Any Snus without Propyleneglycol (E 1520)?

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  • Keksvik
    New Member
    • May 2008
    • 1

    I'm with Zeno..

    Hello everybody -

    I've been reading a lot of the postings here and have recently had my 'first snus experience', and all I can say is how fantastic I think the stuff is!!! Having been a smoker for the last 14 years I now feel at long last that there is a way out with this amazing stuff!! I feel liberated to say the least and am only at the end of day 3!!

    Snus of choice so far has been Ettan white portions and quite liking the general for a bit of variety. Got some goteburg and mini portion tre ankare lined up, so will be interested to see what they're like..

    Anyhow, like Zeno, I too have been researching snus that doesn't contain the humectant E1520 as it appears to be slightly dubious in its nature (albeit in high dosages). Thats not to say its putting me off all together, just that I'd like to try a snus without it ie. most probably a dry variety from what I've gathered. I mean the stuff is in most smoking tobacco (and other foods etc) so having been a smoker up until recently, snus is still quite literally a breath of fresh air in comparison!!

    I've just had an email from buysnus to confirm that the 'catch' varieties of snus don't contain E1520.. Anyone know what they're like? I'm kind of put off by the fact that you can only get flavoured varieties - pity they don't just stick with that good ol' tobacco flavour!

    Would be great to get some feedback should anyone know anymore on the subject!

    Over n out.. :wink: :wink:


    • Prometheus
      New Member
      • Jun 2010
      • 11

      I used to be an e-cigarette smoker. E-liquid contains either propylen glycol or vegetable glycerin. Two weeks after I started vaping,
      I noticed a few pimples in the back of my head and on my face. I made an online research and found out about quitzits. I assumed
      it was zits due to quitting smoking and just continued hoping it was going to stop someday. It wouldn't stop so I made another research
      and found out about pg and/or vg allergies. It is kinda rare but it does exist. I then quit vaping e-liquids and started vaping organic tobacco
      with the use of herbal vaporizers. Zits have vanished! When started using snus, zits showed up again.
      Should I quit snus? Do I have to see a doctor?


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947


        I've been thinking about buying this and cutting it a bit with water to keep my snus stash moist.

        Is this a dumb idea?

        I figured a bottle of this would let me keep my loose snus moist and sticky. I was thinking a drop of this and a few drops of water per can.


        • Prometheus
          New Member
          • Jun 2010
          • 11

          Here's an interesting article

          Maybe snus manufacturers should consider replacing propylene glycol with glycerine which is not toxic even if ingested or inhaled, or at least introduce a new series of snus containing glycerine instead of PG.
          Just a thought.


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