Quitting Snus??? Exit Strategies

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  • Dead Rabbit
    • Mar 2008
    • 315

    Originally posted by reshumate
    Don't like being addicted to a drug? Do you drink coffee? How about alcohol consumption?

    I'm a former smoker and new snuser, and know that nicotine helps keep the edge off. Until they discover that snus is bad for you, I think I will stick with it. Beats smoking all to hell.
    Dude, just because one uses a substance doesn’t necessitate addiction. According to that logic, everyone who drinks beer is an alcoholic. I can, and do go without alcohol and caffeine. I don’t revolve my day around those substances. To a certain extent, like many of us, my day does in fact orbit around taking nicotine. Not having snus for a day would be a big deal and transform my reality. Addiction, my friend. Besides, even if I was addicted to those drugs you mentioned (and, admittedly, coffee may be border line), what would that have to do with breaking an addiction to nicotine? I love snus. I also love ice tea, but don't need it every day. I would love to make my relationship with snus like ice tea. Impossible? Maybe.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Well, I don't know about you, but I KNOW I am addicted to caffeine. If I have not had any, I will have a nasty headache by mid day. Yes, I absolutely arrange my day to ensure that my caffeine intake is not interrupted. Why I absolutely adore the Elyxr strong (NOT adore the taste, it sucks but...) This has been the greatest addition to my repertoire since I found caffeinated soap last year. Now, I don't have to stress about getting it, and all is good.

      Now pot, never addictive for me. And I have smoked most every day for the past 17 years. But when I have to walk away from it, like right now during my job search, I never notice it's absence. But caffeine, HE** yes I am addicted.


      • Dead Rabbit
        • Mar 2008
        • 315

        Originally posted by sagedil
        Well, I don't know about you, but I KNOW I am addicted to caffeine. If I have not had any, I will have a nasty headache by mid day. Yes, I absolutely arrange my day to ensure that my caffeine intake is not interrupted. Why I absolutely adore the Elyxr strong (NOT adore the taste, it sucks but...) This has been the greatest addition to my repertoire since I found caffeinated soap last year. Now, I don't have to stress about getting it, and all is good.

        Now pot, never addictive for me. And I have smoked most every day for the past 17 years. But when I have to walk away from it, like right now during my job search, I never notice it's absence. But caffeine, HE** yes I am addicted.
        caffeinated soap? thats amazing


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Available at Amazon


          Last year, I was commuting 60 miles each way, and had to leave the house at about 6:30. The soap allowed me to not have to worry about coffee until I got to work. 200 mg caffeine per shower, about equivalent to a cup of coffee. But the Elyxr's do me better. Start getting my caffeine even before I step in the shower.


          • Craig de Tering
            • Nov 2006
            • 525

            Cold turkey took me 10 days.

            Some caveats though:
            I did not plan to quit, it just happened (meaning; I forgot to order and was so pissed off at myself that instead of panicking I just got angrier and somehow decided to keep the snus from myself as punishment (makes sense, right? :-P ).
            After the 10 days I completely forgot about snus.

            Of course, after a while you remember again, especially if you keep reading this place. ;-)

            Another caveat: this same cold-turkey-quitting-in-record-time has happened to me many time before.
            Every time, I didn't plan or think about quitting (cigarettes in this case), it "just" happened. And I've quit the cigs without any withdrawal problems whatsoever for 5 months, 11 months, 16 months etc.

            Every time I returned It was not a cave in (at least I don't consider it such) because there was no craving involved.

            Anyhoo, good luck!


            • Shrewd
              • Feb 2008
              • 118

              My long term plan (over a year from now) is to quit snus - and I'll probably do cold turkey. I'm intentionally waiting a long time so that if I end up addicted to snus it's better than cigs - I need to get rid of all of the triggers for smokes before I'll feel comfortable quitting snus.

              That said, I think it's going to be a very rough road. In an average day I'll have snus in my mouth for probably 13 hours or more of the 18 I'm awake - in total time that's a lot longer than it would take to smoke a pack of cigs (maybe 1.5 hours). I'm sure I'll miss the lump a lot. However I think there is a lot of sense to some people's comments about the delivery mechanism - it is much slower and there isn't the immediate feedback as there is with cigs so I'm guessing that'll help... we'll see...

              Caffeinated soap - I almost pissed myself when I read that! Funny shit (I might have to order that one ). I used to drink around 18 cans of Mt. Dew a day in college, but I've managed to cut down to 2-3 a day (100 - 150mG of caffeine a day, which is less than the 200mG from the soap ). I NEED those 2 cans, but no more. And no - I have no cavities and overall good oral health . I've quit caffeine and smokes cold turkey before, and they both hurt like the devil, but I would say smokes were worse for me.


              • itchystiches
                • Oct 2007
                • 194

                I'm not really too bothered about ever planning to give up snus. I've given up cigarettes before cold turkey, and yes... it was absolute hell. The worst part for me was absolutely crushing headaches that felt like my brain was literally folding inside on itself. Needless to say, I had about 9 months of complete craziness where I was totally ineffective at my work and pretty much in every other area of life also .

