Snus and Oral Hygiene, Gingivitis, Toothpaste, etc

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  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    The pH in Swedish snus actually creates an environment in your mouth that is unfavorable for dental caries to grow. Dental caries are the culprits that cause real dental issues. Swedish snus doesn't contain sugar, which is the MAIN culprit in American dip/chew that causes your teeth to fall out. The ONLY negative impact Swedish snus can have on oral hygiene is the potential for your gums to recede. However, you can also cause your gums to recede by brushing your teeth to vigorously, and some people just have a genetic predisposition for gum recession. So Swedish snus in my opinion is a non issue or even a positive when it comes to dental health.


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      Snus certainly hasn't been bad for my teeth. Since I've been using my dentist has said my teeth have been damn near the best she's seen.


      • jdman321
        Banned Users
        • Mar 2011
        • 616

        This is all great news and comforting haha. I was more paranoid with my teeth falling out with this than lung cancer with smoking. Stupid I know, but having dental work done is number one on my fear chart. I've had some fillings, no big deal, I mean the real dental work.

        I take care of my gums, that's for sure. Floss, mouthwash, brush with a special fluoride toothpaste all twice a day. I have some minor gingivitis but that is improving ever since I stopped smoking, and so far snus doesn't seem to prevent my gums from becoming normal again.

        I say drinking soda is FAR worse for your teeth than snus then. Good thing I gave up soda The only sugary drink I have is my morning coffee. Normally 1 or 2 mugs. The rest of the day it's strictly milk, (sometimes chocolate milk), water, flavored water with no added sugar, and orange juice.

        The best decision I've made in a while besides giving up smoking is giving up soda. I used to drink about 6 cans a day, that's how I got 7 cavities. Had those filled and never looked back at that shit AKA soda.


        • russki
          • Jan 2011
          • 464

          Originally posted by jdman321 View Post
          This is all great news and comforting haha. I was more paranoid with my teeth falling out with this than lung cancer with smoking. Stupid I know, but having dental work done is number one on my fear chart. I've had some fillings, no big deal, I mean the real dental work.

          I take care of my gums, that's for sure. Floss, mouthwash, brush with a special fluoride toothpaste all twice a day. I have some minor gingivitis but that is improving ever since I stopped smoking, and so far snus doesn't seem to prevent my gums from becoming normal again.

          I say drinking soda is FAR worse for your teeth than snus then. Good thing I gave up soda The only sugary drink I have is my morning coffee. Normally 1 or 2 mugs. The rest of the day it's strictly milk, (sometimes chocolate milk), water, flavored water with no added sugar, and orange juice.

          The best decision I've made in a while besides giving up smoking is giving up soda. I used to drink about 6 cans a day, that's how I got 7 cavities. Had those filled and never looked back at that shit AKA soda.
          I'm on the same boat... I was worried about my teeth and gums when switching to snus as well... even though I knew smoking was much worse. I've only been snusing about 4-5 months now, but I have definitely seen major improvement with my teeth, and most notably my gums. I was told I had the beginning signs of gingivitis a few years back when I was still smoking, and it was noticeable upon inspection of my gums. Since I have been snusing, my gums look and feel much better, and my teeth are getting whiter. In particular, my gums no longer bleed on occasion, they feel and look stronger, and the don't look nearly as bad as they did when I smoked.

          I snus pretty much all day, going through anywhere from 6-9 portions a day (including prillas), leaving portions/prillas in anywhere from 1-2 hours at a time. I brush regularly twice a day, floss once before bed and use mouthwash. I have only seen my teeth and gums get better everyday.

          I do, however, fear going to the dentist as well. I plan on making my first visit with them in a few weeks or so, previously having not gone for about 2-3 years. I have nice teeth, although I am expecting to need a deep cleaning, or some other procedures done (I'm one of those prepare for the worst AND expect the worst kind of guys). Either way, I am actually kind of excited about getting my oral hygiene back on track. When I smoked, that was the last thing on my mind...


          • charmando
            • Oct 2010
            • 151

            My dentist noticed that my mucous membranes on the lip were irritated. I didn't feel like explaining swedish snus so i just made up some excuse about using too much peroxide. My gums don't look so bad my teeth definitely aren't getting any whiter. Then again I snus mostly thunder pouches which seem to produce alot of dark juice and often fall asleep with a snus in. What are you guys snusing though? Long portions are better for gums as they don't rub up on the gum line or fold ur portion in half.


            • russki
              • Jan 2011
              • 464

              Originally posted by charmando
              My dentist noticed that my mucous membranes on the lip were irritated. I didn't feel like explaining swedish snus so i just made up some excuse about using too much peroxide. My gums don't look so bad my teeth definitely aren't getting any whiter. Then again I snus mostly thunder pouches which seem to produce alot of dark juice and often fall asleep with a snus in. What are you guys snusing though? Long portions are better for gums as they don't rub up on the gum line or fold ur portion in half.
              I found the same thing with Thunder, the juice seems to be much darker and almost of some off consistency I have never had with other snus, I don't think it is the consistency but I'm not sure how to describe it... Particularly with the portions ( I've only had this problem with Thunder Long + Strong frosted, have only tried a handful of their portion products), haven't noticed it with the los. I wonder if anyone else has noticed something similar? Also wonder if it has to do with the fact that there is more bacteria in Thunder as opposed to say SM products.

              I use a large variety of different snus on any given day, usually have 8-10 cans open in the fridge. Mostly use long portions at work, occasional WP, and usually los or OP at home.


