wow, you guys are all fools. the only way to quit nicotine is write "i'm in control baby!" on your forearm and refer back to it each time you'e craving the nic. good luck precious i had to quit for a few days when i ran out last week and tried to ease the pain with some skoal apple longcut. i was so unfulfilled like that vietnamese handskee i got in montreal.
Quitting Snus (Daily Journey)
Despite being someone who is a pathetic slave to the nic (and lots of it), and despite my better judgment on a forum of this type full of (super rad) gung-ho tobacco fiends, I'll go ahead and chime with this. If you're using 1/2 of a 3mg snus a couple times per day and wondering how to go lower, just quit. This is like watching someone get into a cold swimming pool one inch at a time over 5 minutes. Jump in already. Good luck.
I agree with the swimming pool part but with nicotine things are slightly more harder and most people know it...
I havent seen anyone quit cold turkey personally but I bet most people that succesfully quit are doing it gradually over time to ease the pain... by the way thats what they do with heroine and cocaine addicts too... theyre put on metadone and gradually the dose is reduced ...
of course the "quit cold turkey day" comes at some point when the body doesnt need that much of the drug
Really? Out of all my friends, 10 years ago most of them smoked. Now only 1 in 5 of them smoke I'd say. My girl just quit cold turkey recently. Granted, she's pregnant, but it happens all the time and it's not the insurmountable monolith you make it out to be. I would argue that it's harder for us as a group inherently, and that's why we are here. Most former smokers I know would not have considered moving to a safer smokeless oral tobacco... they just quit. That's why we're on the fringe. We are tobacco enthusiasts. Someone who is using half an Oomph to get through the morning is not a tobacco enthusiast; rather he is someone on the verge of quitting. I am merely trying to point that out and encourage him to do so. Precious you have a lot of great contributions to the forum, but might I respectfully recommend chilling out on your authoritative tone. I don't need to be patronized about drug addiction.
Edit: just realized I jacked your thread, I thought we were in another one. Good luck Precious. We all have different experiences. It has been mine with people in my life that the large majority of people who successfully quit are those who do so cold turkey. And I don't mean to sound high and mighty; as I said I am an addict, and I am taking no strides toward quitting. I commend you for wanting to, although I don't demonize tobacco usage by any means either. Do what you like. My post was in response to BuLLitz, who is hanging on to minuscule amounts of nicotine. I am not criticizing you BuLLitz, just wanted to draw that analogy to diving into a cold pool. I'm not even close to the water. I'm the junkie in the shade of a tree half a mile away, digging through my belongings for that last snus or even bumming cig if I must.
Here here, roo. There is no such reason to make such a big deal of it. Use what is comfortable to you, if you get so anxiety ridden from not using than use. What do you expect us to say. We are not congregating here to encourage usage, we all are here cuz we like to use, In other words post what you like but stop being a doosh about it. there are other forums for that......
My original intention from moving to snus from smoking cigarettes was to wean myself off of the physical aspect of smoking, while still maintaining nicotine in the way the patch does for the first 30 minutes. In a couple months, wean off snus to a lower nicotine level and taper off of tobacco all together. Once I really started snusing though, I realized I prefer it to smoking. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing in the world like a first instant rush of a cigarette in the morning, but overall it's much more enjoyable. Then I learned about MAOIs and other tobacco stuff that you just don't get from any kind of NRT.
Instead, what I got was chain snusing sterks all day long, the inside of my lips feel like sandpaper and my throat gets sore from sucking all the juice and swallowing it. So, yeah, snus is just as addictive, if not more so.
It's not simply about health, but about basing a lifestyle around a tobacco product. Checking stocks, stockpiling snus, ordering a bunch every couple weeks/month. Worrying about how I will make it in a bar or nightclub without throwing in a portion around uneducated friends (or women). These in and of itself cause a sense of anxiety, so I understand where precious is coming from, but on the other hand, I know that it is relatively harmless compared to what I was using (cigarettes), so I am in a toss up. I will continue to use snus I think until I get to a point where I simply don't want to have an addiction.
I agree with deadohsky that it is easier to go without snus than it was without cigarettes. I think (and I'm not scientist) that it has something to do with the fact that absorbed nicotine is less of a kick than inhaled nicotine. Think of it this way, you've seen people who can use cocaine recreationally and go without it for periods of time, but you've NEVER seen anyone who wasn't totally addicted and strung out on smoking crack cocaine. So, maybe it's a similar scenario. Different delivery methods affect people differently.
Originally posted by jmdkodiakMy original intention from moving to snus from smoking cigarettes was to wean myself off of the physical aspect of smoking, while still maintaining nicotine in the way the patch does for the first 30 minutes. In a couple months, wean off snus to a lower nicotine level and taper off of tobacco all together. Once I really started snusing though, I realized I prefer it to smoking. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing in the world like a first instant rush of a cigarette in the morning, but overall it's much more enjoyable. Then I learned about MAOIs and other tobacco stuff that you just don't get from any kind of NRT.
Instead, what I got was chain snusing sterks all day long, the inside of my lips feel like sandpaper and my throat gets sore from sucking all the juice and swallowing it. So, yeah, snus is just as addictive, if not more so.
It's not simply about health, but about basing a lifestyle around a tobacco product. Checking stocks, stockpiling snus, ordering a bunch every couple weeks/month. Worrying about how I will make it in a bar or nightclub without throwing in a portion around uneducated friends (or women). These in and of itself cause a sense of anxiety, so I understand where precious is coming from, but on the other hand, I know that it is relatively harmless compared to what I was using (cigarettes), so I am in a toss up. I will continue to use snus I think until I get to a point where I simply don't want to have an addiction.
I agree with deadohsky that it is easier to go without snus than it was without cigarettes. I think (and I'm not scientist) that it has something to do with the fact that absorbed nicotine is less of a kick than inhaled nicotine. Think of it this way, you've seen people who can use cocaine recreationally and go without it for periods of time, but you've NEVER seen anyone who wasn't totally addicted and strung out on smoking crack cocaine. So, maybe it's a similar scenario. Different delivery methods affect people differently.
I have successfully quit all tobacco/nicotine.
It did take a few times.
I have nothing against it, and did enjoy it when i was into it.
But I don't want to be hooked to anything now, and I want to pursue bodybuilding.
I put the last of all my stuff on the exchange. I think it's a good deal. I'm not going to use it anymore.
Originally posted by tom502I have successfully quit all tobacco/nicotine.
It did take a few times.
I have nothing against it, and did enjoy it when i was into it.
But I don't want to be hooked to anything now, and I want to pursue bodybuilding.
I put the last of all my stuff on the exchange. I think it's a good deal. I'm not going to use it anymore.
I did enjoy the experience, for the time I partaked in it.
But I'm just at a time/place in my life I don't wanna do it anymore.
And I haven't in a while, and I have no urges to do so, so I feel totally free from it.
Now if someone will buy off my stuff. I got a nice e-cig and some India snuffs on the exchange for cheap.
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