Originally posted by Experimental Monkey
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Heat Pasturization products?
Originally posted by ABW View PostIn Fermented products here in the USA the levels of TSNA's continue to climb after they manufactured. This is one of the reasons why copenhagen is pulled from the shelf every 30 days..
Originally posted by Bigblue1 View PostI have no dog in this race,,,,but I believe this is a blatantly false statement. Resources please
"In a word, shelf-life. With Fermented Snus, expiration dates DO matter. They matter a great deal, so pay please pay careful attention to the following.
Steam Pasteurizing snus kills all of the micro-organisms in the product including those which form TSNA's or nitrosamines which are carcinogens. If you open a can of Steam Pasteurized Snus 6 months after the expiration date (unless you froze it prior to the expiration date), it's not going to taste as good or even have quite the nicotine levels it did when made, but it won't hurt you. The TSNA levels will be the same.
This is NOT true of Fermented Snus. A can of fermented snus straight off the assembly line will have a TSNA level of X. Even in the sealed can and regardless of how well that can is sealed, the TSNA levels will begin climbing exponentially until they are well above acceptable limits. This is why in America, Copenhagen Moist Snuff (which is fermented) is pulled off the shelf every 30 days and replaced. Skoal pulls their fermented Moist Snuff every 60 to 90 days. If you purchase a can of Fermented Snus, don't use it after the expiration date, PERIOD. Also don't freeze it. No studies or testing has been performed on frozen fermented "
Originally posted by thebeatlesk View PostHas anyone read this article. Opinions? http://www.snuscentral.org/latest-sn...the-truth.html
Also taken from UST's salesman handbook from the thirties befor TSNA's were even known about:
Because Copenhagen is such an important brand it will be mentioned mostly in this section of "Your Company;' although the careful and exacting manner of handling and marketing here described for Capen- hagea applies to our other semi-perishable brands. The marketing plan we have devised and used so success- fully in the sale of our semi-perishable goods u so unique in the tobacco trade and so essential to the con- tinuing success of your Company, that we have covered the whole subject in great detail in the following pages, devoting more space to it than to any other single
i subject. AU of our semi-perishable snuffs and tobaccos are
stamped with the date of packing . Copenhagen, Key and Shoal cans bear the packed date stamped on the fibre bottom. Seal, Horse Shoe, and Anchor brands of snuffs have the picked date stamped in code on the revenue stamp and each individual roll bears the packed date which is plainly visible to all. Right Cut and FY-B Cut Chewing Tobaccos have the packed date stamped in code on the revenue stamp, with the calen- dar date on the end of each carton .
Copenhagen is the most semi-perishable of all these brands, and as it is also our largest seller it is advisable for consumers of this brand to know definitely the
freshness of the can they buy before opening it. Many wholesalers and retailers question the advisability of Copenhagen being stamped so plainly . They state that it would be much better for their business if the retail dealer on the one hand and the consumer on the other could not so readily know the degree of freshness of their purchase. Such an argument is usually put forth by a jobber or dealer who is not as careful as he shoul d
be either in purchasing his requirements or in handling . It is our problem to get the freshest possible dating into the hands of the ultimate consumer, and there is no better way of accomplishing this than making the date visible. The fresher Copenhagen and our other semi-perishable brands are, the more a consumer will on and the easier it is to convert new users. The fresher a retail dealer's stock is, the bigger volume he will be able to obtain and this also applies to the whole- sale dealer, as freshness of semi-perishable brands is the keynote to successful handling.
Tonne An-nnrorr Salesmen who are interested in their future with the
Company will endeavor to study and acquaint them- selves with the fundamentals of handling our semi- perishable brands . They can never know too much, as there are always new dealers who have to be educated
and old dealers whose business has either increased or possibly decreased to a point that they also need educa- tional help.
Proper trade attention and fepresentation on Copen- hagen means better service to jobber, retail dealer and consumer, than any other manufacturer ever gives his trade. That is our aim. We have done it so far. W e must continue to improve and excel in such services . In addition to all the other advantages that you obtain, by giving superior trade attention to all our brands, on Copenhagen it means fresher goods. Since every can has the packing date stamped plainly on the bottom, the progress of stocks can easily be seen . The fresher Copenhagen is, the better it is ; and the fresher a job- ber's and retail dealer's stocks are, the greater will be their sales.
The more attention given to Copenhagen in light, medium, and heavy territories, the fresher our Copen- hagen will be when it reaches consume" and this g ;ves us one of our greatest opportunities to secure volume .
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