Quitting Snus (Daily Journey)

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  • Snussles
    • Jul 2010
    • 108

    Originally posted by jagmanss
    Ha!haaaa! You another killthecan.org visitor? Oh! BTW! Since when was snus proven to have poison in it.... LMAO.... You funny...
    Nope, never been to the site. And I was using the term poison simply because it sounded better, I just meant it as "doing harm", as in tobacco in general. Hey, just look at my post history, I jumped from snus to dip and back, so I am just mostly talking out of my ass these past few post because I honestly have not much of value to add otherwise.

    Regardless of how you make it, tobacco is bad, do not see why just because we are talking about snus, I should speak of it more politely, haha.

    I guess I am just glad I am finally off it, and only could wish it was this easy for everyone else. So call it poison or not, down the line the stuff is probably not good for you regardless.

    Do not kill the can, replace it with a "healthier" alternative. Whatever, do as you please, just trying to add an opinion and or support.


    • jagmanss
      • Jul 2010
      • 12213

      Originally posted by Snussles
      Nope, never been to the site. And I was using the term poison simply because it sounded better, I just meant it as "doing harm", as in tobacco in general. Hey, just look at my post history, I jumped from snus to dip and back, so I am just mostly talking out of my ass these past few post because I honestly have not much of value to add otherwise.

      Regardless of how you make it, tobacco is bad, do not see why just because we are talking about snus, I should speak of it more politely, haha.

      I guess I am just glad I am finally off it, and only could wish it was this easy for everyone else. So call it poison or not, down the line the stuff is probably not good for you regardless.

      Do not kill the can, replace it with a "healthier" alternative. Whatever, do as you please, just trying to add an opinion and or support.
      Hmmmm! Ok! But since when is snus..... A proven harm reduction product so full of harm? Please enlighten us all....

      Oh! And please don't talk out of your ass


      • spinyeel
        • Aug 2009
        • 175

        Why do idiots have to post anti Snus dribble on a Snus lovers forum? Go away!!


        • Snussles
          • Jul 2010
          • 108

          Originally posted by jagmanss
          Hmmmm! Ok! But since when is snus..... A proven harm reduction product so full of harm? Please enlighten us all....

          Oh! And please don't talk out of your ass
          But, I love you.


          • jagmanss
            • Jul 2010
            • 12213

            Originally posted by Snussles
            But, I love you.
            I love ya too man! But ya ain't gettin' my bud light...


            • deadohsky
              • Nov 2009
              • 625

              Good luck precious.

              Personally, it seems to me that i'd be able to quit snus easier than cigarettes. When i smoked i needed one at least every couple hours, depending on stress levels. It's not the same with snus for me. I have (unintentionally) gone a complete day without snus and really didn't feel much need for it. If i had been smoking, i would have felt like crap. While at work, it's not uncommon for me to got upwards of six hours without a pris. I don't feel jittery or anything like i would when i used to smoke. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this.

              I have no data to back this up but, i think with cigarettes there is more than one addiction you are breaking. There are so many other chemicals ingested whilst smoking i believe part of the trouble with quitting smokes is not just the nicotine but all the other chemicals inhaled versus the relatively pure nicotine you get with snus. Just my thoughts, no idea if there's any truth to it or not.


              • precious007
                Banned Users
                • Sep 2010
                • 5885

                there isnt more than one addictive substance in cigarettes but certainly a couple thousand chemicals ...

                im not counting hours any longer ... i see no point... still quit... but smoked 2 cigars yesterday... seems that the nicotine demon is still in me...

                i have to mention this since anxiety is a living hell and been having it since 2004 ... quitting cigarettes has triggered all the anxiety in me all of sudden.. back in 2004 .. so guys try to reduce the nicotine gradually to avoid panic or anxiety..


                • Speedoape
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 311

                  I quit Snus over the weekend. Made it 2 days. No problem. Showed up to work on tuesday and all hell broke loose. Ran a 40 minute round trip on lunch to buy some general. Work stress is definitely a big trigger. Better to Snus and stay calm than not and rip some dumbass customer a new one....


                  • devilock76
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 1737

                    Wow, look at that, read this thread, and popping in a prilla right now. The pattern remains.



                    • BuLLitz
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 180

                      Originally posted by Ansel View Post
                      I disagree, i think it's easier to gradually quit and it sounds like a product like Loonic could help you do that.
                      True! Well... yes, no, maybe so.

                      It is my understanding that the actual nic content of those are 12,8,4, and 0.
                      How many people here can quit from a 4 mg snus? Probably not many... if any.

                      It was easy for me to step down from 12's... to 8's.... to 4's... (it just took a while) but I seriously doubt that quitting from 4's would have been any easier than quitting from 8's.

                      For me, the most difficulty occurred when I went to 3mg's. I struggled with that for a while and even switched back to 6's for a bit before coming back to 3's.

                      I now do half of a 3 mg snus 4 times a day (since there is nothing lower in nic).
                      My 13 cans of 3mg Oomph will last me 140+ days at this rate. They would last longer if I could figure out how to cut them into 3rd's. lol
                      Yup... only about .35 cents a day for my nicotine habit.
                      (YOU HEAR THAT, NORTHERNER???? COME UP WITH A 1mg NIC SNUS (Oomph/purified preferred) IF YOU WANT MY MONEY!!!!)

                      So yes. You CAN taper down your addiction to nicotine.
                      It is NOT necesserily just a quit or dont quit situation. You do have options and that's one of the great things about SNUS.

                      Seek the least nicotine amount that keeps you somewhat functional.
                      Keep your distance between doses when stepping down. For me, going 1 to 2 months between steps worked just fine.
                      Do small steps if you are not in a hurry. If you are doing 12mg's of nic now, look for something with 11... and you are on your way.
                      Once you get to 3mg's like me, your only option is to split your doses and put as much time between them as possible (UNTIL NORTHERNER COMES UP WITH A 2 or 1mg NIC SNUS).


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        BuLLitz, i wouldn't recommend you Loonic anyway as the ginseng would raise your heart rate higher than the 4mg of nicotine ever would imo depending on how much they put in it.


                        • Ansel
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 3696

                          You could always los with a 1mg prilla...


                          • snusgetter
                            • May 2010
                            • 10903

                            Originally posted by BuLLitz
                            (YOU HEAR THAT, NORTHERNER???? COME UP WITH A 1mg NIC SNUS (Oomph/purified preferred) IF YOU WANT MY MONEY!!!!)

                            Something to consider:
                            Ariva, Dissolvable Tobacco

                            This is a spitless compressed, powdered tobacco product
                            that is designed to dissolve in the mouth [just like snus].
                            1.5mg of nicotine per piece.

                            Stonewall's little brother.


                            • TheOneandOnly
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 616

                              I also wanted to post that Ariva.. has 1.5 mg's of nicotine designed for very light smokers. Try that out.


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                I've noticed that many prefer the gradual quit and that the way to go ... I have first attempted harm reduction ...

                                cigarettes -> snuff -> snus -> some nicorette gum ... and relapsed a few times with snus ...

                                problem is I just can't get over the depression ...

                                yesterday I've puffed 2 cigarettes and let me just say ... NO THANKS they gave me a hell shit anxiety head pressure and headache that lasted for a couple of hours..

                                trying to stay clean today lmao


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