Quitting Snus (Daily Journey)

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  • xrt
    • Jun 2010
    • 374

    Go ahead then !
    Try loonic, don't say I diden't warn you that the quit will still be like you went cold turkey, there is no such thing as "gradually" quit when it comes to nicotine. Each time you give the body a dose of nicotine there is always a 60-84 hours period before nicotine leaves the system.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      Xrt, you see i have been constantly reducing snus until i was using only one or two portions per day... So basically i did gradually quit .... If you know what i mean...

      I believe it would have been impossible for me to quit cold turkey from one can a day of loose


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        People i know who have successfully quit cigarettes in my opinion their personality has suffered dramatically as a result. There are links between people being more extroverted if they smoke. The same applies with quitting snus i guess or quitting any way of getting tobacco and/or nicotine.


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885


          sorry i didnt exactly understand what you said ...you mean that people become more social aware and sociable after they quit ? because that is 100% true...

          i tend to socialize more when I am off nicotine... and yep I am a completelly different person... probably because I feel a lot better


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post

            sorry i didnt exactly understand what you said ...you mean that people become more social aware and sociable after they quit ? because that is 100% true...

            i tend to socialize more when I am off nicotine... and yep I am a completelly different person... probably because I feel a lot better
            That's not what i'm saying - i'm saying that people i know that have quit for more than a year, their personality changes for the worse in my opinion.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              oh so you mean the exact opposite...

              problem is that everyone is different and I do believe that nicotine somehow "masks" someone's personality ... smokers are usually more nervous anxious and depressed...

              you might have a point though...


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                I can only comment on the 2/3 people i know who have been successful in quitting smoking long-term but in my opinion have forefeited their drive and strongmindedness.


                • precious007
                  Banned Users
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5885


                  maybe its only for a period of time ... and they will get back to their normal drive... or as a theory ... maybe nicotine really propulses a person higher .. with a stronger will power...

                  for example when i used to smoke i used to stay 16 hours a day working on the computer.. now .. such performance is far away from being possible


                  • xrt
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 374

                    Of course nicotine effects our personalities, we are never "free" from the slavery.


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Originally posted by xrt View Post
                      Of course nicotine effects our personalities, we are never "free" from the slavery.
                      100% it's pretty obvious since nicotine affects directly dopamine .... the happiness and mood hormone .....

                      I was just reading something earlier to understand why some people have depression even after 12 months after quitting nicotine..... it;s simply because the neuro-transmiters of dopamine are severely affected after smoking 10 - 20 - 30 years....

                      I am now about 36 hours nicotine free and I have a damn heavy head with a bad headache and highly depressed.

                      Im staying quit this time :^)


                      • muddyfunkstar
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 967

                        As someone who quit smoking cold turkey and went for nearly 5 years nicotine free, I can say with conviction that the little demon never leaves you. At first I was fine, I used the Allen Carr method, and for a year or two I was just happy to be free of the smokes, but after a while I started to miss them and the cravings started up again. Just mildly, and they passed pretty quickly, but then over the next couple of years it started to get intolerable. I would have started smoking again but by then I had my wife and child to think of, so I didn't let myself, and that just made my moods worse. Ended up on anti-depressants, but they didn't do a damn thing except make me numb, and I was still craving a smoke.

                        To cut a potentially long story short, got some snus, feel a whole lot better. Not quitting any time soon.


                        • Snussles
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 108

                          Ever considered giving the nicotine gum a try? I would assume it replace that "stuff behind the lip" habit. I just realized I should have been using this stuff instead of the snus all a long, since the actual nicotine is what I was after not the tobacco. Currently using the 4mg one. Anyways, was mentioned a while ago that snus would cause anxiety, it did so even for me. However, with the gum where I am assuming only the nicotine was active, I was fine in terms of anxiety and actually was rather relaxed. I even tried taking a nap with a piece....Holy damn, lucid dream my ass, probably helps that I don't have to worry about tobacco saliva over the pillows.

                          Basically, as far as anxiety and feeling relaxed is concerned...There is something else being added in that smokeless stuff that appears to be interfering with the actual nicotine's effects, at least for me.


                          • precious007
                            Banned Users
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 5885

                            @snussless I am not sure if anything else is added to snus apart from what's mentioned on the can but believe me chain snusing made me more anxious than chain smoking ... and yep I was a heavy smoker for 12 years...

                            and No nicotine gum is an option only to a certain extent .... until you reduce you nicotine needs gradually and then just stop taking it

                            simply take that crap out of your mouth and start the recovery process... it can take months ... but thats how things work there no other way good luck


                            • xrt
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 374

                              There are no other ways?

                              First, how about getting it through your thick skull that COLD TURKEY IS THE only way to quit.
                              There is no such thing as "cutting back" because every time you deliver a dose of nicotine into the body and brain, you still need to go through
                              the "72hour" period.
                              Second, Grow a pair and just toss the can to hell and be over with it, I did... I'm at around 50 hours quit now.
                              Feel a crave? Exercise! Feel another crave? Exercise! Tired, Angry, Anxiety, depressed? Go out there and lift those dumbbells, jog for an hour or two!


                              • Ansel
                                • Feb 2011
                                • 3696

                                Snus FTW!


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