Harm reduction advice from my dental hygienist.

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  • thatguyjeff
    • Jun 2008
    • 103

    Harm reduction advice from my dental hygienist.

    Hey all,

    Haven't posted in a while. Been lurking regularly though. Anywho...

    I was at the dentist for a check-up yesterday when the hygienist told me I was showing "pre-cancer" signs in my lip. Not that I have mouth cancer or will get mouth cancer. Just that it's apparent that I chew because of the condition of the inside of my upper lip. FWIW - I always snus on the left. She said my lip is getting blanched and wrinkled.

    She said - short of quitting all together - to "move the chew around." That it would help reduce the risk of problems somewhat.

    Just wanted to pass that information along.
    Happy snusing everyone.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    That's not the best advice. Moving it around can help prevent white patches and wrinkling, but those ARE NOT precancerous lesions. They won't turn cancerous with continued use.


    • sirloot
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2011
      • 2607

      I think it realy makes professionals sound dumb when they say precancer. Hell everthing that's not cancer is precancer. Ohsht I got precancer in my toenail haaaaalp !


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        My harm reduction advice would be to lower lip snus when you can get away with it...


        • desirexe
          • Feb 2008
          • 1170

          I just discovered what the "UNDO" button does on my ipad...it erases everything I just wrote instantly!!! F*#%!!! Anyway..just wanted to know if you use snus exclusively and if you told hyg prior to exam of your smokeless use.


          • spirit72
            • Apr 2008
            • 1013

            Originally posted by thatguyjeff
            Hey all,

            Haven't posted in a while. Been lurking regularly though. Anywho...

            I was at the dentist for a check-up yesterday when the hygienist told me I was showing "pre-cancer" signs in my lip. Not that I have mouth cancer or will get mouth cancer. Just that it's apparent that I chew because of the condition of the inside of my upper lip. FWIW - I always snus on the left. She said my lip is getting blanched and wrinkled.

            She said - short of quitting all together - to "move the chew around." That it would help reduce the risk of problems somewhat.

            Just wanted to pass that information along.
            Happy snusing everyone.
            Most likely, it is caused by the moisture in the snus(not much different than the way your skin wrinkles when you swim or take a long bath), and from the salt as well. Snus on the other side for a week or so and watch it all disappear.


            • thatguyjeff
              • Jun 2008
              • 103

              Originally posted by spirit72
              Most likely, it is caused by the moisture in the snus(not much different than the way your skin wrinkles when you swim or take a long bath), and from the salt as well. Snus on the other side for a week or so and watch it all disappear.
              That was sort of my point. That it seemed like a good idea to me to change sides in an effort to minimize any potential harm. Seems logical at least. Whether it's the tobacco doing something or just the water content and whatever happening being relatively harmless... wouldn't hurt me to switch up sides, which is something I wasn't doing before.

              To address some of the above - I agree about the use of "pre-cancer" and whatnot. Load of crap really. I thought it was somewhat refreshing to get some actual harm reduction advice as opposed to abstaining as being the only way.

              I made no mention that I use tobacco. I've been seeing the same dentist/hygienist for probably 10 years now. Not sure how long I've been snusing, maybe 3 years? So there wouldn't be anything on file from the past as me having used any tobacco.

              It was pretty clear to me she spotted something in my mouth. She asked me if I chewed after examining that area of my mouth a little more closely. I then asked her where she noticed whatever it was she saw and she nailed where I snus - upper left.

              Anyway - just passing along information. Do with it what you will.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                They just did that full 2 second mouth test on me at the dentists.. I really wonder how focused some of these hygenists really are unless there is a gushing blood sore.


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  I reckon Northerner Purified do next to nothing to your gums, just a hunch but that's how it feels.


                  • ABW
                    • May 2011
                    • 793

                    Originally posted by Ansel
                    I reckon Northerner Purified do next to nothing to your gums, just a hunch but that's how it feels.
                    Again..your on the money with the northerners.. I read about these "wrinkles" in that big report I posted and the are called something but I can't remember right now.. Point? They are not usually cancerous...


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253

                      As soon as the hygienist said "pre cancer" I woulda stood up, slammed my can of snus on the table, and drop my pants, then profess "I am the lizard king, I can do anything" pull up my pants and just walk out. Trust me my friend she would never forget it.


                      • ABW
                        • May 2011
                        • 793

                        Eric is Morrison incarnate....


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