Should I worry about my mouth and upper lip?

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Never had any gum irritation thank goodness, but before I get sick and before I even know I'm getting sick I can't snus as it makes me nauseous. It's a great advance indicator that I'm coming down with something though.

    Glad to see you're going to recover.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      Originally posted by Frosted View Post
      Never had any gum irritation thank goodness, but before I get sick and before I even know I'm getting sick I can't snus as it makes me nauseous. It's a great advance indicator that I'm coming down with something though.

      Glad to see you're going to recover.
      you mean when you get a cold?


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        yeah - a cold or influenza. Anything really - I get about two days notice from my snus.


        • nicodude
          • Jan 2011
          • 688

          Originally posted by Crews View Post
          I can live with out snus.
          Try nasal snuff, that way you can still get your nic fix and give your lip even more time to heal. It is one of my favorite ways to use tobacco and the available assortment of flavors/varieties surpasses snus.


          • Crews
            • May 2009
            • 22

            I'm not that into all that nasal stuff.... I did snuff a few years ago and just one day I said to myself: 'not anymore.'

            I don't like it the way I used to.


            • Pants
              New Member
              • Jul 2009
              • 9

              Sores in mouth

              Hey guys, I just was wondering if any of you have developed any sores in your mouth from snus use? I really dont want to know what your views on this persons response is.


              Would like to get all your points of view.

              Also how many of you would say you are "addicted" I have been using Snus for awhile now and can go over a month snus free without even giving it a thought then I'll buy another tin of general. I dont feel like I have become "addicted" Its just something I like. Do you know if some people are less likely to become addicted to nicotine?


              • TheJanitor
                • May 2010
                • 260

                Not from snus, most likely if you quit smoking, though not common, it can cause mouth ulcers. Or it could be herpes.


                • Pants
                  New Member
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 9

                  I dont have any currently, I just dont want to get any...


                  • TheJanitor
                    • May 2010
                    • 260

                    As for your second question, I started snus to quit smoking. Long story short, I'm now addicted to cigarettes and snus, though I am in the minority here. Whatever you do, don't start nasal snuff, it's not necessarily addictive, though collecting it and trying all the varieties certainly is.

                    EDIT: That guy on Y!A doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, and provided no sources for his outlandish claims. I seriously doubt he's ever used snus before.


                    • ABW
                      • May 2011
                      • 793

                      Originally posted by TheJanitor
                      Not from snus, most likely if you quit smoking, though not common, it can cause mouth ulcers. Or it could be herpes.

                      That's from handbaking a pris without washing your hands!!! It's's MRSA!!

                      Ok.. Just kidding.. Don't jump on me....


                      • Pants
                        New Member
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 9

                        Also I used to get a big "nicotine high" but now I dont really feel it anymore. Is this normal? Does it get less over time?


                        • TheJanitor
                          • May 2010
                          • 260

                          Originally posted by Pants
                          Also I used to get a big "nicotine high" but now I dont really feel it anymore. Is this normal? Does it get less over time?
                          Perfectly normal, nicotine tolerance goes up very quickly. You will just get used to a certain level of nicotine to feel "normal". The higher your nicotine needs are, the more it sucks when you try to quit though.


                          • jmdkodiak
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 218

                            What the.... Heck?

                            I looked the dude up. He's an American Gemologist living in Sweden.

                            Where did he come up with that shite?


                            • BrianC
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 463

                              Yeah, that response was from an idiot who knows absolutely nothing about snus. I am not here to dispute that you are better off not using any nicotine containing product than snus, but you really can't take into consideration ridiculous claims like that, which have nothing to back them, when weighing your options. The one claim that he made that may be true is the pancreotic cancer claim, a study did show an increase of 50% from non tobacco users, your chances might be brought from 4 in 100,000 to 6 in 100,000. I personally am fine with taking that risk. What he fails to mention is that smokers have about a 12 in 100,000 chance. This is the type of misuse of information that makes my blood boil.

                              I personally have not developed any sores from snus use, except for when I first started. My gums did get sore at first from the complete change in tobacco placement in my body. After a while they dissapeared and I have not had them since. I view it as similar to developing calouses when a person starts to play guitar. Yes at first your fingers get very sore, but it is not something that is going to kill you, and after a while your body adapts and the problem stops.

                              Everyone who chases the buzz with snus gets dissapointed quickly. Snus gives your body a steady stream of nicotine over a long period of time. Smokers may still get that buzz on occasion because the nicotine uptake is immediate, and it works its way out of your system quickly. It is a high-low kindof thing. Immediate satisfaction that hits you hard, but soon turns into a dire need for that fix. Snus changes your body's perception of nicotine uptake because it keeps your nicotine levels much more constant over a long period of time, so yes, it is normal to not feel the buzz after a while.


                              • Pants
                                New Member
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 9

                                So do you get any pleasure from the nicotine after while? What I really enjoy is the contented relaxed feeling.


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