                10 months down the line... I was back on the cigs. Well, to cut a long story short, I really started to get concerned about the health effects of smoking. I had an old school friend of mine stuck in the back of my head saying (what he always used to say when we brought up the health subject) "if you give up smoking by the time you're 21, you'll have no increased risk of lung cancer". Got to be bullshit, but as I turned 21 last summer, it was weighing on my mind.

                Then I saw snus in a corner store (just the camel stuff) and saw all the fliers that loitered the streets and thought "hey why not give this a go?"...

                As I see it now, I haven't smoked in a long time and when I have, all I've been thinking is "this is rubbish, i could really use a pril". Seeing as the health effects are negligible and I enjoy tobacco so much, I don't think there is any real necessity to quit (although my Norwegian friends think differently -- They are kinda like Apple on a lot of subjects :P)

                On a bit of a sidenote, as for pot... whole other story. I definitely develop some kind of addiction for it when I smoke everyday, although if I can get over the 3 day hump (i've found melatonin to be very helpful here), it's no problem at all. I think it's more of a psychological dependency than an addiction but it certainly very noticeable at bedtime



                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Originally posted by itchystiches
                  On a bit of a sidenote, as for pot... whole other story. I definitely develop some kind of addiction for it when I smoke everyday, although if I can get over the 3 day hump (i've found melatonin to be very helpful here), it's no problem at all. I think it's more of a psychological dependency than an addiction but it certainly very noticeable at bedtime

                  itchystiches, I see you are in Raleigh, NC too!!

                  I am a LONG term pot smoker. For me at least, as I have gotten older, turning off the switch for pot becomes easier and easier. I am clean for a month now as my last lame ass company decided to suddenly pull the plug on a bunch of us. I had NO issues as I walked away. Miss it every couple of days in a nostalgic sort of way, but that is it. But when I was much younger, closer to your age, yeah, I REALLY missed it the first few days. But over the years, when I had to quit every 2 -3 years, each time really became easier and easier.


                  • itchystiches
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 194

                    Yeah you're right sage I've found as I'm getting older my desire for it is curbing gradually, and I'm certainly gaining that necessary self-control to stop myself just smoking when I have nothing better to do.

                    Haha, yes I lived in Raleigh for most of last year. Amazing city. I've got family up in Philly but to be honest I completely fell in-love with the southern way of life

                    Trying to find employment back in Raleigh now but it's difficult when you're British rather than American. You have to get a job before you get a visa... but, nobody will employ you without a visa... kinda self-denying really :P

                    Anyways, hopefully I should be back in NC come November should employment become available It's good to know some other fellow tokers and snusers in the area though!


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      What line of work are you looking for employment in. Certainly, should I hear of anything close, I would let you know.

                      Definitely let me know if you make it back here, I'd love to get together with a fellow snuser. It is a lonely habit for me, no one I know uses it.

                      I am originally from California. Grew up in Beverly Hills, (and yes, lived in 90210) then went to school at Berkeley and lived in the Bay Area for 11 years. My about to be ex-wife transfered from NC State to Berkeley. 5 years later, right before we got married, I convinced her to move back here. Financially, it just seemed to make sense. That was in 1995, and I have been in love with Raleigh ever since. My girlfriend is living with me here now, and we were talking about moving back to Georgia in 7 months. But now I think she wants to stay. If we can convince her 16 year old to move up here with us, I will never leave.


                      • itchystiches
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 194

                        Well, planning on going from Grad school in the fall when I finish into IT management and analysis roles. Sort of matching business needs with IT function in simple terms.

                        Definitely, would be awesome to know at least somebody local who also snuses. Over here it's like 'what is that?! *pointing at tin*' "ah yes, it's a swedish version of chewing tobacco" 'let me smell --- MATE THAT IS HORRIBLE WTF ARE YOU THINKING?!'.

                        Raleigh is certainly one of the more charismatic cities I've lived in. It's just big enough to have everything you need to live, whilst being small enough to maintain its southern charm and friendliness. I went up to Boston for a week last summer, and even as a first time visitor to Boston I was very happy to get back to the good ol NC


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          LOL, yeah the smell turns people off here too.

                          One of the things that makes Raleigh so magical is the unique demographic mix. 20+ years ago, IBM moved something like 6000 employees from New Jersey to Raleigh. That first influx started an eventual flood. Friends told friends, and eventually, 1/2 of Raleigh's population originally came from up north. The Northerners brought down the cosmopolitan with them. In the 14 years I have been here, I have watched Raleigh go from no good restaurants to now having hundred's of good restaurants. The food available in grocery stores is 100% better. But once the Northerners got here, they are softened up by the Southerners. It is this mix and blending that makes Raleigh so unique.

                          You are working in a field that you should at least have a chance of getting sponsorship. The economy is not as good these days, but we are better off than most. I truly wish you luck. It would be awesome for me to have you here as well.


                          • itchystiches
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 194

                            Yeah you're totally right... it has a perfect blend of all the best parts of southern and northern culture

                            Thanks man, means a lot. Fingers-crossed we will be trading snus come christmas!


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              That would be so awesome. Good luck, and keep me in the loop.


                              • TheInsulator
                                • Oct 2007
                                • 65

                                I'm planning to quit using snus in a couple of months. As soon as my supply runs out. I bought a can of the tobacco free snus just to try it. It's not too bad. I think it might help. I've been off the cigarettes for almost a year thanks to snus but my goal is to be tobacco free some day.


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