Heat Pasturization products?

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  • ABW
    • May 2011
    • 793

    Originally posted by Frosted View Post
    Well clear back off to snuscentral old chap. You'll be happier there.
    Is that an attack^^


    • Christi
      • Dec 2009
      • 2104

      Originally posted by ABW View Post
      Is that an attack^^
      I don't think so...


      • rickcharles606
        • Mar 2009
        • 2307

        I personally am interested in what GN has to say, and I fully trust that his intentions are honorable and wouldn't mislead his consumers. Eurofin has done studies, and now GN is going to talk about that here. I don't fault the OP from wanting to use the safest possible product, but I do feel he needs to have all the information, from every side before making that decision.

        The danger in this thread is that a few misplaced words or bits of info could harm the reputation of a good snus producer, and we don't want that to happen at all. However, we cannot jump down the throat of every newb that comes here and asks a question...hell, I've asked a few dipshit questions in my day, haven't we all. We should be more concerned with educating everyone.

        @Tom....who says snuff is safer than snus btw? Now, if any statement in this thread needed sourcing...it was yours, lol


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798



          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
            • Mar 2011
            • 7035

            Thank you pris to letting me to continiu
            So my dear freand i want to continiu to explain for you and other brothers a few things


            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              • Mar 2011
              • 7035

              Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
              6 our microbiologist worked for Swedish Institute Karolinska 30 years ( as far i know ABW is doktor or work at hospital he probably have herd about that institute )
              7 That microbiologist worked on issue TOBAK NICOTIN AND NITROSAMINS as a hed resercher))))
              continue in 45 minets)))
              7 a ) If you want to produce quolity product you have to have very high quality tobacco what is high quality tobacco for exapmple ( we do not use tobacco lef stem in our produkts lif concist of lef with stem in thet why becose it is not good for snus it will be cheaper for us but less god quality for you as a consumer)...


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                @Tom....who says snuff is safer than snus btw? Now, if any statement in this thread needed sourcing...it was yours, lol
                That's my opinion also. I base that on long time use, and lack of evidence regarding health problems. Also, the quantities used with nasal snuff are much smaller, with less time in contact with tissue. If nothing else, snuff won't cause gum recession, though it can affect the nasal cavity. Teeth are harder to care for than the inside on the nose, so I consider that a plus on the side of snuff.

                That being said, I'm satisfied with the risks regarding snus and snuff, and have no qualms, or concerns regarding either form.


                • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 7035

                  Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                  7 a ) If you want to produce quolity product you have to have very high quality tobacco what is high quality tobacco for exapmple ( we do not use tobacco lef stem in our produkts lif concist of lef with stem in thet why becose it is not good for snus it will be cheaper for us but less god quality for you as a consumer)...
                  Next is to fynd that tobacco which has low tsna it is no big deal but the problem is not every tobacco is good for snus you do not use forexample Gold Virgina in Snus as it is wrong taste but that tobacco is one of the best tobaccos for ciggarets Benson & Hedges Rothmans used Golden Virgini from Zimbabve to get that exelent taste of 70'80's......


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                    I think if one is paranoid or overtly concerned about tobacco products, they should just quit.
                    No, I don't think so. It's useful for the switch to smokeless tobacco, not to be an overly fearful person, no doubt. But many here come from smoking, some because of health problems, and it's totally understandable that no one wants to come out of the frying pan and into the fire, so to speak, when switching to smokeless. And with the huge amount of misinformation around, it takes some time to realize that smokeless tobacco in general is so harmless, that the method of preparation does not really matter. The taste, the nic-content, and the long-time useability of a single brand matters much more.

                    While we are talking about TSNA's every day, serious scientists are still debating whether nitrosamines (in the small amounts that are found in our general diet - and in tobacco) are unhealthy in the first place. An absolute conclusive link between cancer and small amounts of nitrosamines has never been found. The Swedish food administration has an eye on the snus-producers all the time, mainly on the hygiene of the production facilities, but the tests for TSNA-contents only take place about once in ten years. The last official Swedish snus-TSNA-study that I know of, is from 2005. If that doesn't speak volumes.

