Should I worry about my mouth and upper lip?

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  • RealmofOpeth
    • May 2007
    • 407

    they're most likely cankersores. similar to white-yellowish spots you may get elsewhere in your mouth after having too much sugar or salt or whatever.
    i had them the first week and they hurt like a bitch!
    take a cotton swab and dip it in hydrogen-peroxide and swab the sores. it won't hurt at first but it will tingle and burn a little bit. it will help them heal a lot faster. make sure not to swallow though while you're doing it. do it before going to bed.
    if you don't have that....use non-chlorine bleach. my brother told my mom that bleach works so she told me this when i had a bad cankersore when i was i tried swabbing with bleach and spitting out the excess (of course) and voila, the next morning it was gone. i asked my brother and he was like WTF? don't use bleach! but I told him it worked...and as far as I know I haven't really gotten any noticeable side effects from doing it. he said he told her to use hydrogen peroxide, but 'oxygen' bleach does contain hydrogen peroxide anyway.


    • Anti
      • Dec 2007
      • 140

      Re: White-yellowish looking patches on my gums

      Originally posted by markcat
      I've only been at it (snusing) for seven days, and I've noticed two white, almost yellowish looking patches on my upper gums, on the left and right sides, where I rotate the snus. They're circular and the gums seem to recess into the discoloration. Now, what the heck is this? :?

      Did this ever clear up?


      • The Cook
        • Aug 2007
        • 166

        This may be useful for you, mwood72 had similar problems ( this was discussed in another thread)

        Check out this site, it maybe useful for you:


        • mwood72

          Originally posted by The Cook
          This may be useful for you, mwood72 had similar problems ( this was discussed in another thread)

          Check out this site, it maybe useful for you:

          I can confirm this stuff is ace and am very grateful for the recommendation which I received through this board. It's much better than any antiseptic mouthwash that I've tried. When you use it if your mouth or gums are sore you can feel it burn and tingle for about 30 minutes and then things feel much better. My mouth and gums have been much better since using this. I just ordered by 2nd bottle. It not only takes care of sore gums but it also prevents mouth ulcers and keeps your mouth feeling fresh, clean and unirritated.


          • theoldsearock
            • Jun 2007
            • 77

            Originally posted by markcat
            After closer inspection, I believe it's simply wear & tear from the snus on my upper virgin gums. I will certainly keep an eye on it. But it's nice to know that others have had similar issues. I'm a worry wart and sometimes expect the worst right off the bat.
            I got a "spot" a month or so ago, it got very sore. In the US they sell an old fashioned mouthwash called "Dr. Tichenors" and I quit using the loose for about a week while the spot healed up. The Dr. Tichenors helped immensely and the portions seemed to be less irritable.

            I started on the loose again and another spot occurred. Same place. I believe that the loose irritates my gums.

            So, I'm using less loose. My next order will include some Nick and Johnny portions!


            • RealmofOpeth
              • May 2007
              • 407

              sore/dry under lip

              lately i've been getting really dry underneath the upper lip, along with a soreness. it's not the same kind of burning soreness of newbie usage of snus mind you, it's more of a grating/raw soreness.
              maybe i'm using too much, too forcefully, i'm also thinking maybe i'm just wearing out the flesh underneath my lip from the constituents of snus?


              • mwood72

                Not sure if you've tried but I found it very soothing if your mouth becomes sore. It burns like hell just after you've used it but when it calms down I found my mouth felt better.


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  Should I Be Concerned?

                  Okay, so I have a brief question.

                  You know that thin little membrane that separates the right and left sides of the space between your upper gums and upper lip? Well, there's a small, canker sore-esque looking thing on mine. It doesn't hurt, but it looks like a tiny canker sore that isn't a sore in that it isn't "open." It doesn't even hurt when I have a pris in that is making contact with said spot. It's just... there, for lack of a better explanation.

                  I'm not too worried about it. It doesn't look anything at all like leukoplakia. But I was just wondering if any of you have ever had similar things take place in you mouth. I think it might just be a result of me using loose and having the pris rest against the membrane. Probably just a bit of irritation.

                  I'd include a picture if I could, but alas I'm still stuck in the dark ages and don't own a digital camera.

                  Thanks guys.


                  • darkwing
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 415

                    Sometimes weird lumps appear in the membranes of the mouth - some stay, some go. I think if it doesn't hurt, then it warrants a look by a doctor.


                    • DraculaViktor
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 66

                      I am not a doctor, but whenever I get any kind of 'sore' in the mouth, canker or from irritating the lining when I grind my teeth at night, I take a couple chewable licorice DGL. I chew it up and swish it around the mouth and sore area and then swallow it. It is supposed to be excellent for mouth, throat, stomach and intestinal tissue. It seems to work with me. Other than that it probably is nothing, but to ease any anxiety, have a dentist poke around. Once I get an 'expert' opinion, and it is nothing, everything is at peace. Keep us posted.


                      • Soft Morning, City!
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 772

                        Thanks guys. I'll keep an eye on it. If anything fishy starts happening, I'll go see the dentist.


                        • The Cook
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 166

                          SMC! - you might consider using Orabase for that sore.


                          • snoosiphant
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 175

                            I would try biotene for a couple of days and if it were still there see dentist or doctor.

                            Biotene is great for mouth irritation, discovered it when smoking pipes.


                            • Soft Morning, City!
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 772

                              Thanks for all the answers, guys. I'll go to the pharmacy tomorrow and look around for the things you've recommended and let you know how it goes.


                              • Xobeloot
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 2542

                                This may be way out of left field, but... I used to have my frenelum (that little web in the center upper lip) pierced. In having jewelry there, I often had strange cankers and irritations appear in the area. The greatest thing I ever found for fast healing of said sores can be had at any pharmacy. It is called Gly-Oxide. It is a sort of liquidy-gel that foams like a peroxide. Put 1-2 drops on the affected area (in your case you'd want to lay on your back and hang your head down to keep the stuff in place). After about 30 seconds of the astuff sitting, use the saliva that your mouth creates to mix with the gel and create a mouthwash out of the stuff.

                                It has a strange citrus taste to it that may leave your mouth unhappy for a few mins, but it will heal SUPER fast.


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