              • Kstolen23
                • Feb 2011
                • 281

                Is it me or is Snus some kind of super drug that has more pros than cons. . . ?


                • jdman321
                  Banned Users
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 616

                  I'm still somewhat new to snus and it all seems too good to be true, but I'll take snus over smoking ANY DAY. I'm glad I stopped smoking, even if it was for another way of getting nicotine. Smoking is bad for your teeth, and your lungs. So far snus seems to have a slight risk of gum recession in some users, while pancreatic cancer risks only jumps to 8/100,000 instead of 4...I can live with that risk.

                  And yeah I didn't go to the dentist for about 5-6 years, because I hate it..but I figured I HAD to go and finally did earlier this month. 7 cavities, all of which were between teeth. I didn't floss I'll admit, but I make damn sure I do now. Between 2 weeks ago and now (after deep cleaning and continued better oral hygiene) my gums are A LOT better, no pain whatsoever. I do have to get a root canal however, but that's because my very back tooth basically broke in half while I was eating about a month ago. Their special mouthwash and toothpaste were a godsend.

                  And at least the Navy can fix my teeth right up!


                  • heders
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 2227

                    Snus is actually good for your teeth since it has a high PH (basic). Damages come when the mouths environment is acidic (low in PH). Snus may however discolor your teeth, but as for the health of the teeth, there is no real danger with snus use.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by jdman321 View Post

                      I say drinking soda is FAR worse for your teeth than snus then. Good thing I gave up soda The only sugary drink I have is my morning coffee. Normally 1 or 2 mugs. The rest of the day it's strictly milk, (sometimes chocolate milk), water, flavored water with no added sugar, and orange juice.

                      The best decision I've made in a while besides giving up smoking is giving up soda. I used to drink about 6 cans a day, that's how I got 7 cavities. Had those filled and never looked back at that shit AKA soda.
                      Milk and orange juice aren't so great for your teeth. Orange juice especially has a sugar content that rivals soda. Give unsweetened tea a try. It can take a bit of time to get used to after drinking sugary drinks, but like snus, the subtle flavors grow on you, and become more distinct over time. I mix green, black, and oolong with flavored herb teas from Celestial Seasonings, and other companies. That changes things up, and keeps it interesting. My favorite is probably straight Earl Grey. If you have a BigLots near you, they often get tea at very good prices. It takes 4 teabags to make 2L with my brewing method. Very economical.

                      I also like seltzer water. I drink Gerolsteiner plain water and various flavored water, never with sweetener of any kind. Store brands of flavored water are very good, and quite cheap.

                      For the OP, my mouth has been much better since starting snus. I got a little bit of recession right away, but it's been stable for over a year now. Hell, that might have just been me getting old :^D


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        I have mouth concerns, but my mouth issues existed before I did snus. I think it's blood sugar, and hard brushing. I have switched to soft brushing, though I haven't been able to control my diet as I'd prefer to, which has resulted in some gum recession. Plus I'm 43, and smoked maybe 20 years.


                        • Snus Girl
                          New Member
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 14

                          Heard you could even get whitening snus before... anyone knows if that is true? Find that kinda funny


                          • russki
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 464

                            Originally posted by jdman321 View Post
                            I'm still somewhat new to snus and it all seems too good to be true, but I'll take snus over smoking ANY DAY. I'm glad I stopped smoking, even if it was for another way of getting nicotine. Smoking is bad for your teeth, and your lungs. So far snus seems to have a slight risk of gum recession in some users, while pancreatic cancer risks only jumps to 8/100,000 instead of 4...I can live with that risk.

                            And yeah I didn't go to the dentist for about 5-6 years, because I hate it..but I figured I HAD to go and finally did earlier this month. 7 cavities, all of which were between teeth. I didn't floss I'll admit, but I make damn sure I do now. Between 2 weeks ago and now (after deep cleaning and continued better oral hygiene) my gums are A LOT better, no pain whatsoever. I do have to get a root canal however, but that's because my very back tooth basically broke in half while I was eating about a month ago. Their special mouthwash and toothpaste were a godsend.

                            And at least the Navy can fix my teeth right up!
                            Did you just get a regular cleaning, or did you actually have the deep cleaning procedure done, as in anesthetic and cleaning below the gum line in the pockets of each tooth? I'm curious how it went if you did... Not sure if i'll need that or not, but I will probably get everything I need done taken care of since I am still on my parents healthcare for a few more years.


                            • enojy
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 150

                              A cool tidbit about snus and teeth: I've never had braces, and my canines grew in a way that caused them to slightly overlap my incisors (front-most teeth.) Having a portion in place directly above the canine on one side acted as a gentle brace, and has straightened my canines back into place!


                              • internope
                                • Oct 2010
                                • 215

                                Originally posted by danielan View Post
                                Northerner Purified used to claim some whitening effects on the can when it was called "Oomph".

                                It doesn't stain. I don't know if I believe that it whitens though... I didn't for me in any noticeable way. But, then again... I'm not sure I expect my snus to whiten my teeth.
                                I think those claims are due to the use of Xylitol sweetener. My can of Boost here reads "Keeps Breath and Teeth always fresh". The Xylitol chewing gums make similar claims.


                                For some reason General Wintergreen seems to make my teeth hurt sometimes, but I haven't noticed any increased sensitivity from other snus. I suspect that as long as you brush and floss well and don't let stray bits of los stay between your teeth trapping other stuff that there is little harm.


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