                    It's a waste of time IMHO to think too much about TSNA-contents. Or in other words, if you do so, you should as well do so for every food product that you consume, you should investigate, how the coffee beans that you use have been prepared and whether the slice of ham on the bread has been air-dried or smoke-cured (and afterwards let ferment or not). Not to mention the coleslaw, the cheese etc. etc. And far more than about food products, maybe you should ask yourself about the exhaust fumes or the cleansing agents, the chemicals that you get in contact with every day.

                    Shortly said, to assume that the dangers of tobacco come from the small amounts of TSNA's has always been nothing but speculation and it's long known from epidemical studies that it's only the smoke that makes tobacco use dangerous. Nonetheless, there are still some scientists who make money by writing books about the irrelevant TSNA-topic ... and many producers of smokeless tobacco still try to discredit their competitors when they suggest that the TSNA-contents in their products are lower than in the products of other manufacturers. It's all a big business made up from claims that are long proven as irrelevant.

                    BTW, I have no idea about the exact methods of tobacco-preparation that single snus-producers use, they are company secrets anyway.



                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                      That's my opinion also. I base that on long time use, and lack of evidence regarding health problems. Also, the quantities used with nasal snuff are much smaller, with less time in contact with tissue. If nothing else, snuff won't cause gum recession, though it can affect the nasal cavity. Teeth are harder to care for than the inside on the nose, so I consider that a plus on the side of snuff.

                      That being said, I'm satisfied with the risks regarding snus and snuff, and have no qualms, or concerns regarding either form.
                      Don't get me wrong...I use snuff everyday, lol. I've just never seen a single study or any evidence that would "prove" it safer than snus. However, your observations do make sense to me, and honestly I'm going to continue using snuff, but didn't know if he had seen studies on it. I'm going to look now, lol


                      • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 7035

                        Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                        Next is to fynd that tobacco which has low tsna it is no big deal but the problem is not every tobacco is good for snus you do not use forexample Gold Virgina in Snus as it is wrong taste but that tobacco is one of the best tobaccos for ciggarets Benson & Hedges Rothmans used Golden Virgini from Zimbabve to get that exelent taste of 70'80's......
                        But in every cigaret you have about 70 to 80 procent lef and 20 to 30 procent stem why becose it is a masa which maks produkt cheper in snus it can be done as well but some small producers want to make good produkt to get customers her is the point wher i want to come to steam or heat pustorisation issue............


                        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 7035

                          Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                          But in every cigaret you have about 70 to 80 procent lef and 20 to 30 procent stem why becose it is a masa which maks produkt cheper in snus it can be done as well but some small producers want to make good produkt to get customers her is the point wher i want to come to steam or heat pustorisation issue............
                          no many in warld could or will make us change or way of doing our snus as we do we do not do snus in SM way we do not do snus in American dip way we do our way as Sinatra sad once Gothiatek is SM GNotek is ours now evry producer makes snus in the way as it is right for there company to make snus as we do it is much more longer period then big companys way ........


                          • Bigblue1
                            Banned Users
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 3923

                            Damn, I was posting a kick ass respons and this thread get's closed, so I got over it, now it's open again, WTH. anyways post went like this: Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah!...
                            Lala how the life goes on.


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              no many in warld could or will make us change or way of doing our snus as we do we do not do snus in SM way we do not do snus in American dip way we do our way as Sinatra sad once Gothiatek is SM GNotek is ours now evry producer makes snus in the way as it is right for there company to make snus as we do it is much more longer period then big companys way ........
                              even if Sm would like to make it that way they will be not abble becouse it is un pocible to make quantatys as they sell in our way ))).... but as a smoll producer we are afraid of one thing and that thing is misinformation and lossing of costomers so we have to be wery carefull with our quality when sime say that US dip rases tsna levels i can say yes or not becose i do not know how they do ........... what can i say is what hepnes with tsna when we do our way......


                              • thebeatlesk
                                • May 2011
                                • 54


                                Thank you for taking the time to explain all of this. There is something to be said for a company spending time to explain thier product to the consumer.

                                I just want to clear a few things up.

                                I never came to snuson or this thread to stir things up or slander anyone. I'm sorry GN if you felt i was. I started the thread for answers. I put the article in the tread for opinions, not to say you were out to harm anyone.

                                I hope we all can move on and enjoy this great site together!


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