Should I worry about my mouth and upper lip?

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  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772


    Thank you. I'll definitely look for that stuff. I think this might just be some mild irritation. I figure that it must have something to do with that little membrane being exposed to salt all the time. I'm fairly certain it isn't cancer, as I've only been using snus since September.

    I'll try Gly-Oxide though and let you know how it works. If this doesn't clear it up, I'll go have it looked at. Simple as that.


    • Soft Morning, City!
      • Sep 2007
      • 772

      Okay, so I have a new thought. I was looking around on the Gothiatek website and snus induced lesions were mentioned. Could this be what I have? What exactly do these look like? Have any of you had them?

      I tried the stuff that Xobe recommended. I've used it twice thus far. Probably still too soon to determine whether or not it's working.


      • snoosiphant
        • Feb 2008
        • 175

        Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
        Okay, so I have a new thought. I was looking around on the Gothiatek website and snus induced lesions were mentioned. Could this be what I have? What exactly do these look like? Have any of you had them?

        I tried the stuff that Xobe recommended. I've used it twice thus far. Probably still too soon to determine whether or not it's working.
        The only thing I remember reading about snus induced lesions is that they were not thought to be connected with oral cancer and went away when snus use was discontinued. I'm sorry but I dont have a link or even remember where I read it. I think the report I read referred to them as SIL (snus induced lesions) so you might want to include that as part of your search string if you are googling for it.

        One thing you might want to do is to replace your regular mouth wash with biotene, I started using it when I was smoking a pipe alot. Its effects on tongue bite and irratated mouth tissue is nothing short of miraculous.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          You may need to avoid placing a pris or portion on that side until it heals over.

          Gly-Oxide tastes good huh?! :lol:


          • STORM6490MT
            • Mar 2008
            • 138

            First of all, who have you been kissing?

            Let's hope your girl didn't give you a wonderful gift!

            Second, just take a shot glass of hydrogen peroxide and mix it with a pint glass of water and a pinch of baking soda. Gargle that stuff around and use the whole glass.

            Then, if you have it... put a drop of real tea tree oil on your finger and rub it on to the wound. It will clear up in about three days. If it doesn't talk to your girlfriend!

            I try to stay away from chemicals as I did enough to last me a lifetime.

            Let me know what happens....


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              Okay, so I've deduced through simple reasoning that one of the anomalies in my mouth is due to my already extremely chapped lips. My lips are cracking and one of the cracks seems to have transcended the lip and moved on to part of the inside of my mouth. The Gly-Oxide seems to be healing this up well enough.

              Also, it may just be me, but the thing I was targeting in the first place looks a bit better. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but we'll know after a few more days.

              Snusing wise, as of right now I've been using Nick & Johnny portions on the left (unscathed) side of my mouth. Mostly using N&J because the added nicotine makes me use a few less portions than I would otherwise be using.

              Also, I don't have a girlfriend and I haven't kissed anybody in quite some time so I'm fairly certain it isn't anything to do with that. Good thought though. Wishful thinking though. No action here, folks. :lol:


              • The Cook
                • Aug 2007
                • 166

                Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                the anomalies in my mouth is due to my already extremely chapped lips.
                I thought that Portland was a high-humidity place where one would be unlikely to get chapped lips. As opposed to here in Ottawa where in the winter the furniture cries for water. :wink: You try Vaseline on your lips?


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  ZOMG! Chapped lips!

                  :lol: :lol: :shock: :lol: :lol:


                  • Soft Morning, City!
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 772

                    Originally posted by The Cook
                    I thought that Portland was a high-humidity place where one would be unlikely to get chapped lips. As opposed to here in Ottawa where in the winter the furniture cries for water. :wink: You try Vaseline on your lips?
                    Nah. I wouldn't have moved here if it was high humidity. I can't stand humidity. Makes me feel perpetually filthy.

                    Nonetheless, this winter has been much dryer than the last. My lips weren't as bad last year and I didn't plan for it this year. I've taken proper measures now though. My lips are slowly healing.

                    I still have the weird bump in my mouth, but I've made a dentist appointment for the 31st (earliest time they had available). For now, I'm just going to keep snusing and quit worrying about it until then. It's probably nothing anyway, just as every other mouth bump I've ever had has turned out to be.

                    I'm going to keep using the stuff I got from the pharmacy and possibly get something to keep my mouth more moist. I have a problem with dry mouth in general, so much to the point that it's become something I don't even think about. But taking into account my allergy medication, the fact that I tend to breathe through my mouth when I sleep, and my pot smoking... well, I could do with an increase in saliva production. :lol:

                    Anyway, thanks a lot guys. I'll let you know what it turns out to be come the 31st.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      Has it gotten any better over the past few days since you have been using the gly-oxide and portions on the other side?


                      • Soft Morning, City!
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 772

                        The bump thing is still there, but it hasn't increased in size. I think it may have even shrunk a little bit, but I can't really tell because it was never very large to begin with.

                        In other mouth news, the Gly-Oxide cleared up a canker sore that I had the other day. I rinsed with the stuff before I went to bed and by the next morning, the sore was gone. You just can't beat that kind of swift repair.


                        • Soft Morning, City!
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 772


                          Just got back from my dentist appointment (it was originally supposed to be on Monday, but I had to reschedule because I had class).

                          The bump turned out to be nothing. The dentist described it to me as a sort of "mouth callus" that came about as a result of the membrane being irritated on a regular basis (snus). She examined it and said it was nothing to worry about and that she had seen it happen before.

                          Excellent news. And now, a big pris of Gotlands Yellow to celebrate.


                          • aika
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 133

                            Glad to hear the good news


                            • DraculaViktor
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 66

                              Thanks for the update and great to hear it was nothing. Take care.


                              • DukeofPrunes
                                New Member
                                • May 2008
                                • 7

                                A few health concerns with snus...

                                So, I quit smoking with Swedish snus! Hooray! Now I'm worried about damage to my gums. I have also read about snus users growing a hole and having snus lip. Is this damage reversible? Also, what does it mean to grow a snus hole? Sounds really scary, actually! So, please, experienced snus users inform me! I brush twice daily, floss, and use Listerine mouthwash and am hoping good oral health care can help!


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