at least said "hey rollin, long time no see, grats on your quit" **** you.