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  • xrt
    • Jun 2010
    • 374

    Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
    You can always go to for support. Just don't come back here one day and tell us we are all losers.
    No! I will not be that kind of ass. I remember the last guy. Listen.. if you guys want to snus I understand. The taste is awesome, good nicotine buzz.
    Everything about snus is great. However due to certain things in my life I need to make a decision. Snus & huge amounts of alcohol / or a healthy life-style. Little update on the champix.
    I am done with week 1, 0.5mg Champix tablets
    Side effects: Tired, but not sleepy. At times dry mouth. Some change in mood but only during night right before I go to sleep, sleep is no problem either.
    I am now 2 days into week 2, 1mg Champix tablets.
    Side effects: Dry mouth, tired, but not sleepy, incresed appetite.

    And that's it. As far as the function of these pills. Whenever I light a cigarette first thing in the morning or pop in a 18mg/g portion I get no buzz, nothing. And when I wake up I feel no urge to smoke. It's all mental. So these pills (atleast for me) works really well.
    The day you will quit is in the 2 week between day 8 and 14. I quit on monday (day 12).
    I'll report back.

    One more thing. I am sincerely sorry for my comments in this thread. I was way over the line. You guys investigated it for me. And told me your own or others personal experience. It scared me a little, but I gave it a shot. I am just glad that the side effects are low on me.
    Anyways, snuson. This is a great forum, with a lot of great guys and girls. I often come in here just to get a laugh from all the funny comments.

    Take care!


    • Speedoape
      • Nov 2010
      • 311

      Hope this works. Posting from phone. This was on msnbc today.
      Ok doesn't work. But there is an article on msn. Com about chantix and people wigging out and killing people and themself and ho the pharmaceutical co. Covered it up.


      • truthwolf1
        • Oct 2008
        • 2696

        I first heard about the flipouts years ago.

        It's funny it takes mainstream news so long to catch up on real stories.


        • xrt
          • Jun 2010
          • 374

          Today, Monday May 30th is the day I quit. One is supposed to find a date between day 8 and 14 (second week) and I picked the 12th.
          Will post here tomorrow and let you all know how day 1 went.


          • xrt
            • Jun 2010
            • 374

            Well.. It's been several days, and the champix works like hell.
            But I am still miserable. So I came to the conclusion that I will continue to enjoy snus, but only snus and NOT those effin cigarettes.
            Snus and exercise can actually work out well, it was the cigarettes that made me lethargic and lazy.
            So in the words of George Costanza: "I'm back baby, I'M BACK!"


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              an important thing when quitting smoking is to adopt a positive mindset. (for years smokers are brainwashed completely to believe that cigarettes are their real source of pleasure, thus every smoker will feel anxious and depressed. A smart person that sees his/her quit as a victory in their life, as a positive thing that is supposed to bring them relief, happiness and joy is a person that will never smoke again (not even one)

              while people with a negative attitude will surely return to smoking


              • xrt
                • Jun 2010
                • 374

                Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                an important thing when quitting smoking is to adopt a positive mindset. (for years smokers are brainwashed completely to believe that cigarettes are their real source of pleasure, thus every smoker will feel anxious and depressed. A smart person that sees his/her quit as a victory in their life, as a positive thing that is supposed to bring them relief, happiness and joy is a person that will never smoke again (not even one)

                while people with a negative attitude will surely return to smoking
                Thanks, good point. : -)
                Think I'm pretty much done with cigarettes now.


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  Originally posted by xrt View Post
                  I am still miserable. So I came to the conclusion that I will continue to enjoy snus, but only snus and NOT those effin cigarettes.
                  Wise move in my opinion.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    Originally posted by xrt View Post
                    Well.. It's been several days, and the champix works like hell.
                    But I am still miserable. So I came to the conclusion that I will continue to enjoy snus, but only snus and NOT those effin cigarettes.
                    Snus and exercise can actually work out well, it was the cigarettes that made me lethargic and lazy.
                    So in the words of George Costanza: "I'm back baby, I'M BACK!"
                    Congratulations on coming through your journey.

                    I came to the conclusion 3 years ago that I'd never get off nicotine so I contented myself with snus. I haven't had a cigarette since, and, I've been very very happy.


                    • Mongrul
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 151

                      I went the Chantix route once. Never again. Not only did I feel like a zombie, but it also plugs up your pooper! Don't forget that part! Two of my close female friends had the same problem, so it's not a guy thing. Snus doesn't cause ANY problems, and has killed my over 30 year addiction to cigarettes! I'm back in the gym, losing weight, running, breathing, you name it! BP is returning to normal, blood sugar returning to normal, snus is the way to go! And SCREW any quack doctor who trys to get you back on that crap!!


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253



                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          snus is the way to quit smoking hands down

                          and it seems that quitting snus isnt that hard for those that want to give up tobacco altogether


                          • xrt
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 374

                            Originally posted by Mongrul View Post
                            I went the Chantix route once. Never again. Not only did I feel like a zombie, but it also plugs up your pooper! Don't forget that part! Two of my close female friends had the same problem, so it's not a guy thing. Snus doesn't cause ANY problems, and has killed my over 30 year addiction to cigarettes! I'm back in the gym, losing weight, running, breathing, you name it! BP is returning to normal, blood sugar returning to normal, snus is the way to go! And SCREW any quack doctor who trys to get you back on that crap!!

                            Can I ask if you had any problems when you quit taking chantix? Just threw away my champix pack.
                            I've had enough aswell. As long as snus don't interfere with my martial arts I'm ok with it.

                            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                            snus is the way to quit smoking hands down

                            and it seems that quitting snus isnt that hard for those that want to give up tobacco altogether
                            Good to know. Atleast champix / chantix changed my view on cigarettes completely.
                            Snus all the way !


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