Snus and Oral Hygiene, Gingivitis, Toothpaste, etc

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  • marco1150
    New Member
    • Sep 2007
    • 3

    Snus and Oral Hygiene, Gingivitis, Toothpaste, etc

    Dear gentlemen,

    I am an occasional snus user, but also very careful about health. I have noticed that it is quite controversial whether or not snus causes gingival recess. Somebody has experienced if there really is a connection between the moderate use of snus and gingival alteration/symptoms?

    Thanks to anyone answers.
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    here's a bit I posted in another thread from a research article on the topic :


    Clinical appearance of lesions associated with the use of loose and portion-bag packed Swedish moist snuff: a comparative study

    Gunilla Andersson and Tony Axèll
    Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 18 (1), 2-7.
    doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0714.1989.tb00722.x

    The aim of this study was to register and compare clinical oral mucosal lesions and gingival recessions associated with the use of two different smokeless tobacco products, loose snuff and portion-bag packed snuff. Selected for the study were 252 men (mean age 36.3 yr) of whom 184 (mean age 36.0 yr) used exclusively loose snuff and 68 (mean age 36.9 yr) exclusively portion-bag snuff. Oral mucosal lesions were registered according to a four-grade clinical scale. There was a significantly larger proportion of less pronounced lesions, Degrees 1 and 2, among the users of portion-bag snuff compared with the users of loose snuff. This was also valid when differences in consumption data were considered. Smokeless tobacco-associated gingival recessions were found in 42 (23.5%) subjects among the users of loose snuff and in 2 (2.9%) subjects among the users of portion-bag snuff. The results of this study support previous preliminary assessments that clinical changes of the oral mucosa and the gingival margin are less pronounced among those who use portion-bag snuff than among those who use loose snuff.


    So it would seem that loose snus is about eight times more likely, compared to portions, to cause gingival recessions even when you factor in the amount that is used. Given that even among loose users only 23% of them showed marked gingival pockets, we can guess that those 23% are the heaviest users of snus.

    There was no mention of variations in dental hygene either and it is well known that poor dental hygene can also cause gingival recessions. It could be that, for example, some loose snus users are less likely to brush their teeth than non-snus users, etc. I suspect that if you are good to your teeth that you greatly reduce your risk of developing gingival recessions although heavy snus use, especially loose, seems to contribute some to the risk as well.

    I would say that the best thing to do would be simply to just keep an eye on your teeth and gums and if you start to notice a problem then just give it a rest with the snus for a bit or switch to portions for a while - otherwise, rock on!


    • marco1150
      New Member
      • Sep 2007
      • 3

      Thank you for the interesting answer.
      I could not understand if the gingival recessions mentioned in the study are permanent or not. In a different study (Axell, 1976) I have read that in most cases mouth mucosal inflammations and lesions have healed some days after ceasing snus consumption.


      • alex
        • Jul 2007
        • 226

        Any time I have any gum irritation due to snus, I just switch sides for a day or so to let the other side recooperate. This doesn't seem to happen anymore, but it used to happen when I first started.


        • marco1150
          New Member
          • Sep 2007
          • 3

          Thank you,
          did you notice any gum recession yet? Since when are you using snus?


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            I notice the "lesions". They're just dry and leathery patches of skin, made so by the salt and alkaline soda in the snus. They go away, though, no big deal. I've not noticed gingival recessions. I think good dental hygiene is all one needs.


            • alex
              • Jul 2007
              • 226

              I went ahead and looked up "lesion" in the wikipedia ( to make sure I had the definition correct, and yes the dry patch could be considered a "lesion" - although i think the connotation is a little negative. The dry patch doesn't seem to be an issue, and it's never been an open sore or had bleeding at all (compared to american oral tobacco). It also goes away within a day or so of not using snus or switching position.

              I have no gum recession, but I should note I have only been an everyday user for around a month. I would agree with Zero in saying as long as you stick with good oral hygiene, there should be no serious change in oral health.


              • RealmofOpeth
                • May 2007
                • 407

                i did a google image search for mucosal lesions and man they aren't pretty.

                i think i read somewhere they don't go away either if they get to be bad enough.
                when i first started about 5 months ago..i got major canker sores above the canine teeth....upon my last usage (3 months ago) the skin under my lip at the time was real scrotum-like....real stretched/wrinkly looking, slightly less color to it but i noticed veins starting to appear. but since then it has sort of recovered...but not gone away..
                either way, i'll likely have to restart my 'breaking-in' process after i get my new shipment...i hate that shit! hurts like a bitch.


