Snus and Oral Hygiene, Gingivitis, Toothpaste, etc

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    Originally posted by Snus Girl View Post
    Heard you could even get whitening snus before... anyone knows if that is true? Find that kinda funny
    that would be intersting, a snus with whitening properties :^)

    My dentist told me that snus can deteriorate the teeth badly in time... even worse than cigarettes.

    And I already got like 6 teeth missing because of smoking :^)

    I think a proper hygiene would have saved my teeth though.... brushing 2 - 3 times a day.... not drinking alcohol (alcohol also affects the teeth) ... and eating properly.

    A lack in the diet can affect the teeth, I used to go days without eating properly but smoking and drinking coffee


    • jdman321
      Banned Users
      • Mar 2011
      • 616

      I got both the deep cleaning below the gum line and the polishing, regular cleaning done. The first time they cleaned it doing the deep cleaning, hurt VERY badly and my gums were in so much pain, I had to jerk my head back a few times.

      The next week they did the same thing to see if the pain was gone, and I honestly couldn't even tell she was poking around at my gums. Felt SO much better, well worth all the stress!


      • nicodude
        • Jan 2011
        • 688

        I refuse to go to the dentist anymore. I used to go, but then found out that the place I was going to had an incident where they told a friend of mine he had two cavities that needed filling, and when he went to another place that does sedation dental work, they told him he didn't have any cavities. They were just trying to get money out of him.

        Besides, I don't pay much attention to it, I mean I brush twice a day, and use rinse but thats about it. My mouth is alot healthier since I stopped chewing, so thats good enough for me.


        • AtreyuKun
          • Aug 2009
          • 1223

          I'm really worried about gum recession. I doubt it's the snus, but I have noticed my gums receding slightly. It's a bit disconcerting.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by AtreyuKun View Post
            I'm really worried about gum recession. I doubt it's the snus, but I have noticed my gums receding slightly. It's a bit disconcerting.
            Gums tend to recede as you age. If it's only where you put your snus, there's a good chance the snus is causing it. If it's all over your mouth, I'd say the cause is elsewhere.


            • AtreyuKun
              • Aug 2009
              • 1223

              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
              Gums tend to recede as you age. If it's only where you put your snus, there's a good chance the snus is causing it. If it's all over your mouth, I'd say the cause is elsewhere.
              No. I guess I'm just an old ****er. Damn.


              • thekabsin
                New Member
                • May 2011
                • 9

                Originally posted by russki
                I found the same thing with Thunder, the juice seems to be much darker and almost of some off consistency I have never had with other snus, I don't think it is the consistency but I'm not sure how to describe it... Particularly with the portions ( I've only had this problem with Thunder Long + Strong frosted, have only tried a handful of their portion products), haven't noticed it with the los. I wonder if anyone else has noticed something similar? Also wonder if it has to do with the fact that there is more bacteria in Thunder as opposed to say SM products.

                I use a large variety of different snus on any given day, usually have 8-10 cans open in the fridge. Mostly use long portions at work, occasional WP, and usually los or OP at home.
                I have never had a cavity and I am crazy about my teeth. I am pretty sure the wisdom teeth that are not impacted do more damage to my mouth than the obnoxious amount of snus I use. Well maybe not amount but I really only take it out for food or sex and even then some times I just let it fly. I have noticed some staining but it is only when I snus while drinking things like dark beers, iced tea, espresso, and soda. Thunder snus, especially the wintergreen, frosted, and berry portions stain my teeth badly. They are not permanent stains as I brush and floss nightly and inspect my mouf all good and well. I am glad some one mentioned it. I actually freaked out the first time I saw it because it looked like a hole or like my tooth was breaking. After that experience I make sure I clean my mouth after Thunder portions more so than with "other" brands. The darkness between my teeth made it look like I had "skeleton teeth." If that can give you some sort of image. The drip from Thunder can be quite a mouth filler so I think that has a lot to do with it. I have never had a problem with the Coola or the normal portions. I try to keep the purified snus next to my bedside or under my pillows for sleepy time snus just in case I already brushed my teeth or fall asleep with one in. I am prone to doing that. I have my own "designated pillows" that my girlfriend surprisingly and luckily for me tolerates. They look like I have had many bloody noses in my sleep, haha. Although I am not too crazy about the purified snus(it is basically the nicorette of snus) it does serve a purpose in my daily life. The Wine and Dine is good for when I am drinking especially wine or absinthe and the Citrus/Menthol is good for when I am going out for "nicer" occasions where the most discreet mini General or Goteburg would not suit. Would not want any mishaps on that white shirt, especially while removing your portion. Snus is a good conversation piece especially when you pull out a purified, whitening portion. People go nuts over the spitless, ashtray, and foreign aspect of it. Never mind the benefits that are never associated with tobacco use. I always make sure to stay discreet and do not wish to bring attention to it but when I am caught or asked I am more than happy to discuss. I love my habit and after a few years of "snusing" and not smoking I am still confident in the product and have no regrets. Not to say that there are no downsides like ordering, shipping, running out, waiting. From a health perspective I do like my caffeine as well so my blood pressure is probably sky high for my age and my mouth can be tender at times. I all so brush my teeth too hard thinking that my mouth will be cleaner, something I have always done. Cigarettes caused more damage to my gums combined with brushing than snus could ever cause in a life time.


