Quitting Snus (Daily Journey)

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    i know that a lot of people are dumb asses and consider mentally ill people as "crazy" or whatever

    but having to do with anxiety since 2004 made me think and understand mental disorders differently...

    thanks xrt .. by the way is snus helping you with schizophrenia .. ? ive read that it helps a lot with the symptoms.


    • xrt
      • Jun 2010
      • 374

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
      i know that a lot of people are dumb asses and consider mentally ill people as "crazy" or whatever

      but having to do with anxiety since 2004 made me think and understand mental disorders differently...

      thanks xrt .. by the way is snus helping you with schizophrenia .. ? ive read that it helps a lot with the symptoms.
      Yes, alot of people are ignorant SOBs... anxiety is no picnic either. I had anxiety problems before, but it's amazing how one can sit down and just think through alot of problems they have and find a "solution".
      It helps me somewhat, I feel happier when I use snus, but for some reason those times I have quit; I find I have much less of these "Racing thoughts" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racing_thoughts
      All the best to you for quitting, I found that exercise is great during my period of quits.


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        Originally posted by muddyfunkstar View Post
        I used to have a neighbour who was severely OCD, it took him a good twenty minutes to leave his apartment each day while he went through his door locking/unlocking ritual.
        Yeah that's proper OCD and it's terrible. I hope the guy somehow managed to get treatment. When i lived with my parents we had to replace the front door lock mechanism 2 or 3 times!


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          Originally posted by precious007 View Post
          ive just read the part with nicotine as an ocd treatment .. but honestly i have had far worse form of ocd while smoking 2 packs a day ..
          Yeah me too. I think because, well for me at least smoking cigarettes in the end caused me lots of anxiety in itself... worrying about my breathing etc i think that's why they mention patches or similar as the delivery method for the nicotine in these trials.


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
            by the way is snus helping you with schizophrenia .. ? ive read that it helps a lot with the symptoms.
            A school friend of mine has schizophrenia. He smokes rolling tobacco like it's going out of fashion. Nicotine is said to help schizophrenics. But i also read in a couple of places that schizophrenics are more likely to develop OCD too. So XRT maybe you should mention it to your doctor if you feel you need treatment.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              Originally posted by Ansel View Post
              Yeah me too. I think because, well for me at least smoking cigarettes in the end caused me lots of anxiety in itself... worrying about my breathing etc i think that's why they mention patches or similar as the delivery method for the nicotine in these trials.
              I guess at some point even in my case I started being afraid and anxious of cancer and all the other smoking related diseases... but eventually all those fears vanished but I was still anxious like hell on two packs


              • precious007
                Banned Users
                • Sep 2010
                • 5885

                so basically that was the main reason I quit smoking and I trully felt a release of tension within a few months...

                but with snus it's a similar story ... i feel less tensed when I dont snus ... seems as nicotine doesn't relax me but stresses me... especially if I chain snus 12 portions a day...

                today i had a bad day as feel... I had a damn impossible headache all day long ...


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  Have you thought about giving up alcohol too? That causes anxiety.


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696

                    I use to get anxiety from smoking but only nicotine overdose feeling with snus.


                    • xrt
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 374

                      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                      so basically that was the main reason I quit smoking and I trully felt a release of tension within a few months...

                      but with snus it's a similar story ... i feel less tensed when I dont snus ... seems as nicotine doesn't relax me but stresses me... especially if I chain snus 12 portions a day...

                      today i had a bad day as feel... I had a damn impossible headache all day long ...
                      I can relate... when you mention it, I found out that snus dosen't relax me either. When I think back I was much more relaxed and happy, and I had much more energy without nicotine. You should try and read Allen Carr's - Easyway (Its available in torrent .pdf) It's really good.

                      Originally posted by Ansel View Post
                      Have you thought about giving up alcohol too? That causes anxiety.
                      I gave up alcohol too, many months ago, also coffee/caffeine, and I'm not really that much tense anymore.


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        I don't think i would attempt cold turkey. I'd rather work my way down to a low dose of nicotine and see how it goes, perhaps stay there.


                        • Fazer
                          • May 2011
                          • 663

                          Originally posted by muddyfunkstar View Post
                          I used to have a neighbour who was severely OCD, it took him a good twenty minutes to leave his apartment each day while he went through his door locking/unlocking ritual.
                          + 1

                          This sounds like me, doors are my "thing", it does my head in !


                          • Ansel
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 3696

                            Originally posted by Fazer
                            + 1

                            This sounds like me, doors are my "thing", it does my head in !
                            Exposure to the thing that causes you anxiety is pretty much the only thing that will in time cure it, and is said to reqire your brain accordingly ie. in this case you would expose yourself to checking the handle just once (or what's considered reasonable) then no matter how much you'd wanty to re-check you wouldn't... you'd be anxious at work at first then that anxiety would subside. You'd repeat this process over and over.


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              Originally posted by Ansel View Post
                              Have you thought about giving up alcohol too? That causes anxiety.
                              alcohol in my case.. causes depression rather than anxiety...

                              if I happen to drink 3 days in a row.. for Easter for example then Im most likely yo feel highly depressed for a whole week to come... that is why I stay away from any type of alcohol..

                              i started having a intolerance to alcohol since I started taking benzos (havent had benzos for 5 years now but I ztill dont tolerate alcohol)

                              weird lol


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                Originally posted by Ansel View Post
                                Exposure to the thing that causes you anxiety is pretty much the only thing that will in time cure it
                                I would genuinely agree to this... but sometimes it's true.. you're maybe referring to certain situations or things that cause phobias or anxieties...

                                but some people can cause severe forms of anxiety (especially family members or work mates) and in that case u have to completely ignore the people that make you feel tensed
                                get your hands on a book about Toxic People


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