How long have you used Snus? Any Problems?

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  • ABW
    • May 2011
    • 793

    How long have you used Snus? Any Problems?

    Wanted to start a thread where we could compare length of use and any side effects... If any....
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Since August 2007. I've had a few problems. First RJR bitched, and made Lucky Strike unavailable in the USA. Then PACT was passed, and FDA took over tobacco management. That made shipping a real PITA, and I can't get cool stuff like hats or anything anymore. The final insult is MD has now made tobacco shipments verboten. I'm sure glad I live in a free country :^S


    • stubby2
      • Jun 2009
      • 436

      Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
      Since August 2007. I've had a few problems. First RJR bitched, and made Lucky Strike unavailable in the USA. Then PACT was passed, and FDA took over tobacco management. That made shipping a real PITA, and I can't get cool stuff like hats or anything anymore. The final insult is MD has now made tobacco shipments verboten. I'm sure glad I live in a free country :^S
      I can echo that, though I don't quite have the problems you folks in MD have, I just have to deal with the highest smokeless tobacco tax in the country. Other then that it's all good in the land of the free and home of the brave. I just hit my two year mark and as of yet my teeth haven't fallen out yet so I might be good for awhile.


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        snused at least 4 years. no problems at all. unless you count the third testicle I've grown. The wife is a little happier tho.
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          Been 2.5 years now. My knees are starting to hurt from being able to hike a lot farther than when I was smoking.


          • triplethreat675
            • Jan 2011
            • 64

            Yes I used to get a smoke break every couple of hours now I have to work 10 hours hours straight it is brutal!


            • StuKlu
              • Feb 2010
              • 1192

              No problems besides PACT. Snussing for about 15 months now


              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                Other than a few cancer spots and some missing teeth - it's been fine.


                • Tristik
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 654

                  I'm not sure exactly, but it's somewhere around 2 and a half years now using snus exclusively.

                  The only side effect besides breathing and clothes that don't stink, is that my consumption increased to the point where I chain snus for most of the day. Definitely gonna have an oral fixation problem if I try to quit.


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    This june it'll be a year..

                    Side effects.. well on my left side my whole upper left of my lip area inner mouth and part of my gums had to be replaced with a prosthetic a few months back. I started speech therapy about a month ago but I still sound like Corky from life goes on. That's why I spend alot of time here.


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      Nice Eric. In about 18 hours it will be 3 years. I know that's dorky but screw me, I remember the date. And the weather... and where I was standing outside when I opened the Northerner sampler box and went straight for the Ettan...

                      I agree with the oral fixation, yet of a different kind than smoking. I'm not going to lie to anyone, quitting will be a bitch someday. All those times each day when putting in some snus treats you so right? ..... Sure, I don't ever have to quit. But IMO that's a little stubborn and weak. Call that what you will, but it's just my opinion. I like to think someday I can enjoy tobacco without needing it every 30 minutes for Christ's sake. At least that is my hope.

                      There may have been some gum recession, but that situation wasn't all tits and ass to begin with. However, having said all that, have there been any problems? Just PACT, and not being able to afford snus. Running out of snus has been a problem. Snus treats you right.


                      • Experimental Monkey
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 795

                        Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                        This june it'll be a year..

                        Side effects.. well on my left side my whole upper left of my lip area inner mouth and part of my gums had to be replaced with a prosthetic a few months back. I started speech therapy about a month ago but I still sound like Corky from life goes on. That's why I spend alot of time here.
                        At least you have a prosthetic! I am now faceless from the nose down. Food is inserted into my blood stream through an IV. My wife left me and my appearance makes my children cry.


                        • Fazer
                          • May 2011
                          • 663

                          6 years for me. Breathing is a lot better and i can now run. Also, my clothes don't stink


                          • shikitohno
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 1156

                            Since June of 2008. Only issues are PACT and the fact that I've run out of snus. I would say my dentist, but she's none to concerned about it, although her tech is an anti-tobacco zealot. The tech spent a good 30 minutes offering me different methods of quitting, telling me how I was ruining my teeth, and getting more distraught with each time I told her I wasn't interested in quitting. Then the dentist walked in, looked at my mouth and said "Well, there's no real damage from the tobacco so far. You should probably try to give it up eventually, though." She pissed her tech off so bad...


                            • Mykislt
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 677

                              A little over a year now

                              Occasional raw gums, possibly onset of gum recession (I'm probably imagining it, because I'm paranoid about my oral health), it's getting expensive and harder to get.


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