Should I worry about my mouth and upper lip?

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  • dean
    New Member
    • Jul 2006
    • 5

    Should I worry about my mouth and upper lip?

    hi is it normal for a new snus user to have blackened/gray lips?
  • Teppo Winnipeg

    Re: black lips!

    Yep..It`s normal..


    • dean
      New Member
      • Jul 2006
      • 5

      sorry i meant black gums!

      hi again trhanks for the reply,what i meant was is it normal for a new user to have black/grey GUMS looks a bit sickly and disgusting!
      i also have a couple of ulcers in my top gums is that normal and does it always happen?
      thanks a lot for your help


      • dean
        New Member
        • Jul 2006
        • 5




        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          don't know that I've ever gotten black gums. The place where I put the snus does go a bit pickled, though. Not really an ulcer but the salt sort of dessicates the skin a bit and leaves it looser and wrinkled, if that makes any sense...


          • deen

            it me again!

            hey thanks a lot for the reply.
            how longhave u been using snus? does your gums always burn when u first put the snus in you mouth and the burning goes away aftar like a minute? cause thats what happens to me ,is this beacause ive only been using a week now?
            my guma are so sore even when im not using it is this normal?


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              haha, yeah the first few times it really burns. It goes away, though, you'll get used to it quickly. I've only been using snus for about four months - was introduced to it by a friend in Sweden this spring.


              • mwood72

                I don't know if this helps but I found white portion Snus gave me a sore throat and mouth and Swedish Match suggested trying original brown portion instead and I found that much easier going.


                • redfx
                  New Member
                  • May 2007
                  • 8

                  new loose user, gum problems

                  hi all! this is my first post, but ive been checking around the forums for a while and found it very informative
                  and many different snus users - cant be a bad thing !.anyway my question is about receding gums and sores,
                  ive been using snus for around a year and only recently started using loose snus, and i love it! but my gums are
                  suffering terribly - i have a big sore above my tooth (front left) and my gum above that tooth has been receding from
                  the tooth , all in a week of loose snus use.its not dental problems as i had a dental checkup two weeks ago and all was fine.anyone else had
                  this problem? ive now swapped sides to let it heal but it looks disturbing! and feelS sore...i use about half a can of n and j a day and
                  some general onyx using a mouth wash for my gums also - was really just curious to see if anyone else had had this



                  • mwood72

                    Re: new loose user, gum problems

                    Originally posted by redfx
                    hi all! this is my first post, but ive been checking around the forums for a while and found it very informative
                    and many different snus users - cant be a bad thing !.anyway my question is about receding gums and sores,
                    ive been using snus for around a year and only recently started using loose snus, and i love it! but my gums are
                    suffering terribly - i have a big sore above my tooth (front left) and my gum above that tooth has been receding from
                    the tooth , all in a week of loose snus use.its not dental problems as i had a dental checkup two weeks ago and all was fine.anyone else had
                    this problem? ive now swapped sides to let it heal but it looks disturbing! and feelS sore...i use about half a can of n and j a day and
                    some general onyx using a mouth wash for my gums also - was really just curious to see if anyone else had had this


                    Nice to see another UK Snuser out there

                    I had terrible trouble with my gums, mouth, throat and ears when I started Snusing (infections and irritations) even back in the days when I was using mini portions! To me the cure was to make sure you brush every day (once/twice) with a sensitive toothpaste (eg. Sensodyne), floss (I use the new Wisdom flossettes that you can buy from the supermarket that come on like a toothbrush stick and so there's not danger of the floss being tight enough to cut your gums and make things worse) and also rinse once a day with an antiseptic mouthwash without any alcohol in it (to me this made things much worse!) I would suggest Corsodyl (which can now be purchased from supermarkets) I now Snus about 12 General Whites a day without any problems.

                    IMO I would try the above with the large original portions and let your mouth heal and then maybe experiment with loose again. I've often been tempted with loose as it must be a much more intense experience but I don't know how my mouth would react. Maybe I'll try it someday

                    Hope this helps.


                    • redfx
                      New Member
                      • May 2007
                      • 8

                      hi, and thanks for the response! nice to see another snus user here in the uk too.good advice, thanks!, ill try the toothpaste... my current mouthwash is corsodyl which is suppose to be for gums so i hope it works :shock: ill also try the pouches for a while but i have to say that i love the loose so much,i get a kick out of preparing it and the nicotine hit is fantastic.i gave up smoking 10 days ago to give it a go on the snus exclusively and im doing really well,i smoked alot of ciggies - roll ups a day so i use a lot of snus because im addicted to nicotine quite badly, but snus is one of the best things that ive ever got into in my life. as ive heard said on this site - i wish id got into it sooner -but i dont mind im getting into it now!



                      • Coffey
                        • Feb 2007
                        • 150

                        Hi redfx, and welcome. I had the same thing when I first started using loose. It was very hard on my gums and also caused them to recess slightly. The only advice I can give is to use loose on one side or the other insted of right in the middle, and switch it up frequently. My problem seemed to go away after about a week or so but my gum line above my right front tooth is still higher than my left. From what I have read, it is not a problem as long as the roots are not exposed. I hope this was some help to you.


                        • mwood72

                          Originally posted by redfx
                          hi, and thanks for the response! nice to see another snus user here in the uk too.good advice, thanks!, ill try the toothpaste... my current mouthwash is corsodyl which is suppose to be for gums so i hope it works :shock: ill also try the pouches for a while but i have to say that i love the loose so much,i get a kick out of preparing it and the nicotine hit is fantastic.i gave up smoking 10 days ago to give it a go on the snus exclusively and im doing really well,i smoked alot of ciggies - roll ups a day so i use a lot of snus because im addicted to nicotine quite badly, but snus is one of the best things that ive ever got into in my life. as ive heard said on this site - i wish id got into it sooner -but i dont mind im getting into it now!

                          Hopefully you should find the Sensodyne a lot gentler on your gums/mouth.

                          Well done on giving up the ciggies! IMO moving onto Snus is a very positive thing. It's much less harmful and is a real alterntive to them (as opposed to ghastly NRT) which you will probably grow to enjoy more than smoking (I did)

                          Try to vary where you place your pinch to give your gums a rest and you might also like to try a vitamin C supplement to boost your immune system.

                          All in all things should get easier with time.


                          • phish
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 265

                            Originally posted by redfx
                            I gave up smoking 10 days ago to give it a go on the snus exclusively and im doing really well,i smoked alot of ciggies - roll ups a day so i use a lot of snus because im addicted to nicotine quite badly, but snus is one of the best things that ive ever got into in my life.
                            Power to the UK snuser I was in the same boat - used snus to give up rollies. I love it now and wouldn't ever smoke again. I think being involved in this forum helps rid yourself of ciggs because everyone is so enthusiastic about snus!


                            • Subtilo
                              • Dec 2006
                              • 524

                              Originally posted by phish
                              I think being involved in this forum helps rid yourself of ciggs because everyone is so enthusiastic about snus!
                              Indeed. Nice + smart people here :!:


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