Any effect on your seasonal allergies?

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  • Harry
    • Dec 2007
    • 213

    Any effect on your seasonal allergies?

    They're terrible this year. Anyone figure it's because I snus almost the entirety of my waking day?

    Anyone else had a particularly rough opening month?
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    My intuition tells me that nicotine, if anything, would probably calm allergic symptoms rather than make them worse, although I may be wrong. A lot of anti-allergy medications, other than antihistamines, are often buffed with mild stimulants like pseudoephedrine, etc. Nicotine works in much the same way, I would think. How old are you? It could just be that your allergies are acting up a bit. I had zero allergies as a kid and then in my very early twenties I had a few years where suddenly pollen made me sneeze, turn red, eyes water, nose run, and all that. Then it sort of calmed down and hasn't really bothered me for a good number of years now. Might be just a phase?


    • jhof989620
      New Member
      • Apr 2008
      • 11


      Hi Harry...I'm in indianapolis and I thing allergy season has been a bear...but I really don't think snus is the cause.


      • bondzai
        • Apr 2008
        • 362

        It seems to make me cough and my nose run a little if it is congested already. I think it is an expectorant like guaifenesin (Robitussin) so it makes secretions thinner.


        • Scott64a
          • May 2008
          • 27

          They used to use nicotine as an insecticide, and in large doses it acts like an organophosphate or nerve agent. Realize, I'm talking about LARGE quantities of concentrated nicotine.

          Anyone who has had any HAZMAT training will tell you that SLUDGE stands for salivations, lacrimations, urination, diarrhea, and emesis.

          A much smaller dose, as in even the stoutest snus would only bring about minor effects, which may actually help alleviate symptoms associated with allergies. The opening of nasal passageways would be one, plus the mucous membranes actually relax and open up with things like caffeine and nicotine. Caffeine, by the way is a mild xanthine which acts as a bronchodilator and smooth muscle relaxer and so will reduce the wheezing and itchy cough in an allergic reaciton.

          Maybe drink more coffee?

          And yes, the pollen is a bit more this season than last year, and right now we in GA are having round three of oak, honeysuckle and maple pollen. Yowsa.
          The pine pollen looks bad but it's not nearly as bad on the allergis as oak or maple.
          It's just bigger.


          • Craig de Tering
            • Nov 2006
            • 525

            Re: allergies

            Originally posted by jhof989620
            Hi Harry...I'm in indianapolis and I thing allergy season has been a bear...but I really don't think snus is the cause.
            Hey, there's another user here from Indy called Nicotine Dream, although I haven't seen him around in a while.
            We shoot PMs back and forth occasionally.

            Funny thing too, he actually sent me some allergy pills for my massive spring allergies -free of charge- when I made an open request on SnusOn.
            I'm still very grateful to him for that.


            • Lanci3250
              Banned Users
              • Oct 2007
              • 48

              SLUDGE - neat to see that again! I'm a former MICN :P

              My allergies are worse since quitting smoking. I would assume it is because of the lack of garbage in my nasal and sinus passages allowing the allergens to give me the full histamine response.

              I'm also kinda new to NC, and the pollen here is unreal! It looks like someone used a dry-chem fire extinguisher on my car!


              • UprDeck
                New Member
                • Jan 2008
                • 8

                I'm also in Indy. I'm not a real frequent visitor to this site, but I stop by once in a while.
                I have had bad allergies all my life, but this year I've been experiencing very minor symptoms. I'm not a real heavy snuser (2 or 3 times a day, usually in the evenings), but I don't think it's had an effect, positive or negative, on my allergies.
                I think psuedoephedrine is actually an adrenergic agonist, stimulating the release of norepinephrine, while nicotine works on acetylcholine receptors, so their pharmacodynamic actions are very different. As to the effects of nicotine on allergies, I can't say. I did learn in my psychopharmacology class that the reason a smoker's morning cough is calmed after his first morning cigarette is that nicotine acts as a mild bronchodilator and numbs the cilia in the lungs, reducing the sensation of irritation that causes the coughing. Snusers wouldn't have the effect on the cilia since we're not inhaling the nicotine, but the bronchodilation could help with breathing trouble due to allergies I guess.

