Should I worry about my mouth and upper lip?

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  • redfx
    New Member
    • May 2007
    • 8

    an update: well i now have receded areas above each front upper tooth, but they havent got any worse in the last 5 weeks.the receding happened in about one week of using n and j so i would say be carefull if your using it its strong, either that or i have weak gums :shock: anyway my dentist is gonna give me a hard time...on the other hand you cant see it when i smile and if its the only downside to snusing compared to smoking then i refuse to give it up, i enjoy it to much! (as long as it doesnt get any worse which i dont think it will, as ive been snusing like mad in the past 5 weeks, got up to a can a day... :shock: )anyway its the only down side ive found and i can live with it as long as my dentist can!



    • ajh
      New Member
      • Jul 2007
      • 4

      do you folks see this gum problem with the pouches?


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        I haven't had problems with loose or pouches...maybe it's a personal sensitivity thing?


        • capkanada
          • Mar 2007
          • 29

          Ya, I can't say that I've noticed this type of problem at all, and I use both varieties; loose at home, portion at work/during travel.

          I would have to concur with Zero. Probably something in your body's makeup reacting to it. :cry:


          • labmonkey
            New Member
            • Jul 2007
            • 6

            Mix 'n' match

            I use a mix 'n' match technique. I will start off with strong large pouches for a few days, I usually take three in the morning top left/right/centre - hardcore I know but it feels good whilst waking up, then I will use Grov or General large portions for the rest of the day, alternating sides. When I have done this for five days I switch to loose for two days then move back onto portion snus before my gums start to tingle. Then repeat for two weeks followed by one week of loose snus (any will do), gradually reducing the quantity and size of portion to about 25g a day. A the end of the month I stop - and this is where the fun begins!

            The come-down, for me, is a mildly euphoric experience and I relish the experience each time. The reason for using loose snus solidly for the last week is to a) provide me with a physical/clinical incentive to stop because of the sore mid-gum area above my canines b) loose snus seems to give a cleaner withdrawal than portion snus (rubbish I know, but I like the idea), c) I am less likely to over do it with loose snus in my last ditch efforts to purge - with portion snus I once finished off my last pot by cramming 14 pouches in my mouth! As expected, 10 minutes, later I vomited and vowed never to snus again. THAT'S how to take a break in style!

            Of course, I don't want to "give up", I like it, it's fun, I get an all-day buzz, it's clikey, and there are lots of places or occasions you can take snus where smoking is fowned upon or downright dangerous. I take the break to give my gums a chance to heal, return to plant Earth (I am sure a 24-hour nicotine high is not good for me) and I get to spend a month or two saving up to buy the next batch from the unmentionable Swedish retailer (who just happens to sell Icelandic, Russian and not-very-"British" things too).

            Anyway, my stance on this receding and sore gum business is this - loose snus is more likely to cause problems to the lining of the gums simply because of its loose nature. I will pull my lip down tighter on a larger portion of loose snus just to make sure it stays in place and doesn't become juicy as a result of coming in contact with saliva. This mechanical action of clamping the snus in place causes more aggressive friction on the gums. I have noticed this to not be so much the case when using very coarse snus. Portion snus on the other hand - well this has never caused me a problem, half the time I forget I have snus loaded. Many a time I have woken up with a foul taste in my mouth and realised I had fallen asleep with it in (surprisingly I haven't choked to death yet) so that goes to show that really no pressure is required to hold portion snus in place.

            :idea: Oh, man! I write too much.


            • markcat
              • Oct 2007
              • 50

              White-yellowish looking patches on my gums

              I've only been at it (snusing) for seven days, and I've noticed two white, almost yellowish looking patches on my upper gums, on the left and right sides, where I rotate the snus. They're circular and the gums seem to recess into the discoloration. Now, what the heck is this? :?


              • violins
                • Oct 2007
                • 29

                Re: White-yellowish looking patches on my gums

                Originally posted by markcat
                I've only been at it (snusing) for seven days, and I've noticed two white, almost yellowish looking patches on my upper gums, on the left and right sides, where I rotate the snus. They're circular and the gums seem to recess into the discoloration. Now, what the heck is this? :?
                That is you not brushing your teeth good enough!


                • markcat
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 50

                  I don't know--I brush twice every day and use mouthwash with no alcohol in it twice a day. I'm wondering if it's my my gums reacting to the salt in the snus?


                  • The Wolf
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 132

                    I've been noticing the same kind of spots, but they are very small. Do they hurt? Mine do sometimes.


                    • markcat
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 50

                      Yeah, especially when placing in a fresh portion or pris. Portions are killers though.


                      • bcsiegl
                        • May 2006
                        • 23

                        I think it's the salt and perhaps the baking soda. i used to get these patches and i'd rinse my mouth well (for at least 2 min.) after each bag (i was using only portions at that time) and it seemed to help.


                        • jqlynch
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 132

                          I got discoloration on my gums the first week or so, and then my gums toughened up. Or, my other theory, the "snus pits" started to form and this is simply eradication of that pesky gum tissue that's in the way of your portions. ;D

                          Either way, it's almost certainly temporary. Certainly keep an eye on it -- you may consider only placing portions on one side for a day to see if it makes a difference.


                          • markcat
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 50

                            After closer inspection, I believe it's simply wear & tear from the snus on my upper virgin gums. I will certainly keep an eye on it. But it's nice to know that others have had similar issues. I'm a worry wart and sometimes expect the worst right off the bat.

                            I have been rinsing after each snus, but not for two minutes. Maybe I'll try to rinse longer. And I might I try snusing on just one side for a day--but I hate to see the irritation on the side I snus on! :twisted:

                            All I know is that snus is safer than dipping, and snus has helped me quit dipping. And, and, and I love, love, love snus.


                            • jqlynch
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 132

                              Depends on what you're rinsing with -- I wouldn't suggest mouthwash each time, for instance. If that's the case you might cause yourself more pain -- any sort of chemical interaction with your gums from a mouthwash may linger and keep them more prone to soreness from the salt in snus. (Disclaimer: I'm no chemist, so I might be talking from my posterior here.)

                              I usually tend to either not rinse much at all (portions) or a quick rinse/swallow with whatever I'm drinking at the time after removing a pris. I figure that so long as I brush at least 2x/day and floss at night, I'll be in good shape.


                              • markcat
                                • Oct 2007
                                • 50

                                I've been actually just swishing water around my mouth and spitting it out after each pris/portion. As I said earlier in response to violins I do brush twice a day and use mouthwash (non harsh, no alcohol) twice a day.


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