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  I haven't had any mouth problems thus far with snus. The most I've gotten was a slight rough patch on the inside right side of my upper lip, but it went away within a day after I switched to the left side. I've been using the left almost exclusively as of late and I've had no problems.

                  I still get the occasional canker sore (I drink A LOT of somewhat acidic fruit juices and so they just come with the territory sometimes) but never anywhere close to the front of my mouth.

                  And personally, the stuff barely burned, even the very first time I used it. Who knows? Maybe your mouth is just more sensitive to it or something.

                  I also hear that portions are easier on the gums and mouth. If you use loose, you might want to try portions. I still have yet to try loose though, so don't take my word for it.


                  • Subtilo
                    • Dec 2006
                    • 524

                    Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                    I also hear that portions are easier on the gums and mouth. If you use loose, you might want to try portions. I still have yet to try loose though, so don't take my word for it.
                    Hm, some people actually consider the portions (especially the white ones) to be 'worse' than loose. Never had any problems myself and I use both, but I can - in theory - picture the dry teabag material creating sore spots if it's poked around too much.

                    As mentioned elsewhere in here, I'm a big fan of the so-called 'burning sensation', but it's been a while since I've had it. I can sort of work it up again when 'sparing' one side for a while, but I guess I gotta accept that's it's never gone be that same virgin-like stinging again (yeah, I know, that sounded a bit odd).


                    • Soft Morning, City!
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 772


                      Yes, the white portions did the most irritation to my gums at first. Not much, but if I tried moving one around after just putting it in, it would briefly rasp my gum. Still, nothing even approaching pain. More like an extremely mild discomfort for about a minute or two before the drip began.

                      I really do prefer the original portions though. I still don't really understand the white portions. I mean, they sort of taste the same, but there's a lack of moisture... and the moisture is what really attracts me to snus. When you throw in an original portion and that drip begins... a true approximation of heaven if there ever was one. The whites are alright and I won't complain about them if they're all I've got on hand, but still, original is the way to go.

                      Do I have it right? Is the only difference between the two simply lack of moisture and a different bag material?

                      Oh, and an afterthought... I don't mind the Roda Lacket White Portions at all for some reason. They don't seem nearly as dry as, say, a Tre Ankare White.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!

                        I really do prefer the original portions though. I still don't really understand the white portions. I mean, they sort of taste the same, but there's a lack of moisture... and the moisture is what really attracts me to snus. When you throw in an original portion and that drip begins... a true approximation of heaven if there ever was one. The whites are alright and I won't complain about them if they're all I've got on hand, but still, original is the way to go.

                        Do I have it right? Is the only difference between the two simply lack of moisture and a different bag material?
                        I agree, I like the snus less and less as the moisture content drops. I think the bags are the same material, you just notice the texture more because of the lack of lubrication. Here's what I think the lineup is:

                        Original- juicy and delicious
                        White- Dryer, and not quite as delicious
                        Dry- The driest of the lot, takes forever to get the flavor going, but it keeps in storage longer than the other types.


                        • Craig de Tering
                          • Nov 2006
                          • 525

                          If I recall correctly, the whole "white portions" thing started when snus use started increasing with the increasing smoking bans everywhere a couple of years ago.
                          These whites are to have snus appeal to more people who would never consider putting a yucky looking baggie in their mouth that looks like a wet cigarette stub. Plus they supposedly drip less which is a plus to people who just don't like the acrid taste in their throats.


                          • Soft Morning, City!
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 772

                            Going back a bit on my original statement, there are a few white portions that I actually enjoy a lot. But when I put them in, I flip them around quite a bit to get some saliva in them so the drip starts sooner. The ones I like are:

                            -Roda Lacket White Portion. Only comes in white, so I've no choice other than the loose. These are still pretty moist though. However, if they came in original portions, I'd be on those like white on rice.

                            -Goteborgs Rape White (no. 1 & 2). Same drill with these. I love 'em to death, but if they came in originals, I wouldn't be able to resist.

                            -Lucky Strike White. I like the L.S. original portions WAY better, but these are okay nonetheless.

                            -Tre Ankare. Of all of these, this is the one I could do without, but the flavor is nice. Just takes longer to get the flavor going compared to the ones above.

                            Those "dry" portions though... I don't think I'll ever be able to get into those.


                            • Gangleri
                              New Member
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 3

                              Just thought I'd mention that my dentist told me to swap snus-side every so often, and I shouldn't have any problems - especially as snus helps stop cavities.
                              She said a much bigger problem was that most people brush their teeth too hard- now THAT causes some gum shrinkage!

                              It should be pointed out I live in Sweden, so my dentist sees a LOT of snus:ers.


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