                But the long and short is that this is a really bad allergy season so far for almost everyone I know who has seasonal allergies, myself excluded for some reason. But I'm not trying too hard to solve that mystery... just staying glad every morning that I can breathe freely.


                • Asquar
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 256

                  I dunno. I never got allergies when I smoked. And then I started snusing instead, and now I still never get allergies.

                  I have a theory, admittedly unscientific, that eating meat causes extra work for your gastrointestinal system, which in turn lowers you're resistance for all kinds of unpleasant things. When I was a kid I got numerous cold/flu bugs, as well as seasonal allergies. I became a vegetarian at age 15, and it all went away immediately, never to return. Of course this proves no particular cause/effect relationship. It's just my experience.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    ^ I would probably think that the reason for that is that vegetarians tend to eat a much more balanced diet. Meat and potatoes provide lots of raw energy and protein, but a wider variety of legumes, veg, pulses, herbs, spices, etc, is what provides a lot of the micro/phyto-nutrients, antioxidants, and all of those other little bits and bobs that help keep you fit and healthy. :idea:


                    • TropicalBob
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 316

                      I have nothing but love and respect for vegetarians, but I'm the little kid who left his vegetables on his plate.

                      And I'm reminded of a co-worker who had this bumper sticker affixed to the wall above his desk: "I didn't rise to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables."


                      • airwoodstock
                        Banned Users
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 340

                        I know this thread is a little dated but, I have to add a comment to this. It seems to me, at least, that my allergies seemed to receed a bit once I started snus. Grantit, the list of things I'm not allergic to is much smaller than the list of things I am allergic to :shock: . my respiratory allergies are far less worse (I contribute this to stopping the cigs) but, I still have issues with the sinus allergies although not as bad.


                        • Soliex
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 58

                          My allergies have been absolutely horrible since moving back home to Michigan. While I am snusing I feel much better and my allergy symptoms seem to fade away for a little bit.


                          • rr0
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 41

                            Re: Any effect on your seasonal allergies?

                            Originally posted by Harry
                            They're terrible this year. Anyone figure it's because I snus almost the entirety of my waking day?

                            Anyone else had a particularly rough opening month?
                            I want to throw my $.02 in here, even if it's a little off-topic. I also suffered from chronic seasonal allergies, which as I got older, progressed into sinus infections.

                            A few years ago my doctor recommended a system that can be purchased off the shelve at just about any drug store, which seems to be a modern version of the old neti pot. It's called "Sinus Rinse"

                            Basically, you "force" about 1 cup of warm isotonic saline solution into each nostril 1x or 2x a day, and blow the remnants out with a tissue. The maker recommends mixing their packets (containing sodium chloride & sodium bicarbonate) with filtered/distilled water, but my doc says tap water is fine and that's what I use. At first it feels weird, kind of like jumping into a swimming pool, but it doesn't burn or hurt.

                            This worked WONDERS for me, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who has big problems with allergies or sinus infections. I also use a generic Zyrtec (great now that it's OTC) and I'm good to go.

                            I've got no financial interest in either product, but am a happy customer.


                            • Soliex
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 58

                              Re: Any effect on your seasonal allergies?

                              Originally posted by rr0
                              Originally posted by Harry
                              They're terrible this year. Anyone figure it's because I snus almost the entirety of my waking day?

                              Anyone else had a particularly rough opening month?
                              I want to throw my $.02 in here, even if it's a little off-topic. I also suffered from chronic seasonal allergies, which as I got older, progressed into sinus infections.

                              A few years ago my doctor recommended a system that can be purchased off the shelve at just about any drug store, which seems to be a modern version of the old neti pot. It's called "Sinus Rinse"

                              Basically, you "force" about 1 cup of warm isotonic saline solution into each nostril 1x or 2x a day, and blow the remnants out with a tissue. The maker recommends mixing their packets (containing sodium chloride & sodium bicarbonate) with filtered/distilled water, but my doc says tap water is fine and that's what I use. At first it feels weird, kind of like jumping into a swimming pool, but it doesn't burn or hurt.

                              This worked WONDERS for me, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who has big problems with allergies or sinus infections. I also use a generic Zyrtec (great now that it's OTC) and I'm good to go.

                              I've got no financial interest in either product, but am a happy customer.
                              Is it expensive? I'll have to give it a try. I have HORRIBLE allergies.


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