                • Kaplan
                  • May 2011
                  • 203

                  I take care of my teeth, but smoking stains your teeth bad! So I would assume snus is far better in that regard. I worry about increased sensitivity (it's a small worry at this point) and I drink red wine. I am a little concerned that since red wine can be bad for your teeth, the snus would make it worse. Any thoughts...? I've even switched tooth paste, to one that is supposed to help your teeth's enamel. I do wonder if drinking wine, or any acidic drink, while snusing affects the absorption of the nicotine. I haven't really noticed it, so I guess it doesn't matter much then.

                  And I'm amazed at how so many of you fall asleep with a snus in. I'd be afraid of it slipping down and choking me.


                  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 7035

                    Originally posted by Kaplan View Post
                    I take care of my teeth, but smoking stains your teeth bad! So I would assume snus is far better in that regard. I worry about increased sensitivity (it's a small worry at this point) and I drink red wine. I am a little concerned that since red wine can be bad for your teeth, the snus would make it worse. Any thoughts...? I've even switched tooth paste, to one that is supposed to help your teeth's enamel. I do wonder if drinking wine, or any acidic drink, while snusing affects the absorption of the nicotine. I haven't really noticed it, so I guess it doesn't matter much then.

                    And I'm amazed at how so many of you fall asleep with a snus in. I'd be afraid of it slipping down and choking me.
                    Swedish snus is good for your teeth ... One thing is it is good against caries


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                      Swedish snus is good for your teeth ... One thing is it is good against caries
                      Your kidding right?


                      • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 7035

                        Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                        Your kidding right?
                        Just Do not tell me that you Did not know it


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                          Your kidding right?
                          I'd say that's pretty accurate, with 1 caveat. Snus has a fairly high ph, which will counteract the acids that are damaging to teeth. The caveat is if you get gum recession bad, that could leave unenameled tooth exposed, which would be more susceptible to rot. I'm not sure how that shakes out with having a high ph substance over the unenameled tooth, it might not be bad if you're conscientious about brushing, but it is a consideration.


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            For some reason that sounded too good to be true!


                            • desirexe
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 1170

                              For the past couple of years I have used snus upper-left probably 90% of the time, my last dentist appt was for a cavity in a lower-right molar...the place furthest away from where I mainly use snus! So I am sold on the whole snus preventing bacteria statements. The other benefit from snus is that it has made me pretty picky about my teeth, so using has made me step up my oral hygiene. I never miss a day of flossing, brushing at least twice daily, nightly swish with xylitol based mouthwash and weekly waterpik cleansing. As for dental exams..I only go when I know there is a problem, such as with the cavity. That was the first time I had seen a dentist in appx 4 years.


                              • c.nash
                                Banned Users
                                • May 2010
                                • 3511

                                Honestly... I have pretty good teeth (didn't have a cavity until I was 21). And I never used to brush twice a day or floss.
                                I brushed once a day and that was it.
                                Since I've started using snus and other oral tobaccos I have started using mouthwash with my morning brush and have tried to get into the habit of brushing before bed. Which I do probably 3-4 times a week. Hoping to get that to everyday. Along with flossing a couple times a week.
                                Not that I'm really worries because my dental health hasn't really declines but I am noticing a little staining occasionally which eventually seems to go away in a few days. I have one took that seems to be slightly darker than the rest though, but I hope to get that fixed next time I visit the dentist. Which reminds me, I need to schedule an appointment.


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