Fell asleep with a pris...woke up with a cold.

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  • granola
    • Jul 2011
    • 55

    Fell asleep with a pris...woke up with a cold.

    It's Sunday evening. I'm partaking in my standard routine of watching something on TV or reading on the couch before I go to bed. I bake a nice big pris of General. Next thing I know it's 3:00 am and mudslide city is upon me.

    So I peel myself off the couch, chuck the pris, and rinse out the extra bits. Floss, brush, fluoride rinse. Then it gets nasty. I feel like I've got some phlegm in my throat, so I hack it up and BLEH -- there's bits of snus in there. I continue to clear my throat for a few minutes, drink a glass of water, and go to bed.

    Monday morning rolls around a few hours later and I'm a mess. Sore throat, beginnings of a cold, too tired to get up.

    Now it's Wednesday and my throat has (mostly) cleared up, but I'm still feeling less than 100%.

    Here's my question: do you find yourself getting sick more or less frequently with snus compared to without? I'm inclined to think my case is more circumstantial than anything (plus I probably opened up my throat for infection with the sleepytime-los-mudslide-disaster).
  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    I got sick just as often (if not more) when I did not snus than when I do. Sounds like it was just a coincidence that you got sick while falling asleep with a pris in!


    • EricHill78
      • Jun 2010
      • 4253

      It's probably a coinsidence like heders said.

      Funny with me I developed Chrons/Ulcerative colitis because I quit smoking believe it or not. So when I start feeling symptoms I have to buy a pack, by the time I finish the pack I start feeling better. If you think I'm crazy here are some people who are going through the same deal.



      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Yea I'm with Heders. I think it was just a coincidence.

        I fall asleep all the time with a pris in and am just fine

        Now what might have happened is that if you have not been using snus that long, the mudslide might have irritated your throat thus providing a weakened entry point for a cold that was already coming on.....but this is probably not likely

        Anyway, unless you have an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in the brand you were using (I have heard of a few folks reacting to the Rose oil in Skruf) this is most likely only a coincidence or at worst a one time occurrence.
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • c.nash
          Banned Users
          • May 2010
          • 3511

          I actually have only gotten sick once in the two plus years I've used snus... So I think it might be helping haha.
          I've fallen asleep with loose snus in and honestly... never had a mudslide. It's weird... It's like it doesn't move when I'm sleeping, and I'm not a still sleeper lol.


          • granola
            • Jul 2011
            • 55

            Originally posted by EricHill78
            Funny with me I developed Chrons/Ulcerative colitis because I quit smoking believe it or not. So when I start feeling symptoms I have to buy a pack, by the time I finish the pack I start feeling better. If you think I'm crazy here are some people who are going through the same deal.

            That is crazy! Never would have thought.

            The good part about bring sick is that I work 100% from home, which means all-day access to my full stash of portions + los!

            Working at home today also afforded me the opportunity to go to the drug store and I made myself a nice little ghetto tool. They only had 5ml syringes though so those prillas are FAT!


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              I get sick way less often than I did when I smoked. With snuff, I'll sometimes wakeup kind of snotty, and feel like I'm getting sick, but that goes away within a half hour or so.


              • JonasV
                New Member
                • Aug 2011
                • 6

                I've fallen asleep with a pris a bunch of times. No problems here. I've even brushed my teeth with with it a few times. It was to good to spit out. so I just move it around in my mouth while brushing so not to brush directly on it


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  I get sick way less often than I did when I smoked. With snuff, I'll sometimes wakeup kind of snotty, and feel like I'm getting sick, but that goes away within a half hour or so.
                  Agreed, I was in a perpetual state of sickness when I smoked perpetually. Then I found snuff and felt a lot better, then I found snus and felt even better except my sinuses, quit snuff and in no time I have not breathed this good nasally or pulmonary since I was a sick child. I never get sick now other than the occasional hangover....... sooner or later I'll cut that shit out too.......


                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674

                    I think this is a coincidence, although I'm not a doctor. I got more chest colds and a plethora of illnesses when I was a cigarette smoker. I've yet to read anything about snus and one's immune system though. Are there any works that delve into this matter?


                    • Mongrul
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 151

                      I was rocking some Rape the other night and decided to leave it in. Around 3 in the morning it was all over the friggin place! That usually doesn't happen. I must have been dreaming about eating BBQ or something. Anyway, I cleaned up and was no worse for wear. I wouldn't worry about it.


                      • legry
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 51

                        Dood: A. I am a doctor B. I fall asleep with it in all the time C. Wouldn't give you a "cold" but could certainly irritate your throat if it's running down the back of your throat while you're asleep. I agree with nash, for some reason, it never seems to mudslide while I'm asleep. I used to fall asleep with copenhagen in all the time and that was way more terrible of an experience.


                        • Nuusku
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 993

                          I have fallen to sleep many times with a portion inside and nothing has happened. Accept when waking up my mouth has been really dry


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