Hi, and sorry if this has been up before but,
I play icehockey on a quite high level until now (im 19). And i really wanna be in the best shape an hockeyplayer can be in. But i also really like snus.
And my question is, will snus destroy it? Can i get in really good shape and dont need breath and that, like cigs will do to you, if i use snus?.
of course i wont use snus 30 min before and under a practice/game. ( i practice+game 4-5 days a week ) .
So, will i be in just as good shape if i use snus, as if i dont use snus? thats the only thing i wanna know. If i get exhausted and lose fatigue over time, i wont use snus. so can anyone say to me that snus has nothing to do with my fatigue?
thanks for the help.
I play icehockey on a quite high level until now (im 19). And i really wanna be in the best shape an hockeyplayer can be in. But i also really like snus.
And my question is, will snus destroy it? Can i get in really good shape and dont need breath and that, like cigs will do to you, if i use snus?.
of course i wont use snus 30 min before and under a practice/game. ( i practice+game 4-5 days a week ) .
So, will i be in just as good shape if i use snus, as if i dont use snus? thats the only thing i wanna know. If i get exhausted and lose fatigue over time, i wont use snus. so can anyone say to me that snus has nothing to do with my fatigue?
thanks for the help.